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Why Motorist Awareness May 2010.  What is MAD?  Why do we need a motorist awareness program?  How is the MAD program set up?  How do I become a coordinator?

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Presentation on theme: "Why Motorist Awareness May 2010.  What is MAD?  Why do we need a motorist awareness program?  How is the MAD program set up?  How do I become a coordinator?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why Motorist Awareness May 2010

2  What is MAD?  Why do we need a motorist awareness program?  How is the MAD program set up?  How do I become a coordinator?  Is GWRRA alone in it’s Motorist Awareness efforts?  How do I acquire contacts for doing presentations?  How can I acquire equipment for conducting presentations?


4 M.A.D. or Motorist Awareness Division is an extension of the Rider Education Program; however, M.A.D. focuses on educating the motorist community. Our Motto: “Share the Road!” Our Mission: “To Facilitate A Reduction In Motorcycle Crashes With Other Motor Vehicles.”

5  Because of escalating crashes, near misses and conflicts between motorists and motorcyclists. The time has come for the motorcycling community to promote its own safety interests by educating motorists of actions necessary to reduce motorcycle crashes.  Motorcyclists and motorists are equally responsible for their own safety.  All highway users must increase their safety awareness if we are to reverse the increasing number of crashes.  “Share the Road!” is GWRRA’s proactive campaign addressing this problem.

6  A New Era in Motorist Awareness - A Simple Plan...  The Motorist Awareness Division of GWRRA, through a “Share the Road” campaign will pursue three aspects of motorist awareness. Each of these three are supportive of each other:  Awareness Education - Providing motorists with First Class, professional education through our seminar presentations. Our presentations will be developed for a multitude of audiences, educating them to a better understanding of motorcyclists, the risks involved, a heightened awareness of motorcycle presence and what they as motorists can do in the prevention of crashes.

7  Awareness Advertisement - Serves as a reminder to motorists that they “Share the Road” with motorcycles. Reinforced reminder to the education aspect.  Public Relations - Interaction with the motoring public has the ability to reflect highly on GWRRA and to mold public opinion on how they view motorcyclists. Our goal in this area is to build a rapport with motorists and leave them with a feeling that motorcyclists are real people who could be their friend, neighbor, or even a relative.

8  To reduce death, disability and loss of property resulting from accidents in which a motorcyclist’s right-of-way has been violated by another motorist.  To increase motorists awareness of motorcycles through actively and aggressively conducting presentations, events, and campaigns to audiences that are predominantly non-motorcycling.

9  Approximately 75% of motorcycle crashes involve a collision with another vehicle – usually a passenger automobile  Approximately 66% of these crashes occurred as a result of motorists violating the motorcycles right-of-way  Motorists involved in collisions with motorcyclists are usually unfamiliar with motorcycles  Failure of motorists to detect and recognize motorcycles in traffic is the predominate cause of motorcycle crashes

10  Education – Presentations made to predominately non-motorcycling organizations such as: Church groups, Lions Clubs, driver’s education classes, etc.  Mall /car shows, awareness days at stores, ball fields, windshield washes etc.  Signs, banners, bumper stickers, t-shirts, etc.  Other chapter events  Articles to newspapers  Pass out literature to friends, family, co- workers, doctor/dentist offices, etc.

11  MAD Brochures – Familiarity, Conspicuity, and Double Check  Bumper stickers  Brochures and bumper stickers are available from member services at the home office by calling: 1-800-843-9460  Power-Point seminar presentations are available off the MAD page of the National website:

12  MAD Coordinators are needed at every level in GWRRA.  Get involved in the program. Visit the MAD page of the National website. Also look at the Rider Education Handbook on the Rider Ed page.  Talk about your desire with your CD and educator.

13  Assists in developing the Motorist Awareness Division  Coordinates information and activities between your level and those above and below you  Seeks opportunities to promote motorist awareness activities  Acquires and distributes MAD Materials  Reporting of MAD activities to next higher level

14  Numerous other organizations participate in and support Motorist Awareness efforts and initiatives  The Federal government provides states with Motorist Awareness guidelines. A free copy of the National Agenda For Motorcycle Safety (NAMS) is available upon request  Many state governments provide awareness initiatives through advertisements: radio, television, and highway signs  Other organizations such as: The AMA, MSF, and ABATE (A Brotherhood Aimed Toward Education), among others, are all actively engaged in Motorist Awareness initiatives

15  The number of organizations getting involved in Motorist Awareness is growing  Your involvement and participation in the Motorist Awareness Division adds to the network and our efforts benefit the entire motorcycling community  GWRRA is not alone – MAD’s Motorist Awareness efforts can and do Make-A-Difference!  We need YOU, the member, to help take our program to the motorist community

16  Remember that GWRRA members are a wealth of information  Members know someone, who knows someone, who knows someone else  Ask your Chapter participants and GWRRA friends for help in locating contacts for conducting presentations  Get yourself a day planner for keeping contact information and scheduled seminars You are going to need one!

17  GWRRA Chapters, through years of experience, have become excellent fund raisers  “Think Outside The Box” – Have a Chapter fund raiser to raise funds to purchase equipment  Equipment would become the property of the Chapter  Chapter can then utilize this equipment for instructors, trainers, coordinators, and liaisons for conducting LTD, MFA, MED, Rider Ed, and MAD presentations

18 Trained Riders Educated Motorists “Trained riders, along with an educated motorist community, equals safer motorcycling!”

19 GOLD WING ROAD RIDERS ASSOCIATION Motorist Awareness Division Motorist Awareness Division

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