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The Edinburgh Research Partnership in Engineering and Mathematics Heriot-Watt University EH14 4AS University of Edinburgh EH9 3LA ECOSSE.

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Presentation on theme: "The Edinburgh Research Partnership in Engineering and Mathematics Heriot-Watt University EH14 4AS University of Edinburgh EH9 3LA ECOSSE."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Edinburgh Research Partnership in Engineering and Mathematics Heriot-Watt University EH14 4AS University of Edinburgh EH9 3LA ECOSSE Subsurface Science and Engineering Vision Earth’s subsurface provides many of the resources that we require – energy, water, minerals and a storage capacity. It is also the source of major threats, such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and rapidly-releasable greenhouse gases and stored contaminants. To tackle these problems requires an integrated and quantitative study of the fundamental scientific processes involved and an understanding of the practical measures that can be undertaken to secure energy supply and mitigate hazards, while at the same time minimising our impact on the planet. To combine expertise in subsurface Science and Engineering to tackle some of the major challenges facing society in energy, environment and resource management. To generate new understanding about the physical, chemical, structural, hydraulic, and transport processes operating in the Earth’s subsurface, and to apply the results into practical applications that address societal needs, including resource exploitation, environmental protection, and amelioration of threats arising from natural and man-made processes. Mission 1. Carbon Storage Objectives 2. Carbonate Reservoirs 3. Reservoir Imaging 4. Sub-surface Geosystems 5. Reservoir modelling 6. Enabling Technology Using multidisciplinary skills associated with subsurface exploration and reservoir management to ameliorate climate change through subsurface storage. Establishing a major centre of excellence in understanding and managing carbonate reservoirs (now containing some 60% of the world’s proven oil and gas reserves) and aquifers (a primary source of potable water in many arid areas). Developing revolutionary new science and technology to enable the subsurface to be explored and monitored using geophysical data. This involves detecting and quantifying new rock and pore fluid properties, constraining currently detected properties with greater certainty, and informing advanced geological interpretation. Developing and improving our understanding of petroleum systems to enhance petroleum recovery, especially in the UK Continental Shelf. Combining expertise to locate and quantify new exploration, appraisal and development opportunities. Improving the accuracy and utility of forecasting the response of subsurface reservoirs to changes induced by engineering practice. Integrating expertise in numerical modelling and data analysis, with a key aim being to quantify and reduce uncertainty. Providing state-of-the art integrated International-standard facilities for supporting analytical, experimental and numerical research. A big challenge is the fact that carbonates and reservoir cap rocks are often difficult materials to handle and maintain experimental control at appropriate pressures and temperatures. Thematic Programmes Exemplar Projects RESURGE aims to use novel statistical forecasting techniques to improve reservoir modelling and understanding of the effects of geo- mechanics, with funding from the DBERR, Schlumberger, and Reservoir Dynamics Ltd. (£432k). The Scottish Carbon Capture and Storage Consortium of 8 industrial sponsors is a membership grouping where annual fees provide support for ECOSSE PhD studentships and develop two-way Knowledge Transfer links (£450k).

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