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CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF RICHMOND Vicariate Inter-Parish Leadership Meeting Fall, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF RICHMOND Vicariate Inter-Parish Leadership Meeting Fall, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF RICHMOND Vicariate Inter-Parish Leadership Meeting Fall, 2007

2 “ to live is to change and to live well is to change often” Cardinal Newman

3 “I believe the Holy Spirit is leading us to move from a focus on individual parishes and church buildings and to build a new model of church focused on inter-parish collaboration to strengthen and renew the lived expression of Church.” Most Rev. Francis X. DiLorenzo Bishop of Richmond

4 Our Challenge Nationally and Locally # of Catholics are increasing # of priests/religious are declining Age of current priests/religious will accelerate this decline

5 Our Challenge – demographic changes 1995-2005 United States # Priests: -13% # Parishes: -2% # Catholics: +13% parishes sharing priests: 44% Diocese of Richmond # Priests: -25% (-53) # Parishes: +4% (+6) # Catholics: +34% (+55,932) parishes sharing priests: 49%

6 Our Challenge Catholic Diocese of Richmond We estimate a net decrease of 18-22 priests from 2007 to 2012 Current practice of reactive solutions during priest assignment process is not optimal

7 Purpose of Strategic Plan To proactively and comprehensively address the challenge of moving from a one-pastor-one-parish expectation, to a new model of church focused on broad inter- parish collaboration, with parish participation in the planning process.

8 Product 5 year plan describing new models of inter- parish collaboration to implement between 2008-2013 Changes in parish staffing to accommodate priest reductions Changes in parish structure to support staffing changes (cluster models) Other changes to help us better serve through inter-parish collaboration (shared ministries) Upon completion, work will begin to prepare staff /parishioners before the changes occur

9 Planning Values Highlights Honest, realistic AND led by the Holy Spirit Maximize parishioner understanding and involvement Decrease in priests will be supported by an increase in paid professional ministers

10 Planning Values Highlights Priests celebrate no more than 3 Sunday/vigil masses; extreme necessity allows 4 but no more than 3/day Sunday Eucharist can be on another day with Bishop approval Sunday Celebration in the Absence of Priest can be used in cases of extreme need

11 Organizational Chart

12 Process and timeline Pre-Planning (March – Aug 2007) Develop Planning Guidelines and Resources; collect data Determine Local Planning Areas Form Local Planning Committees (pastor/2 reps per parish and campus ministers) Raise awareness of challenge and process

13 Process and timeline Phase 1 – Gather Ideas and Generate Options (Sept–Dec 2007)  Gather parish leadership ideas on inter-parish collaboration Planning Commission reviews ideas and drafts options Ideas/options sent to Local Planning Committees

14 Process and timeline Phase 2 – Develop Draft Local Plans (Jan – May 2008) Local Planning Committees draft Local Plans  Meet with parishes and with parish leadership for feedback Local Planning Committees revise plans based on feedback Submit draft plans to Commission

15 Process and timeline Phase 3 – Review and Approve Local Plans (June – August 2008) Planning Commission reviews and recommends changes if necessary If Local Planning Committee cannot agree to plan, Commission will develop plan with Local Planning Committee input

16 Process and timeline Phase 3 - continued Bishop approves Local Plans Communicate/distribute Local Plans Develop Implementation Strategy

17 Diocesan Pastoral Planning Commission Design process; collect data; group parishes into Local Planning Areas Mar-Aug 2007 ~ Pre-Planning: Prepare to Plan

18 Parishes Brainstorm ideas on staffing and inter parish collaboration Diocesan Pastoral Planning Commission Considers ideas; develop options for each Local Planning Area Local Planning Committees (Pastor/Pastoral Coordinator + 2 reps per parish, Campus Ministers) Consider ideas/options and draft Local Plans Parishes Review and comment on the draft Local Plans Local Planning Committees Consider comments; revise draft Local Plans Sept-Dec 2007 ~ Phase 1: Gather Ideas and Generate Options Jan-May 2008 ~ Phase 2: Develop Drafts of Local Plans

19 Diocesan Pastoral Planning Commission Reviews draft Local Plans; makes recommendations to Bishop for approval Diocesan Pastoral Planning Commission and Local Planning Committees Prepare parishes for new models of inter-parish collaboration Jun-Nov 2008 ~ Phase 3: Review and Approve Local Plans Jan 2009 ~ Begin Local Plan Implementation

20 Closing Web-site: Pray for our diocese as parish leaders gather to discuss and discover new areas for sharing gifts and resources among parishes … for peace and unity which is a sign of God’s presence among us.

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