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Win32 Programming Lesson 24: More SEH That’s right… you’ll never generate an exception, will you?

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Presentation on theme: "Win32 Programming Lesson 24: More SEH That’s right… you’ll never generate an exception, will you?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Win32 Programming Lesson 24: More SEH That’s right… you’ll never generate an exception, will you?

2 Where are we?  Looked at __finally blocks…  But you can also deal with the exception using __except

3 Basic structure  __try { //code } __except { //exception handler }  Note: you can’t have __except and __finally in the same __try block

4 Example  DWORD Funcmeister1() { DWORD dwTemp; // 1. Do any processing here. _ try { // 2. Perform some operation. dwTemp = 0; } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { // Handle an exception; this never executes. } // 3. Continue processing. return(dwTemp); }

5 Better Example  DWORD Funcmeister2() { DWORD dwTemp = 0; // 1. Do any processing here. __try { // 2. Perform some operation(s). dwTemp = 5 / dwTemp; // Generates an exception dwTemp += 10; // Never executes } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { // 4. Handle an exception. MessageBeep(0); } // 5. Continue processing. return(dwTemp); }


7 EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER  Execute the __except block and continue after it  Very useful for getting yourself out of trouble…  char* RobustStrCpy( char* strDestination, const char* strSource ) { __try { strcpy(strDestination, strSource); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { // Nothing to do here } return(strDestination); }  Never causes the program to exit  However, does cause a global unwind…

8 Global Unwind?  Essentially, the computer has to unwind _try blocks (because the __finally clauses have to be executed) until it gets to the handling __except block  That’s expensive in terms of CPU cycles

9 Odd Errors  Of course, EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION can cause strange errors  Imagine: *buf = ‘R’ Assembles as: mov eax, [buf]; mov [eax], ‘R’ When we continue after fixing the error, what happens depends on the target CPU and the compiler optimizations BE WARNED!

10 EXECUTE_CONTINUE_SEARCH  Go up to the previous __except block and use that exception handler…  But doesn’t call __finally blocks  This can make code hard to follow (remember our example from last week?)

11 And Another…

12 Deciding what to do  As we saw in the previous example, we can decide what to do in the __except () block with a function  Sometimes we want to know what type of exception occurred  Done with DWORD GetExceptionCode  Values defined in winbase.h

13 So…  _ _try { x = 0; y = 4 / x; } _ _except ((GetExceptionCode() == EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO) ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { // Handle divide by zero. }

14 Under The Hood  When an exception occurs, the OS pushes three structures to the calling thread’s stack EXCEPTION_RECORD CONTEXT EXCEPTION_POINTERS  Can access via PEXECEPTION_POINTERS GetExceptionInformation()

15 Finally…  (Or do I mean __finally?)  Remind me what happens inside the kernel when we start a process?

16 ThreadStart/ProcStart  The primary thread (and subsequent threads) are wrapped in a __try __except block  It’s this block which ultimately cancels the process/thread  I’m sure you’ve all seen the box  Now you know where it comes from!

17 Assignment  No assignment today…  Lucky ewe…

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