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KSTA Fall Conference November 2, 2013 Translating Current Lessons to Meet the Vision of the NGSS.

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Presentation on theme: "KSTA Fall Conference November 2, 2013 Translating Current Lessons to Meet the Vision of the NGSS."— Presentation transcript:

1 KSTA Fall Conference November 2, 2013 Translating Current Lessons to Meet the Vision of the NGSS

2 Session Goals Analyze practices and identify distinguishing characteristics for each grade band. Begin to develop a shared vision of the practices in action. Analyze grade level specific activities to determine usability and make modifications needed to meet the vision of the NGSS.

3 The framework is designed to help realize a vision for education in the sciences and engineering in which students, over multiple years of school, actively engage in science and engineering practices and apply crosscutting concepts to deepen their understanding of the core ideas in these fields. A Framework for K-12 Science Education p. 1-2 A New Vision of Science Learning that Leads to a New Vision of Teaching

4 “…students cannot fully understand scientific and engineering ideas without engaging in the practices of inquiry and the discourses by which such ideas are developed and refined. At the same time, they cannot learn or show competence in practices except in the context of specific content.” – A Framework for K-12 Science Education, pg. 218

5 Standards: Nexus of 3 Dimensions Not separate treatment of “content” and “inquiry” (No “Chapter 1”) Curriculum and instruction needs to do more than present and assess scientific ideas – they need to involve learners in using scientific practices to develop and apply the scientific ideas. Core Ideas Practices Crosscutting Concepts

6 Session Goals Analyze practices and identify distinguishing characteristics for each grade band. Begin to develop a shared vision of the practices in action. Analyze grade level specific activities to determine usability and make modifications needed to meet the vision of the NGSS.

7 Practice Matrix Jigsaw Number off 1 – 8 Read the Practice that corresponds to your number Identify the key distinguishing features for each grade band for your practice. Use the description summary frame to craft a 2 min. elevator speech that describes your Practice to share with your group. What are some implications for selecting activities and materials to meet the vision of the NGSS?

8 Practice Matrix Jigsaw

9 Guiding Principles Students in K-12 should engage in all of the eight practices over each grade band. Practices grow in complexity and sophistication across the grades. Each practice may reflect science or engineering. Practices represent what students are expected to do, and are not teaching methods or curriculum. The eight practices are not separate; they intentionally overlap and interconnect. Performance expectations focus on some but not all capabilities associated with a practice. Science and Engineering Practices

10 Session Goals Analyze practices and identify distinguishing characteristics for each grade band. Begin to develop a shared vision of the practices in action. Analyze grade level specific activities to determine usability and make modifications needed to meet the vision of the NGSS.

11 Video Analysis Watch a video of a 5 th grade classroom Working individually, identify the practices being utilized by the students (including the grade band) Jot down specific evidence to support your claim. Share your thinking with a partner. – Were there any discrepancies between you?

12 The Three Spheres of Activity for Scientists and Engineers

13 Session Goals Analyze practices and identify distinguishing characteristics for each grade band. Begin to develop a shared vision of the practices in action. Analyze grade level specific activities to determine usability and make modifications needed to meet the vision of the NGSS.

14 Identify PE Determine student role in most of the activity Examine the SEP with respect to the activity Consider the XCC Determine modifications needed Overview of the Process

15 Activity Analysis Work in grade level groups to examine the sample activities with respect the identified topic. Use the “Translating Current Lessons” organizer to help you analyze the activity to determine if it meets the vision of the NGSS.

16 Activity Analysis Focus Question: Does the activity help students achieve the Performance Expectation? Claim Evidence/Justification Next steps/Modifications

17 Any education that focuses predominantly on the detailed products of scientific labor – the facts of science – without developing an understanding of how those facts were established or that ignores the many important applications of science in the world misrepresents science and marginalizes the importance of engineering. – A Framework for K-12 Science Education, pg. 43

18 Session Goals Analyze practices and identify distinguishing characteristics for each grade band. Begin to develop a shared vision of the practices in action. Analyze grade level specific activities to determine usability and make modifications needed to meet the vision of the NGSS.

19 Contact Information Diane Johnson – – Susan Mayo – –

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