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Relief Maps.

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1 Relief Maps

2 Relief Map Resources Use Google Earth, textbooks, or other online sources to view a variety of physical maps. Notice the mountain ranges are built up and valleys are lower and how the forest areas and the water. You must represent each area on your map. Decide what you could use to represent different landforms and how you will label your relief map. The students are to draw out and color the different landforms on poster board, they will need to duplicate in relief and how the legend will look. They also need to make sure everything is labeled from their list. This is when they would be able to choose to label more of the different areas. They need to gather their supplies. They need to choose how they will be representing each landform. Do they want to use a mirror for water or paint an area of dried clay blue. Will they be building the Great Wall out of legos, represent highly populated areas with small cardboard jewelry boxes for buildings, or use vegetation models for densely forested areas. How will they be representing ? Once all the supplies has been chosen, a legend needs to be made so the students will have not only their drawing, but a visual guide on the board to go by.

3 Possible Relief Map Materials
large piece of plywood or heavy cardboard for map outline crinkled small brown paper bags or cone shape folded paper or sugar cones to represent mountains newspaper to fill paper bags for mountain forms if using paper bags rough grade sheets of sandpaper to represent deserts or playground sand rice grains and green paint to represent rice paddies small bamboo stalks or straws with thin leaves glued on to represent bamboo forests blue, yellow, green tissue paper to represent rivers Legos or blocks to represent the Great Wall of China assorted color paints and markers references to the physical features of China (Internet, maps of China, books, other activities included in this website) glue Scissors *You may just make a 3D relief map of flour and salt or use any other resources. Here is a link with step by step instruction on how to make a salt dough map:

4 Paper Mache Chinese Masks

5 Paper Mache Resources For a video presentation with step by step instructions, click the first link. For printed instructions, click the second link:

6 Murals

7 Pagoda

8 Different Resources/Ideas for Pagoda
- Hanging pagoda and decorating ideas

9 Ivory Soap Carvings

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