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BOARD of DIRECTORS Neal Vance President Phil Savage Vice President Ed Adams Secretary Joanne Vance Officer Karen Cowles Member at Large Mark Alexander.

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Presentation on theme: "BOARD of DIRECTORS Neal Vance President Phil Savage Vice President Ed Adams Secretary Joanne Vance Officer Karen Cowles Member at Large Mark Alexander."— Presentation transcript:

1 BOARD of DIRECTORS Neal Vance President Phil Savage Vice President Ed Adams Secretary Joanne Vance Officer Karen Cowles Member at Large Mark Alexander Member at LargeMANAGEMENT LINDSAY MANAGEMENT SERVICES 6126 Innovation Way Carlsbad, CA 92009 FAX 760-436-2566 Kyle Kruger Community Assn. Manager 760-436-1144 24/7 Answering Service BOARD of DIRECTORS Neal Vance President Phil Savage Vice President Ed Adams Secretary Joanne Vance Officer Karen Cowles Member at Large Mark Alexander Member at LargeMANAGEMENT LINDSAY MANAGEMENT SERVICES 6126 Innovation Way Carlsbad, CA 92009 FAX 760-436-2566 Kyle Kruger Community Assn. Manager 760-436-1144 24/7 Answering Service DEAR HOMEOWNERS AND TENANTS: PRESIDENT’S REPORT Rip-Rap: This issue continues unresolved. The lengthy and difficult application process may be coming to an end. The Coastal Commission is probably going to vote on our permit application during the December 2011 meeting in San Francisco. Our fear is that they will vote to approve the permit with conditions that are not acceptable to us. More details can be found at the Commission website: 2011.pdf If the Commission votes to approve with the unacceptable conditions or votes to deny our application, the permitting process will be starting over and/or we will be hiring lawyers to help get it approved without the unacceptable conditions. 2011.pdf Stairwell Windows/Decking/Walls: The stairwells are still unfinished. After the windows were replaced, water leaks in the stucco were found. The Board is exploring options to stop the water leaks. After the leaks have been stopped, the inside walls around the windows will be closed and painted. We hired an independent contractor, Loisos Design, who provided us with her color selections at the last Board meeting. The Board has decided to integrate her choices with the previous concept from 4Design. In addition, the Board and Architectural Committee have not made final decisions on the stairwell walls, ceilings and floors, although ideas have been proposed. Governing Documents Committee: Phil Savage is looking for volunteers to join the Committee to help the HOA’s law firm draft new Bylaws and CC&R’s. You may contact him via e-mail at: if you are interested in volunteering. Happenings: Connie and John Wood recently purchased Unit #28. Although their primary residence is in Utah, they were here in September and plan to be with us several months a year. When they arrive again, please introduce yourselves and make them feel welcome. John and Jamie Buell have a new addition to their family. A daughter, Olivia, was born in July. She joins Ben, who recently turned two. Robert Peelle President Community Association Newsletter Fall / Winter 2011 Tu Casa HOA

2 BRISTOL COVE POA ANNUAL MEETING: Date: Saturday, November 12, 2011 Location: Bobby’s Hideaway Café-catered 4901 El Camino Real, Ste. F Carlsbad, CA 92008 Time: 9:00 A.M./ Breakfast The Meeting will begin at 10:00 A.M. to elect three (3) members to the Board of Directors and discuss matters of mutual interest to the Association members. Jim Strickland has expressed his desire to run for another term. Tu Casa, with 31 units, will have 93 votes. Please come and help decide for whom our votes will be cast; the breakfast is GREAT! BOARD MEETINGS: Our Board normally meets at 5:00 P.M. on the third Monday of each month in the Tu Casa Recreation Room. Owners are welcome and encouraged to attend. The first 30 minutes of each Meeting are set aside for member input. The Agenda for each Meeting is posted on the Lobby Bulletin Board prior to each Meeting. NOTICE OF ELECTION RESULTS: Mark Alexander was elected Member at Large. NEXT BOARD MEETING NOVEMBER 21, 2011 5:00 PM COMMUNITY CLUBHOUSE 4747 Marina Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Owner Participation is Encouraged Tentative Schedule 2011/2012 December 19, 2011 January 16, 2012 Should you suspect any crime activity taking place on the Cove, call one of the numbers listed below. Even if you are not absolutely sure a crime is taking place, it’s better to be safe than sorry. This includes illegal fireworks. – 760-931-2199 CARLSBAD Police – 760-931-2199 LIFE-THREATENTING & FIRE EMERGENCY For Non-Emergency - 760-931-2197 TRI CITY PATROL 760- 758-0670 -- Please Put PAYMENTS ONLY in the US BANK Envelopes provided with Monthly Coupons -- Concerns, Complaints & Questions Please SEND In SEPARATE Envelopes to Lindsay Management Services Fall-Winter 2011 Back Page

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