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A 12 year civil war wreaked havoc throughout this vulnerable country from 1979 to 1992. Peace is now well in place, but repairing the damage and moving.

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2 A 12 year civil war wreaked havoc throughout this vulnerable country from 1979 to 1992. Peace is now well in place, but repairing the damage and moving forward is an ongoing process in this developing country. 2

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5 We have a four phase, two year plan for construction and equipping of a medical clinic. Please join us with your enthusiastic contributions and prayers. Andrea, Gerry, Mario, Jack, Beth Harvey, Bill, Rod 5

6 The property for this project was donated by a member of the community. (700 sq meters) Phase 1: Clear & level the land. Build a storage outbuilding. 2: Compound walls and footing for the clinic. 3: Construct the clinic building. 4: Interior of clinic, furnishings, equipment and supplies. 6

7 7 Chalchuapa–El Paste Mission * A community clinic for medical and educational purposes. Among the top concerns in this community are infectious diseases, injuries, alcohol abuse, teenage pregnancy. The nearest city is inaccessible by most people in El Paste. * The mayor of Chalchuapa municipality, Señor Cesar Hernandez, is excited about this project and is offering administrative support for the clinic. * A local private Doctor has agreed to begin filling the role once the clinic is opened: Dr. Raul Garcia. * The clinic will be 900 sq feet and will include two examinations rooms, an office, washrooms, secure storage for medicines, and reception area which will also facilitate educational workshops. * This clinic will be named Clinica El Puerto (Spanish for The Harbour Clinic) Doc. Raul Garcia

8 Land Title Document In the municipality of Chalchuapa, township of El Paste (Finca El Cipres) A parcel of land (700 Sq. meters) has been donated to the municipality by Mr. Rigoberto Barrere for the sole purpose of building a clinic on this property. The mayor and municipal government is fully endorsing us to spearhead this project and granting unfettered access to their administrative support. 8

9 * Phase 1: Clear and level the land. Construct a storage outbuilding. Cost: $2,500 Time line: August 15, 2015 * Phase 2: Construct Secure Compound Fence Prepare the footing for the clinic building Cost: $10,000-$15,000 Time Line: January, 2016 * Phase 3: Construct the framework and roof of the clinic Includes windows & doors. Cost: $20,000-$25,000 Time line: Jan – Oct, 2016 * Phase 4: Complete the interior of clinic with furnishings, equipment and supplies Cost: $25,000-$30,000 Time line: January, 2017 Supplementary Projects for future consideration Well for fresh water (to supply not only the clinic but the entire town of El Paste Housing accommodations within the compound for visiting/volunteer doctors/nurses Emergency vehicle and equipment (quick response vehicle, fire fighting equipment) 9 Clinica El Puerto Spanish for The Harbour Clinic

10 * This project is led by The Harbour Support & Recovery Group, and is partnered with Winnipeg Centre Vineyard Church plus Riverbend Counselling & Wellness. * All work by the team going to El Salvador is volunteer, and all volunteers are paying their own expenses. * All Donations are appreciated beyond words, and will be charitable tax receipted. * Make Cheque out to Winnipeg Centre Vineyard, and write “The Harbour” on the memo line. * Mail or drop off to: The Harbour Fellowship 9 – 1110 Henderson Hwy. Winnipeg, MB. R2G 1L1 * For more info, call us at 204-334-4801 or email 10

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