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APUSH – March 5 Objectives:  To practice the steps of AP writing  To understand how to summarize a Primary source  To infer information from a primary.

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Presentation on theme: "APUSH – March 5 Objectives:  To practice the steps of AP writing  To understand how to summarize a Primary source  To infer information from a primary."— Presentation transcript:

1 APUSH – March 5 Objectives:  To practice the steps of AP writing  To understand how to summarize a Primary source  To infer information from a primary source  To practice tying together outside information and outside sources  To understand how to write an essay explaining cause and effect relationships Homework:  Tuesday: Bring stuff for the DBQ project  Wednesday: Nothing  Thursday: 2000 DBQ essay (out of class) due  Friday: Chapter 34  **Harlem Renn discussion will be Monday, March 12 – get a jump on the readings and questions this week** Agenda:  Chapter 33  Presentations  Go over essay 6

2 What to Work On Outside info Don’t explain docs Docs should lead to more facts Don’t list facts or simply list docs

3 The Question How successful was organized labor in improving the position of workers in the period from 1875–1900? Analyze the factors that contributed to the level of success achieved.

4 Steps of a DBQ Step 1: Prompt Analysis  What is this prompt really asking?  Physically write the prompt in your own words.  How successful were labor unions in improving the position of workers?  Brainstorm a list of factors (categories) that contributed to the success labor unions achieved.

5 Steps of a DBQ 2. Brainstorm outside information  General labor reform information.  What do you know about labor unions?  Who were the leaders of the labor unions?  What strikes can you remember?  How were men affected by labor unions?  How were women affected by labor unions?  How were children affected by labor unions?  Who was able to participate in labor unions?  What were some labor unions named?  Who opposed labor unions? Why?  How did the government feel about labor unions?

6 Outside info brainstorm

7 Steps to a DBQ Step 3 – Document Analysis  Document A – Summarize what the document says in your own words  List all of the facts that this document makes you think of  Repeat for the other documents

8 Steps to a DBQ Step 3: Document Analysis  Go back through each document using the inferences work sheet.  Note what you missed and what you could add to your essay.

9 Steps of a DBQ Step 4: Thesis writing Example 1:  During the late 1800s America was experiencing a period known as the industrial revolution. However in the great advancement of mass production there was little concern for the workers. People, including children, were working an average of 9.9 hours a day in 1875, and were receiving little pay or respect for their services. There was a need for an organized labor union. This would protect workers from the harsh working conditions. Unfortunately, organized labor was not very successful during the period from 1875-1900.

10 Steps of a DBQ Step 4: Thesis Writing Example 2:  The rise of big business and big government during the last fourth of the 19 century produced both advantages for and abuses of different groups in the United States. Protests against the abuses produced some change and a desire for even more. Laborers from 1875-1900 were very persistent in their struggles to improve their position. They had some successes but were often ignored or even fought against by management. Therefore, organized labor in the period from 1875-1900 was some what successful in improving the position of workers but not completely successful.

11 Steps of a DBQ Step 4: Thesis writing Example 3:  The second industrial revolution which occurred after the civil war, saw more people especially immigrants who were willing to take low-paying jobs – working in factories. Many of these immigrants particularly the “new” ones from Southern and Eastern Europe, had been exposed to more radical ideas in their homelands and motivated them into American organized labor. To a certain extent, organized labor was successful in the last quarter of the nineteenth century although there were several major obstacles.

12 Steps to a DBQ Rewrite your intro paragraph using information from your brainstorm

13 DBQ Step 5: Body paragraphs  NEVER say “in document A it says…”  NEVER say “This shows…”  NEVER say “document A states…”  NEVER quote a document Why do you think you shouldn’t do this? What should you do? (How should you use the documents?)

14 Steps to a DBQ Go through and write the rest of your DBQ with the new information you have brainstormed. If I see “This document says…” or something similar you will receive a zero on this assignment.  Let me know if you need help integrating documents. This will be due next Wednesday

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