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Argument Essay Practice Topic – Comedy Mr. Eugene AP English Language and Composition.

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Presentation on theme: "Argument Essay Practice Topic – Comedy Mr. Eugene AP English Language and Composition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Argument Essay Practice Topic – Comedy Mr. Eugene AP English Language and Composition

2 The Prompt Prompt begins with a quote or passage asserting a specific point of view. Directions for composition take one of two forms: 1. Write an essay that defends, challenges, or qualifies ___________’s statement about ___________. 2. Write an essay that evaluates the validity of the speaker’s ideas about __________ in light of __________.

3 Planning your response Always begin by quickly identifying your position and the evidence you will use to illustrate/support it. Choose a structure appropriate to your argument:  The 4-5 paragraph essay Focus: confirmation of thesis Structure: Intro expressing position followed by 2-3 body paragraphs offering specific evidence in support of thesis  The classical argument Focus: discredit opposing views before confirming thesis Structure: Introduction expressing position followed by  1-2 paragraphs identifying and disproving opposing points of view  1-2 paragraphs offering specific evidence in support of thesis  Rogerian argumentation Focus: Creating win/win rhetorical situations by finding common ground with opposing views Structure: Introduction defuses controversy by redefining core values of the argument; no set structure for body of essay.

4 Today ’ s exercise Five quotes, three minutes each: Read the quote and immediately identify the point of view and your reaction to it. Quickly write a short-hand expression of your position. Identify evidence that you will use and outline a structure for your argument.

5 Quote #1 A person without a sense of humor is like a wagon without springs. It's jolted by every pebble on the road. – Henry Ward Beecher

6 Quote #2 Humor is just another defense against the universe. -- Mel Brooks

7 Quote #3 I think the next best thing to solving a problem is finding some humor in it. -- Frank Howard Clark

8 Quote #4 Comedy is tragedy plus time. -- Carol Burnett

9 Quote #5 The duty of comedy is to correct men by amusing them. – Moliere

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