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Practice Power Point Promethean Professional Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Practice Power Point Promethean Professional Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Practice Power Point Promethean Professional Development

2 Using the Pen and Keyboard to annotate this text.

3 Use the highlighter tool and the pen to draw circles, and underline. PROGRESSIONCRITERIAEXEMPLARY-3COMPETENT-2BEGINNING-1 Central Ideas and Complex Analysis There is a complete analysis of the similarities and differences in the way in which a subject or idea is represented or conveyed in each medium. There is a partial analysis of the similarities and differences in the way in which a subject or idea is represented or conveyed in each medium. There is an incomplete analysis of the similarities and differences in the way in which a subject or idea is represented or conveyed in each medium. Textual Evidence Evidence in support of thesis is accurate, specific, relevant, and sufficient. Essay clearly and effectively explains how particular examples support thesis statement. Evidence in support of thesis is accurate, specific, relevant, and sufficient. Essay may not clearly explain how particular examples support thesis statement. Evidence in support of thesis is not accurate, or may be insufficient or irrelevant. Explanations of how examples support thesis may be weak or absent. Organization The essay is well-organized. The purpose of each paragraph is clear, with strong topic sentences linked to the thesis. The essay is somewhat organized. The purpose of each paragraph is clear, but there may be weak sentences. Some content may be inconsistent or irrelevant, and there may be minor problems of sequence. Conventions Language is clear and powerful, there are no significant errors of spelling, grammar, or usage. The essay may show a distinctive and elegant writing style. The writing contains only minimal errors of spelling, grammar, and usage. The language is clear, but the writing may not be especially powerful. Explicit Corrective FeedbackSTRENGTHS: Wonderful job on AREAS TO IMPROVE: Please consider adding STRATEGIES: We need to work on

4 Practice the revealer ticker tape and timer.

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