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Constitutional and Implied Powers of the Executive Branch

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1 Constitutional and Implied Powers of the Executive Branch
Presidential Powers Constitutional and Implied Powers of the Executive Branch

2 Presidential Oath of Office
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” - Constitution of the United States Article II Section 8

3 Used by the president to fulfill the role of chief executive
Executive Powers Used by the president to fulfill the role of chief executive

4 Ordinance Power Constitutional Authority Executive Orders
May issue “commands” or “orders” Used to run the Executive Branch “The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America” Constitution of the United States, Article I Section 1 Executive Orders Have the weight of law Do not have to be approved by any other branch or person Lacks checks/balances Can be issued quickly Not have to go through entire legislative process

5 Government Positions Can remove appointees Ambassadors Cabinet members
Appointing Power Removal Power Ambassadors Cabinet members Federal judges Heads of agencies Military officers Can remove appointees Does not need legislative approval High ranking officials and executive officers Applies only to people within the Executive branch Or agencies/departments that are subordinate to the Executive branch

6 Military and Diplomatic Powers
Used to fulfill the roles of commander in chief And Chief diplomat

7 International Involvement
Treaties Confers with Secretary of State Needs 2/3 Senate approval Not all are approved – Treaty of Versailles; Kyoto Protocol Effect of Law “Executive Agreement” – an agreement between the president and the leader of another nation (not necessarily in writing) Making War Unlimited power over military Official declaration of war comes from Congress President Truman signing the North Atlantic Treaty

8 International Involvement Con’t
War Powers Resolution Report to Congress in 48 hrs 60 days + 30 days + Declaration of War or STOP Congress can STOP anytime The Bush Doctrine Policy of the US to secure itself against countries that harbor or give aid to terrorist groups “You’re either with us, or you’re with the terrorists” Used to justify the invasion of Afghanistan Preventative war Spreading democracy

9 Used to fulfill the role of
Legislative Powers Used to fulfill the role of Chief legislator

10 The Lawmaking Process Recommending Laws Veto Power
May recommend legislation to a member of Congress Member of Congress officially responsible for writing/submitting legislation “Obamacare” Veto Power 10 days to decide Veto may be overridden by a 2/3 vote of both chambers of Congress Most: FDR = 435 Most Overridden: Johnson 15

11 Judicial Powers Used by the president as a way to limit the powers of the judicial branch

12 Checking the Judicial Branch
Reprieve To delay the punishment/sentence of someone convicted Commutation To reduce penalties (sentences) Amnesty A pardon/forgiveness for an offense, especially a political offense Ex: Washington granted amnesty to those involved in Whiskey Rebellion Pardon To forgive of a crime and cancel any penalty EXCEPT in cases of impeachment Ex: President Ford pardoned former President Nixon

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