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Good morning ! Everyone! Everyone!. Unit 6 Design.

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Presentation on theme: "Good morning ! Everyone! Everyone!. Unit 6 Design."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good morning ! Everyone! Everyone!

2 Unit 6 Design

3 Chinese Paper Art Lesson 3 The Art of Paper

4 Let’s appreciate some pictures. Which one do you like most? Describe each paper cut in pairs. What meaning can you get from the following paper cuts?

5 Paper Cut of Double Happiness

6 Paper Cuts of the Dragon

7 Paper Cuts of Shengxiao Animals 十二生肖 mouse cowtiger rabbit snake dragon

8 horse goat monkey rooster/cockdog pig Paper Cuts of Shengxiao Animals 十二生肖

9 Paper Cuts of Various Topics Paper cuts of Chairman Mao

10 Paper Cuts of Various Topics



13 What meaning can you get from these paper cuts? Voice your opinion

14 Paper cuts with a long history is a special art form of China, and it plays an important part in people’s everyday life.

15 Reading Read the article with questions:

16 1 How many types of paper cuts do people like to make? What are they? 2 How do we know that there is a long tradition of paper- cutting in China? 3 Which Chinese character often appears in wedding paper cut? 4 How is paper-cutting related to fashion? 5 Why is the writer going to see Mr.Chen again?

17 Answers: 1 Three. Paper cut for decoration, for religious purposes and for design patterns. 2 2 Because paper cuts of animals have been found in tombs which date back to the time of the Northern Southern Dynasty (386- 589).

18 3 The Chinese character double happiness often appears in wedding paper-cuts. 4 By using paper-cutting like a pattern on clothing or on a jewelry box. 5 Because Mr. Chen could help the write make his/her first paper cut.

19 The Second Reading I am Chen Zijiang I am a expert I learned to cut from My suggestion for newcomers is to practice easy designs, snowflakes.such as paper-cutting an early age. Ⅰ Chen’ informatiion

20 Π something about paper cutting Paper cut Introduction: It is a art with a Chinese folk long history. It dates back to the Northern and Southern Dynasty. The types three the 1st type: the 2nd type : the 3rd type : It is used for decorating windows, walls, gates and lanterns It is used for It is used in religious purposes. the design of other crafts.

21 1. The writer wants to learn the skill of paper cuts. 2. Paper cut has something to do with clothing design. 3. Relations often use paper cuts to do something for the dead on special days. F T True or False T

22 4. The earliest paper cut dates back to the Southern Song Dynasty. 5. The text refers to us that paper cuts was once a necessary skill of a young woman. 6. Paper cuts are early found in tombs in the Northern and Southern Dynasty. 7. The text introduce the history and uses of Chinese paper cuts. T T T F

23 Discussion If I were a paper-cutting expert, which kind of paper cuts would you like to learn? And why? Tips: 12 1.animals(horse, sheep and so on); 2.Flowers 3.figures; 4.characters 1.Because I am interested in/like … 2. Because I want to give it to my friend as a present. 3.Because I was born in the year of …

24 Homework Write something about paper cut you have learned in this lesson. (50 words )

25 Chinese Paper Art Lesson 3 (The Language Points)

26 Language points: 1.from an early age= at an early age Some girls become mothers from an early age. 2.find out 弄清 ; 查明 Go and find out when the train will leave.

27 3.with a long history 具有悠久历史 a country with a long history. I painted a girl with a pigtail. 4.paper-cutting 剪纸 ( 艺术 ) paper cuts 剪纸 ( 作品 ) paper cuts of animals 动物剪纸作品 paper- cutting expert 剪纸专家 paper-cutting skills 剪纸手艺

28 5.the time of the Northern and Southern Dynasty 南北朝时期 the Southern Song Dynasty 到南宋为止

29… 到 …… 为止 She had learned enough to write in English by the age of 12. By the end of last month, they had made 20 model ships. He had learned 10 poems by heart by 10 o’clock last night.

30 8. marry vt. marry somebody 娶某人, 嫁给某人 He promises if he marries her, he will make her happy. 他许诺如果他娶了她, 会让她幸福。 be married to somebody 与某人结婚一段时间

31 9. put up 张贴, 搭起 ( 帐篷等 ) put on 穿上, 上演, 演出 put off 推迟 Paper cuts are usually put up during festivals. 剪纸通常在节日期间粘贴。 Tom put on his coat and went out. 汤姆穿上衣服出去了。

32 We are putting the play on again next week, owing to its success. 由于演出的成功, 我们下星期再次上演 这出戏。 Because of the bad weather, we have to put off the sports meeting next week. 由于天气不好, 我们不得不把运动会推 迟到下星期。

33 10.according to… 根据 …; 据 … 所说 According to John, Prof. Smith is a good teacher. According to our records, the books that you have borrowed should now be returned to the library. The train gets in at 9:00, according to the timetable.

34 11.a type of… 一种 …( 明确地按客观条件 划分的种类和群体 ) type n. 类型 ; 品种 Here is a new type of orange. There are four basic types of blood. She is the type of person that I like. used for… 做 … 用 Bamboo can be used for eating. The machine is used for binding ( 装订 ) books.

35 12. be related to 与 … 有亲属关系, 同一 类型, 物种。 Are you related to Margaret? 你与玛格丽特是一家人吗? Are you related to Alanis, the singer? 与阿兰妮斯, 那个歌星有亲属关系吗? The Zebra is related to the horse. 斑马和马是同一物种。

36 Thank you!

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