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Chapter 9 Bioremediation
Biotechnology and the Environment
Environment – describes everything that surrounds a particular organism Other organisms Soil, air, water Temperature, humidity, radiation Abiotic and biotic factors
Biotechnology and the Environment
Environmental Biotechnology - the development, use and regulation of biological systems for remediation of contaminated environments (land, air, water), and for environment-friendly processes. Bioremediation - the use of microorganisms to remedy environmental problems
Biotechnology and the Environment
The advent of the Industrial Revolution increase in products and waste people moved to the city increase in human population Underlying cause – Industrial Revolution increased the use of fossil fuels, an increase in mining and associated pollution. People move to the city, concentrating pollution and have less contact with nature. Increase in world population as a result of people living longer.
Biotechnology and the Environment
What are the events that triggered the interest in environmental biotechnology? Rachel Carlson’s Silent Spring (DDT) Love Canal Burning of a River Exxon Valdez in 1989 1960’s – printing of Rachel Carlson’s Silent Spring. In the 1960’s rain distributed 40 tons of DDT (pesticide) each year on England alone, it got incorporated in the food chain and has a 20 year life span. Love Canal – 1970’s – many get cancer and die from polluted land. Also in 1970’s - Cuyahoga River in Cleveland is so polluted it catches on fire Exxon Valdez – human carelessness caused large oil spill in the pristine Prince William Sound area of Alaska.
Biotechnology and the Environment
Regulations were passed: Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (1976) Must identify hazardous waste and establish standards for managing it properly Requires companies that store, treat or dispose to have permits stating how the wastes are to be managed Record of its travels: Chain of Custody EPA initiates the Superfund Program (1980) Counteract careless and negligent practices Environmental Genome Project Study and understand the impacts of environmental chemicals on human diseases EPA was formed in 1972 to establish standards cradle to grave for handling hazardous wasted. First act passed was the resource conservation and recovery act in 1976 which mandated a chain of custody paper trail for all hazardous chemicals, also requires that companies have permits if they work with hazardous chemicals and state how waste will be managed and disposed of. NIH funded the environmental genome project.
Biotechnology and the Environment
Waste Solid: landfills, combustion-including waste-to energy plants, recovery slurries, composting, combustion Liquid: septic: sewage treatment, deep-well injection Gas: fossil fuels, chlorofluorocarbons Hazardous –anything that can explode, catch fire, release toxic fumes, and particles or cause corrosion Solid – landfills account for over 60% of solid waste disposal, required to have an impermeable liner to prevent toxins from leaching into ground water and a monitoring well to ensure the liner is working, it must be capped with cement, without proper aeration to allow for microbial growth, materials that normally degrade in days or weeks can survive months or years. Combustion accounts for about 16% of solid waste disposal, downside is that it contributes to air pollution. Only 17% of solid waste is recycled. Liquid – sewage is mostly cleaned by microorganisms (pro and eu), sewage treatment plants provide a good environment for bacteria, protists, blue green algae, such as good aeration and high surface areas to let them do most of the work. Hazardous waste – air 39% / down the drain 9%
Biotechnology and the Environment
Garbage Test Banana Peel Wood Scrap/Sawdust Wax Paper Styrofoam Cup Tin Can Aluminum Soda Can Plastic Carton Glass Bottles 0.5 Years 4 Years 5 Years 20 Years 100 Years 500 Years >500 Years
There is no waste in Nature:
From rocks and soil to plants and animals to air and water and back again: All materials are completely recycled. Recycled largely by Microbes
Biogeochemical Cycles are a major part of the recycling process
Carbon Cycle: The primary biogeochemical cycle organic cmpds CO2 and back Nitrogen Cycle: proteins amino acids NH3NO2-NO3-NO2-N2ON2 NH3 etc_ Sulfur Cycle: Just like the nitrogen cycle, numerous oxidation states. Modeled in the Winogradsky column Phosphorous Cycle: Doesn’t cycle between numerous oxidation states only soluble and insoluble form Biogeochemical cycles rely in part on living organisms, and can be used to clean up manmade waste.
Carbon Cycle CO2 Organic compounds
Carbon exists in earth’s atmosphere primarily as CO2. Plants convert CO2 to carbs to O2. Organic compounds
Nitrogen Cycle N2 cyanobacteria leguminous decomposition Fixation
ammonification NH3 NO2- nitrosomas Nitrification Nitrogen is needed to make all nucleic acids and amino acids. Earth’s atmosphere is 78% N2. necessary to convert N2 gas into forms usable by living organisms. Nitrogenase enzyme found in soil living bacteria combines N with H. Further oxidized to make organic compounds. Nitrates can be reduced to nitrites and combine with ammonium in the anamox process to make nitrogen gas in a single step in yeast. All N in animals in traced back to eating plants which absorb nitrates through root hairs, reduced to nitrites, further reduced to ammonium which is used to assemble amino acids which are the building blocks of proteins. Pseudomonas Bacillus Paracoccus NO2- Denitrification nitrobacter NO3-
Sulfur Cycle Atmosphere SO2 H2SO4 Organic sulfur S SO4 H2S
SO2 combines with H2S to make sulfuric acid, acid rain. S travels through the food chain and is released through decomposition.
Phosphorus Cycle Sea simple Phosphates Phosphate rocks
Phosphates too complex for plants to absorb from the soil Phosphates are essential for plants and animals to make DNA molecules and ATP. Phosphorous is not in the gaseous state. Only in water, soil and sediment. Cycle is very slow and is often the limiting factor for plant growth. When animals and plants die, phosphates return to the soil/ocean during decay. Winds up in sediment and is released through weathering. Sea simple Phosphates Phosphate rocks Microbes Breakdown complex compounds
Biotechnology and the Environment
Scientists learn from nature in the 1980’s The concept of Gaia –the total world is a living organism and what nature makes nature can degrade (bioinfalibility); only man makes xenobiotic compounds Clean up pollution-short and long term solutions (cost, toxicity, time frame) Use compounds that are biodegradable Produce Energy and Materials in less destructive ways Monitor Environmental Health Increase Recovery of Minerals and Oil Manmade materials are not broken down efficiently.
Bioremediation Basics
Naturally occurring marshes and wetlands have been doing the job! What Needs to be Cleaned UP? Everything! SO How bioremediation is used depends on what is contaminated? (locations) on the types of chemicals that need to be cleaned up the concentration of the contaminants (amount and duration) Naturally occurring marshes and wetlands have excelled at bioremediation for hundreds of years. In these environments, plant life and microbes can absorb and degrade a wide variety of chemicals and convert pollutants into harmless products. Everything needs to be cleaned up. Soil, air, water, and sediment (a combo of soil and decaying plant and animal life located at the bottom of a body of water) are all environments affected by pollution.
Bioremediation Basics
How do pollutants enter the environment? Sewage (by products of medicines and food we eat such as estrogen (birth control pills) and caffeine (coffee) Products around the house (perfumes, fertilizers, pesticides, medicines) Industrial – leaching into groundwater Agricultural - pesticides Pollutants enter the environment in many different ways and affect diverse components of the environment. Tanker spill, truck accident releasing chemicals in the air which can become trapped in the clouds and contaminate surface water when it rains, ruptured chemical tank at an industrial site that leaches into ground water, landfills, illegal dumps, pesticides, mining processes.
Bioremediation Basics
Some are known to be potential carcinogens and mutagens
Bioremediation Basics
Bioremediation finds its place Companies begin to specialize in cleaning up toxic waste spills by using a mixture of bacteria and fungi because cleaning these spills usually requires the combined efforts of several strains. Biotechnologists begin engineering “super bugs” to clean up wastes. However, there are many microorganisms in nature that will degrade waste products. 1970’s first patent on a living organism awarded to chakarbarty, a scientist from GE. Superbugs – because of FDA regulations, genetically engineered organisms are reluctant to be released into the environment because of fear of their interaction with indigenous organisms. If they are used, they are designed to die immediately after cleaning up the pollution (clock genes).
Bioremediation Basics
Fundamentals of Cleanup Reactions Microbes can convert many chemicals into harmless compounds HOW? Aerobic or anaerobically Both involve oxidation and reduction reactions
Bioremediation Basics
Fundamentals of Cleanup Reactions Oxidation and Reduction Reactions Oxidation involves the removal of one or more electrons Reduction involves the addition of one or more electrons Oxidizing agents gain electrons and reducing agents lose electrons The rxns are usually coupled and the paired rxns are known are redox reactions
Bioremediation Basics
Aerobic and anaerobic biodegradation Aerobic Oxygen is reduced to water and the organic molecules (e.g. petroleum, sugar) are oxidized Anaerobic An inorganic compound is reduced and the organic molecules are oxidized (e.g. nitrate is reduced and sugar is oxidized) NOTE: Many microbes can do both aerobic and anaerobic respiration; the process which produces the most ATP is used first!
Bioremediation Basics
The Players: Metabolizing Microbes Site usually contains a variety of microbes Closest to the contaminant: anaerobes Farthest away: aerobes The most common and effective bacteria are the indigenous microbes (e.g. Pseudomonas in soil) Fungus and algae are also present in the environment and do a good job of “cleaning up” chemicals (fungi do it better than bacteria)
Bioremediation Basics
Bioremediation Genomics Programs Stimulating Bioremediation Add fertilizers (nutrient enrichment) to stimulate the growth of indigenous microorganisms Adding bacteria or fungus to assist indigenous microbes is known as bioaugumentation or seeding
Bioremediation Basics
Phytoremediation Utilizing plants to clean up chemicals Ex: cottonwoods, poplar, juniper trees, grasses, alfalfa Low cost, low maintenance and it adds beauty to the site In addition, there is growing interest in using plants to clean up chemicals in the soil and in water using an approach called phytoremediation. In phytoremediation, chemical pollutants are taken in through the roots of the plant as they absorb contaminated water from the ground. After toxic chemicals enter the plant, some types of plant cells use enzymes to degrade the chemicals. In other cases, the chemical concentrates in the plant cells so that the entire plant serves as a type of plant sponge for mopping up pollutants. Poplars are commonly used for phtyoremediation and genetically engineered poplars are being tested for their potential to remediate soil and water contaminated with mercuric compounds. After scavenging the mercuric pollutants, the poplars can be harvested and the toxic compounds can be removed.
Cleanup Sites and Strategies
Do the chemicals pose a fire or explosive hazard? Do the chemicals pose a threat to human health including the health of clean-up workers? (what happened at Chernobyl to the workers?) Was the chemical released into the environment through a single incident or was there long-term leakage from a storage container? Where did the contamination occur? Is the contaminated area at the surface of the soil? Below ground? Does it affect water? How large is the contaminated area?
Cleanup Sites and Strategies
Soil Cleanup Either remove it (ex situ bioremediation) or in situ (in place) In place: If aerobic may require bioventing Most effective in sandy soils Removed: Slurry-phase, solid phase, composting, landfarming, biopiles
Cleanup Sites and Strategies
Bioremediation of Water Wastewater treatment
Cleanup Sites and Strategies
Bioremediation of Water Groundwater Cleanup
Cleanup Sites and Strategies
Turning Wastes into Energy Biogas-a gas produced by the biological breakdown of organic matter in the absence of oxygen Biogas typically refers to a gas produced by the biological breakdown of organic matter in the absence of oxygen. One type of biogas is produced by fermentation of biodegradable materials such as biomass, manure, sewage, municipal waste, green waste, and energy crops. Methane and carbon dioxide are the most common forms of this type of biogas. Methane gas is a common energy source with many benefits, such as increasing energy security, paving the way for fuel cell vehicles, and improving public health and the environment through reduced vehicle emissions. Compared to other hydrocarbon fuels, burning methane produces less carbon dioxide for each unit of heat released. Gas-powered plants use methane for electrical generation by burning methane in a gas turbine or steam boiler. The major source of natural gas methane is extraction from geological deposits known as natural gas fields. So what makes biogas better than natural gas? It is a domestic, renewable resource and using it offsets the use of non-renewable resources such as coal, oil, and fossil fuel-derived natural gas. Landfills already produce vast amounts of methane gas as a natural consequence of the breakdown of solid wastes deposited there. Methane is a much stronger greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, so by collecting the gases given off of these landfills and using them for power generation, we can significantly reduce green house gases while helping to meet our energy needs. Also, the use of non-landfill anaerobic digestion systems to treat wastewater from agriculture and municipal treatment systems can reduce the amount of solid waste that must be disposed of, reduce waste odors, treat waste naturally, require less land area than aerobic composting, reduce the amount of material that must be dumped in landfills, and produce sanitized compost and nutrient-rich liquid fertilizer. Click on the video link to learn about the potential for biogas production from animal manure in the United States. Video describing potential for biogas production from animal manure
Cleanup Sites and Strategies
Turning Wastes into Energy Cowpower: Compare 3.0 kwh of “cow power” available in one cow’s daily manure contribution with the 2.4 kwh necessary to burn a 100 w light bulb for a day Typically, dairy farms flush large amounts of manure from their barns and pens into nearby lagoons. As bacteria break down the manure, methane and carbon dioxide are released into the atmosphere. Farmers can produce biogas from cow manure anaerobic digestion. The manure coming from the barn goes directly to an inlet valve that is directly connected to the fermentation chamber. In this chamber, the digestion process begins with bacterial hydrolysis of the input materials in order to break down insoluble carbohydrates to make them available for other bacteria. In the final step of the process, methane-producing bacteria act on the manure byproducts under anaerobic conditions to give off methane gas. The captured biogas is a versatile energy source that can be used to produce heat and power generators. The amount of energy that can be harvested from one cows daily manure output is more than enough to power a 100 watt light bulb for a 24 hour period. Anaerobic digestion facilities have been recognized as one of the most useful decentralized sources of energy supply, as they are less capital intensive than large power plants. Additionally, anaerobic digestion helps farmers comply with nutrient management plans by reducing odor and water quality issues and generating fertilizer and other useful products from the degraded manure. Huckabay Ridge is a biogas facility in Stephenville, Texas that is a model for future biogas facilities, providing renewable natural gas directly to the Lower Colorado River Authority. At the Huckabay Ridge facility, manure from 10,000 cows from a local county in Texas is expected to produce enough pipeline-quality methane to power 11,000 homes.
Applying Genetically Engineered Strains to Clean Up the Environment
Heavy metals (bioaccumulation) Bacteria sequester heavy and radioactive metals Petroleum eating bacteria Ananda Chakrabarty at General Electric Biosensors lux genes D. RADIODURANS CAN ENDURE DOSES OF RADIATION OVER 3000 TIMES HIGHER THAN OTHER ORGANISMS
Environmental Diagnostics
A promising new area of research involves using living organisms to detect and assess harmful levels of toxic chemicals. Frogs are sensitive to changes in UV light and air quality, lichens are sensitive to pollutants. clams close up in the presence of pollutants, clam biosensors where a laser light is trained an a piece of aluminum that is attached to the top of the clamshell. The laser detects when the clam closes as a result of pollution. The closing of the shell triggers a water sampling event.
Environmental Diagnostics
Daphnia magna Transparent Thorax and Abdomen
Environmental Diagnostics
When healthy Daphnia are fed a sugar substrate (-galactoside attached to a fluorescent marker), they metabolize the sugar and fluoresce under UV light. Environmental Diagnostics When Daphnia are stressed by toxins, they do not have the enzymatic ability to digest the sugar and therefore do not fluoresce under UV light.
Environmental Diagnostics
Toxicity reduction involves adding chemicals to hazardous waste in order to diminish the toxicity. For example, if the toxicity results from heavy metals, EDTA will be added to the waste and the effluent will be tested again to determine if the toxicity has been acceptably reduced. EDTA chelates (binds to) metals, thereby making them unavailable to harm organisms in a particular body of water. Genetically engineered bacteria to sequester heavy metals.
Environmental Disasters: Case Studies in Bioremediation
The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill In the end, the indigenous microbes did the best job Oil Fields of Kuwait Poses a problem due to the environmental conditions One gallon of spilled oil can spread to cover 4 acres of water. The exxon valdes released 11 million gallons of crude oil over 1000 miles of the Alaskan shoreline. Oil fields of kuwait released 250 million gallons of oil into the deserts.
Future Strategies and Challenges for Bioremediation
Microbial genetics New types of microbes (from the ocean etc) DO A BETTER JOB OF DETERMINING RISK and ASSESSMENT OF EXISTING SITES Greater understanding of the microorganisms involved in biodegradative processes, including the identification of novel genes and proteins involved in the metabolic process.
Careers in Environmental Biotech
Biodegradation Wastewater treatment plants, organic farming Bioremediation Environmental clean-up companies, labs developing super bugs Biocatalysis Plastics, degradable and recyclable products Other Mining companies, oil companies Biodegradation – companies making plant growth compounds and organic fertilizers Bioremediation Biocatalysis – labs to select plastic producing organisms as a renewable resource. Companies to make biodegradable products such as starch in polyethylene garbage bags so garbage bags can be recycled. Other – biomonitoring – companies that produce sensors.
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