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Knowledge Management for Actionable Sales and Marketing Strategies Haily Chow Senior Knowledge Management Manager 18 November 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Knowledge Management for Actionable Sales and Marketing Strategies Haily Chow Senior Knowledge Management Manager 18 November 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Knowledge Management for Actionable Sales and Marketing Strategies Haily Chow Senior Knowledge Management Manager 18 November 2004

2 Agenda Overview Analytical KM Operational KM Innovational KM Practical Tips

3 Overview Knowledge Management

4 Overview Tacit Knowledge TK Explicit Knowledge EK External Stakeholders Internal Stakeholders Bank TK EK TK EK TK

5 Overview Limbs Movement Stomach Digestion Brain Perception Innovational KM Analytical KM Operational KM

6 Analytical KM Knowledge Management

7 Analytical KM Customer Segmentation Product Mapping Propensity Score Customer Value Risk Assessment Knowledge Base (Bank’s ) EK Database (Customers’ ) Demographics Socio-economics Banking Relationship Transactions Risk Exposure TK

8 Analytical KM Typical example… For whom and what? Customer Intelligence … Who?What? How much? Where?When?

9 Analytical KM New thought … Timeliness Instant detection of sales opportunity “What I’m in mood to buy today, I may not even think about tomorrow.” Crossroad Group.

10 Analytical KM Just-in-time selling … Day 1 10:00 Mr Wong paid down-payment with credit card 09:30 Trigger sales signal for mortgage and home insurance Day 2 09:00 Detect credit card transaction in data warehouse 13:00Sales lead directed to telemarketing team 12:00Complete prospect customer screening (compliance)

11 Knowledge Management Operational KM

12 “Customer Relationship Management” Bank’s EK Customers’ Experience (Customers’ ) TK Knowledge in Action

13 Operational KM IT performance Functionalities System costs Relevance Adoption / Deployment Return on Investment Right questionWrong question

14 Knowledge Management Innovational KM

15 Staff Innovation Banks’ explicit knowledge 2004 Innovating with Customers Insights & Ideas Work Innovation for Service Excellence (WISE) No. of WISE proposals in 2003 = 1,185

16 Innovational KM Internal Customers Marketing Product Development Communications Sales Support Service Quality

17 Innovation + Dedication = Innovational KM Group Discussion HotlineInternet

18 Knowledge Management Practical Tips

19 Roadblocks “Can’t do it, we have no resources.”

20 Roadblocks “Don’t bother me with numbers. Just give me a list of names to meet my quota.”

21 Roadblocks “We have got tons of fire fighting everyday, there’s no luxury for innovation.”

22 Practical Tips H ear - Hear what others say, be open-minded E ncourage - Encourage “Yes, subject to…”, accept not “No, because …” A dvocacy - Advocate and communicate ideas with no jargon R eview (AAR) - Project is not complete until it is reviewed. T raining / Learning - Never rest on your laurels.

23 Practical Tips Innovational KM Operational KM Analytical KM Customer Experience Insights Analytics

24 Thank You !

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