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Talk 5 Practical applications Coptic Youth Conference Scotland October 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Talk 5 Practical applications Coptic Youth Conference Scotland October 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Talk 5 Practical applications Coptic Youth Conference Scotland October 2013

2 Summary of the conference Introduction on definition. What happens in His presence. Lunch… no comment! How to be in His presence. Good dinner & plenty of cakes! Obstacles hindering us. Practical applications and questions.

3 Why practical applications? Transform ideas to action. Clarify points raised in groups. Allow for questions and answers. Emphasis importance of practice. How to handle failures. Know about devil’s ways.

4 What is going on here!!!

5 What’s in the way? For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Rom 8:35 Sin? Works? Mind? Emotions? Body? People? Ego? Control? World? Devil?

6 Scenarios On the way home waiting for my flight to London, we are talking about so much other stuff, unrelated to the conference. Suddenly something inside me reminded of “His presence”.

7 Scenarios I went home after the conference, exhausted of course. Went to bed straightaway. In bed I started reflecting on what happened in the conference. Then I thought I should really stand up for prayer! But I am shattered!

8 Scenarios I couldn’t stand up for prayer and started mumbling some words in bed. Then I had a thought saying “you’re fake! If you weren’t you would have been able to sacrifice your flesh and stand up for prayer!” “You're the same mate!!”

9 Scenarios You decided to ague with that thought an started saying “no..that’s not true. God respects my body and tiredness”. Another thought comes in “yes but that’s your responsibility, He’s not going to do it for you, He’s given you freedom”. You: “yes but He is my father and loves me”. “yes but where’s your sacrifice”.

10 Scenarios Tomorrow morning you managed to pray before going to work/uni. Once you’re there you’re confronted with colleagues complaining about manager, workload, stress, future worries...etc. Back at your desk you realise that you’re feeling unhappy/stressed/angry.

11 Scenarios On the way home, you have 30 minute journey that you usually spend reading the papers, surfing the internet, checking Facebook, playing Candy Crush. You would like to make better use of that time.

12 Scenarios Few days after the conference, you've done well so far. Better quiet time, contemplation on His presence, practiced some heart’s prayers and it was great. Gradually you start losing the good feelings you had and becomes kind of a routine. You start to question everything.

13 Scenarios A week later, you catch yourself doing the same sins you've been struggling with for ages. You are feeling disappointed and a bit confused. A thought says “you’d have to start from scratch mate. You’re out of His presence”. “When you’re ready and repented speak to abouna for confession”.

14 Scenarios You’re feeling guilty as you realise that two days passed and you haven’t been in touch with His presence. A thought is saying you would have to spend time examining why this happened in the first instance. “You need to work harder this time”.

15 Scenarios On the way home you start to question lots of things. “ I haven’t really experienced that presence before, does it exist?”. “What will actually feel or supposed to feel?”. “It seemed that many people were more switched on than me in the conference”.

16 Scenarios You know you have low self-esteem and self acceptance. You live in a difficult family, which leave you feeling hugely criticised. You think this hinders your enjoyment of His presence.

17 Scenarios You start having a quiet time but your mind wanders everywhere. You struggle to focus. 10 minutes had already passed. You don’t feel you are in His presence. You question the whole thing.

18 What is going on here!!!

19 What’s in the way? Sin? For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace. Rom 6:14 Works? Mind? Emotions? Body? People? Ego?

20 What’s in the way? Control? World? Devil? Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it. Col 2:15

21 How to handle failures? When you get a call respond. “Today, if you will hear His voice, Do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.” Heb 3:15 When you miss a call ring back! Watch your perception of failures. Watch your self-talk?

22 Satan’s devices Any thought that is not “here and now”. Any thought that sets a barrier or implies a distance. Any thought that imposes image on God that contradicts His sayings. Any thought that imposes words on God that contradicts His sayings.

23 Satan’s devices Any thought not to share a feeling in His presence. Any thought not to share a thought in His presence. Ideas against discipline. Any plan to do something on your own.

24 Questions!

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