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Chemical Identification Software (CIS) Srikar Velagapudi Akhil Kadiyala Dr. Ashok Kumar Department of Civil Engineering University of Toledo.

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Presentation on theme: "Chemical Identification Software (CIS) Srikar Velagapudi Akhil Kadiyala Dr. Ashok Kumar Department of Civil Engineering University of Toledo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chemical Identification Software (CIS) Srikar Velagapudi Akhil Kadiyala Dr. Ashok Kumar Department of Civil Engineering University of Toledo

2 Introduction Objective - To identify the classification of chemicals based on the hazardous lists issued by different countries. The lists selected for developing the software are:  Hazardous chemicals list given by U.S. E.P.A.  Europe’s List of Notified Chemical Substances.  UK List of approved workplace exposure limits.  Hazardous Substances Information System (Australia).

3 Introduction contd…  This tool brings together chemicals from four different lists and combines them into one tool so that users can use the tool with ease to identify the classification of chemicals.  The properties and the limiting values of the chemical are also provided as output for every chemical in the tool to help users understand completely about any particular chemical.  This tool helps the industries in identifying the list of hazardous chemicals listed by different countries.

4 Methodology Adopted for Developing CIS 1.0  The lists are obtained from the literature to develop CIS 1.0.  Chemicals from the selected four different lists were entered into a column and then clubbed together in same column while classification is done using four other columns.  The properties and the limiting values of chemicals are entered in different columns such that they can be easily accessed while using the forms which provide the output of the tool.

5 Development of CIS 1.0  The chemicals are entered into Microsoft Access database such that the chemical name, the lists in which chemical is present, properties, and limiting value are in different columns.  The forms are designed in such a way that when a chemical is selected from the drop-down list, the corresponding lists in which the chemical is present, properties and limiting value will be displayed in their respective boxes.

6 Screenshot Showing the Table

7 Output of CIS 1.0 The output of CIS 1.0 software displays the following:  the lists in which the chemical is present.  the properties of the chemical (obtained from MSDS sheets).  the limiting values of the chemical.

8 Screenshot showing the lists in which “Arsenic” chemical is present, properties and the limiting value

9 Working Example When “Arsenic” chemical is selected in the dropdown box  The lists in which Arsenic is present: U.S E.P.A, Australian.  Properties: Physical state and appearance: Solid. (Lustrous solid.) Odor: Not available. Taste: Not available. Molecular Weight: 74.92 g/mole Color: Silvery. Boiling Point: Not available. Melting Point: Sublimation temperature: 615°C (1139°F) Critical Temperature: Not available. Specific Gravity: 5.72 (Water = 1) Vapor Pressure: Not applicable. Vapor Density: Not available. Volatility: Not available. Odor Threshold: Not available. Water/Oil Dist. Coeff.: Not available. Ionicity (in Water): Not available. Dispersion Properties: Not available. Solubility: Insoluble in cold water, hot water.  Limiting Value:0.005ppm

10 Uses  Helps to bifurcate a chemical from hazardous chemicals.  Obtain the limiting value of any required hazardous chemical.  Helps in selection of a chemical before it is used in any manufacturing technique.  Helps industries identify hazardous chemicals before any trading between different countries.

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