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1 CBCGL Sunday School Evangelical Ethics Winter 2005 Dickson Chan, Irene Fung Marina Lam, Sze-Ming Lee.

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1 1 CBCGL Sunday School Evangelical Ethics Winter 2005 Dickson Chan, Irene Fung Marina Lam, Sze-Ming Lee

2 2 Classes Divorce & Marriage Divorce & Marriage Abortion Abortion Suicide & Euthanasia Suicide & Euthanasia Capital Punishment Capital Punishment Civil Disobedience & Revolution Civil Disobedience & Revolution Dimensions of Decision Making Dimensions of Decision Making War and Peace War and Peace

3 3 Dimensions of Decision Making Definition of ethics Definition of ethics Value of studying ethics Value of studying ethics Ethics and theology Ethics and theology Major approaches in ethics Major approaches in ethics

4 4 Definition of Ethics General – “The systematic study of the principles of right conduct” General – “The systematic study of the principles of right conduct” Christian – “The systematic study of the principles of right conduct – with scripture as the norm” (Evangelical) Christian – “The systematic study of the principles of right conduct – with scripture as the norm” (Evangelical)

5 5 Value of studying Ethics Individual Individual Aid to personal sanctification (Rm 8:29-30) Aid to personal sanctification (Rm 8:29-30) Goal & purpose of our salvation (Rm12:1-2) Goal & purpose of our salvation (Rm12:1-2) Corporate Corporate Aid to teaching and preaching (Titus 1:9) Aid to teaching and preaching (Titus 1:9) Salt & light to the society (Mt 5:13) Salt & light to the society (Mt 5:13)

6 6 Theology and Ethics Theology (faith); Ethics (practice) Theology (faith); Ethics (practice) Worldview (  how people think, act, make law) Worldview (  how people think, act, make law) What is the nature of ultimate reality? What is the nature of ultimate reality? What is human nature really like? What is human nature really like? What is the nature of the highest good? What is the nature of the highest good? How can I know the real, the true, and the good? How can I know the real, the true, and the good?

7 7 Major approaches in Ethics 4 dimensions: 4 dimensions: Scripture, Tradition, Reason, Experience Scripture, Tradition, Reason, Experience Consequence (Lk 14:25-35) Consequence (Lk 14:25-35) Cause / benefit / bottom line Cause / benefit / bottom line

8 8 War and Peace Does the Bible give clear guidance for people serving in the army? Does the Bible give clear guidance for people serving in the army? Do the OT and NT have significantly different perspectives on this issues? Do the OT and NT have significantly different perspectives on this issues? History of war is as old as history itself. What causes wars? (James 4:1) History of war is as old as history itself. What causes wars? (James 4:1)

9 9 War in history Israelites offensive wars Israelites offensive wars Invaded Canaan by God’s command Invaded Canaan by God’s command Israelites mostly defensive wars Israelites mostly defensive wars Against Canaanites, Midianites, Moabites, Edomites, and Philistines @ period of judges Against Canaanites, Midianites, Moabites, Edomites, and Philistines @ period of judges WW I (9M military 30M civilian lives) WW I (9M military 30M civilian lives) WW II (17M military 34M civilian lives) WW II (17M military 34M civilian lives) Gulf Wars Gulf Wars

10 10 Against War Mt 5:38-48 Mt 5:38-48 Literally inconsistent with warfare? Literally inconsistent with warfare? Eph 6:13-17 Eph 6:13-17 NT warfare paradigm shift? NT warfare paradigm shift? Rom 12:17-21; 1 Pet 2:19-21 Rom 12:17-21; 1 Pet 2:19-21 It’s God’s wrath and Jesus’ example! It’s God’s wrath and Jesus’ example!

11 11 More on Bible … Mt 5:27-30 … Literally? Mt 5:27-30 … Literally? Luke 14:26 vs 1Ti 5:7-8 … Contradiction? Luke 14:26 vs 1Ti 5:7-8 … Contradiction? John 18:19-23 … What did Jesus do? John 18:19-23 … What did Jesus do? Acts 23:1-5 … What did Paul do? Acts 23:1-5 … What did Paul do? Attitude or non-revenge vs. doormat Attitude or non-revenge vs. doormat 1 Pet 2:22-25 & Rom 3:25-26 1 Pet 2:22-25 & Rom 3:25-26 Neither crucifixion nor resurrection alone adequately represents God’s justice Neither crucifixion nor resurrection alone adequately represents God’s justice

12 12 More on Bible … Soldier of faith Soldier of faith Hebrews 11:32-34; Luke 3:12-14, 7:1-9; Acts 10:2, 22 Hebrews 11:32-34; Luke 3:12-14, 7:1-9; Acts 10:2, 22 Use of deadly force Use of deadly force Rom 13:4,6-7 ( c.f. Septuagint Gen 34:26, Judges 3:16 ) Rom 13:4,6-7 ( c.f. Septuagint Gen 34:26, Judges 3:16 ) Know Christ, the whole Christ … Know Christ, the whole Christ … John 2:13-22; Rev 19:11 John 2:13-22; Rev 19:11 John 3:16; 2 Th 1:5-10 John 3:16; 2 Th 1:5-10 Know God (c.f. Rom 3:25-26) Know God (c.f. Rom 3:25-26) Vindication of the righteousness and justice Vindication of the righteousness and justice Even at the price of violence directed against his own Son. Even at the price of violence directed against his own Son.

13 13 Dilemma God’s love and God’s justice God’s love and God’s justice God’s word and God’s fulfillment God’s word and God’s fulfillment But … But … How can love reconciled with the use of deadly force? How can love reconciled with the use of deadly force? Preclude enemy soldier later repentance? Preclude enemy soldier later repentance?

14 14 Just-war Traditional wisdom Dominant majority within Christianity: Dominant majority within Christianity: Augustine, The City of God Augustine, The City of God Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica Martin Luther Martin Luther “without armaments peace cannot be kept; wars are waged not only to repel injustice but also to establish a firm peace.” “without armaments peace cannot be kept; wars are waged not only to repel injustice but also to establish a firm peace.” Three criteria Three criteria Declared by a legitimate authority Declared by a legitimate authority A just cause is required A just cause is required With rightful intention (advancement of good/avoidance of evil) With rightful intention (advancement of good/avoidance of evil)

15 15 Modern Additions Before starting war Before starting war Proportionality of proposed means Proportionality of proposed means The cure should not be worse than the disease The cure should not be worse than the disease Probable costs Probable costs probability of success probability of success Exhaustion of peaceful means of resolution Exhaustion of peaceful means of resolution After the war started After the war started Principle of proportionality Principle of proportionality Limited to legitimate military necessity Limited to legitimate military necessity Principle of discrimination Principle of discrimination Direct, intentional attacks on non-combatants are prohibited Direct, intentional attacks on non-combatants are prohibited

16 16 Reflection Harry S. Truman, Diary, 7/25/1945* Harry S. Truman, Diary, 7/25/1945* “ … most terrible bomb in history … 13 lbs … visible in 200 miles & audible in 40 miles “ … most terrible bomb in history … 13 lbs … visible in 200 miles & audible in 40 miles “ … to be used against Japan between now and 8/10/1945 … military objectives and soldiers and sailors are the target and not women and children … “ … to be used against Japan between now and 8/10/1945 … military objectives and soldiers and sailors are the target and not women and children … “ … good thing Hitler & Stalin did not discover this bomb … most terrible … but can be made the most useful … “ … good thing Hitler & Stalin did not discover this bomb … most terrible … but can be made the most useful … * Robert H. Ferrell, Off the Record: The Private Papers of Harry S. Truman, New York: Harper & Row, 1980, pp 55-56.

17 17 Reflection National Strategy to Combat WMD – Dec 2002 National Strategy to Combat WMD – Dec 2002 “the United States … reserves the right to respond with overwhelming force – including through resort to all of our options …” “the United States … reserves the right to respond with overwhelming force – including through resort to all of our options …” “because deterrence may not succeed … US military forces … must have the capability to defense against WMD … including in appropriate case through preemptive measures …” “because deterrence may not succeed … US military forces … must have the capability to defense against WMD … including in appropriate case through preemptive measures …”

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