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The French and Indian War 1756 - 1763 Beginnings  The roots of hatred between the French and the English had been building for years and never waned.

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2 The French and Indian War 1756 - 1763

3 Beginnings  The roots of hatred between the French and the English had been building for years and never waned.  France still held most of the territory in the Americas

4 Conflict Arising  Frustrated by the boxing maneuvers instigated by the French in the Ohio region, and the defeat of Washington in the Ohio valley. Britain directly challenged the French rule

5 Opening Rounds  General Braddock was dispatched with Two Irish regiments to destroy Fort Duquesne but was destroyed by a smaller French and Native American force, Braddock himself was killed.

6 Total War  The French knew that the quickest way to ensure victory, allowed the Indians under their control to attack frontier settlers “ensuring” a Canadian officer mused “a desire to return of peace”

7 The sides British Iroquois Seneca Oneida Mohawk Onondaga Cayuga Cherokee Montauk Creek Chickasaw Tuscararora French Algonquin Delaware's Shawnees Sandusky Seneca Wea Kickapoo

8 Assessment Point  What do you think were the motivations/needs for the Native American Tribes to assist the European Nations?

9 Turn around  In 1757 William Pitt came out of retirement and along with concessions made to the Iroquois Confederacy, started to turn around the war, amassing some 50,000 men

10 Bolstering  Britain soon enhanced the forts along the disputed borders and the stage was set for a dramatic turnaround

11 Battle Techniques  Generally this war also known as the seven year war was fought conventionally by both sides. They would form lines

12 Techniques  On both Sides

13 And then!!!

14 Aftermath  The often gruesome mess then had to be cleaned up by their loved ones

15 Map of the Battles Fought

16 Capture Of Ontario

17 Assessment Point  Now that the British had won the war, what concession do you think the Iroquois would want from them? What further problems are likely to come from this?

18 Treaty of Paris

19 Changing the Face of America

20 Last of the Mohicans

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