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Created and Presented By: Ms. Avashia Ms. Kiley Ms. Sanchez John W. McCormack Middle School.

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Presentation on theme: "Created and Presented By: Ms. Avashia Ms. Kiley Ms. Sanchez John W. McCormack Middle School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Created and Presented By: Ms. Avashia Ms. Kiley Ms. Sanchez John W. McCormack Middle School

2 Your Child Has Been in 8 th Grade for 2 Weeks… Why are we already talking to you about high school?  Complexity: The high school choice process in Boston is complicated, and students need support in figuring out how to choose a high school.  Importance: High school matters. Where a child attends high school in Boston may directly affect their academic success in high school, and their preparedness for college.  Empowerment: You and your child have the ability to investigate the high school options in Boston, and determine which will be the best fit.

3 High Schools in Boston  Large, Comprehensive Public High Schools  Large High Schools Broken into Small Learning Communities  Exam Schools  Pilot Schools  Charter Schools  Private and Parochial Schools

4 Large, Comprehensive Public High Schools  Examples: Brighton, East Boston, English, Burke  Advantages:  Have many extra-curricular opportunities for students—sports, clubs, internships, etc.  Offer a wider variety of courses.  Disadvantages:  Teachers have large numbers of students to keep track of; if your child is not a strong advocate for his/herself it is easy to get lost.

5 Large High Schools Broken into Small Learning Communities  Examples: South Boston, West Roxbury, Hyde Park, Dorchester  Advantages:  There are 3-4 “schools within a school”, each with its own specific theme and staff.  At some schools, the theme is strong, and evident in the school’s courses and programs.  Disadvantages:  Small schools sometimes lack the extracurricular opportunities that large schools offer

6 Exam Schools  Examples: Boston Latin School, Boston Latin Academy, John D. O’Bryant School for Math and Science  Advantages:  College preparation, academic rigor, many resources  Disadvantages:  “You’re on your own” mentality—limited guidance and support available for struggling students.

7 Pilot High Schools  Examples: Fenway, Boston Arts Academy, New Mission, BCLA  Advantages:  Small student population  Strong focus on college preparation  Disadvantages:  Must complete an application to be considered for admission  Lack some of the extracurriculars of larger high schools

8 Charter, Private, and Parochial Schools  Examples: City on a Hill, MATCH, Winsor, North Cambridge Catholic, Catholic Memorial  Advantages:  Small student population  Focus on college preparation  Disadvantages:  Can accept, reject, or expel students at will  Do not always have appropriate services for ELL or Special Education students  May charge a fee to attend (in private and parochial schools)

9 Factors to Consider When Choosing a High School  Size  Graduation Rate  Location  Theme  Services  Application Process  Extra-Curriculars

10 Factor 1: Size  Small schools: 400 students or fewer  Large schools: 800 students or more  Small schools tend to have smaller classes, and more academic support.  Large schools tend to have more extra- curricular activities, like sports, clubs, and internships. Which is most important to you?

11 Factor 2: Graduation Rate  The 4-year graduation rate tells you what percentage of students graduate on time.  The 4-year graduation rate also tells you whether students are passing or failing their classes, getting enough academic support, learning what they need to learn, etc. What are the graduation rates at the schools you are interested in?

12 Factor 3: Location  Location can be important, but shouldn’t be the only factor you base your decision on.  There are no buses in high school. Students are responsible for their transportation. You need your child’s school to be located such that it is easy for him/her to get there on time!  Depending on where you live, and where your child chooses to go to school, the travel time can be anywhere from 10 minutes (Ashmont to TechBoston) to 1.5 hours (Ashmont to Charlestown) How does location affect your decision about what school to attend?

13 Factor 4: Theme  Most high schools have a theme that guides their teaching and learning. For example, if the theme is “health”, then they may have more health classes, internships, after-school programs, etc.  Some schools have stronger themes than others, but if a theme interests you, you should definitely visit the school to see if the theme actually affects the everyday lives of students. What themes are most interesting to your child?

14 Factor 5: Services  It’s important to know whether a high school has the services necessary to best support your child.  Consider the following support services when looking at high schools: special education (inclusion or pull-out model); English as a Second Language; socio-emotional, college, and career counseling. What types of services will your child need to be successful in high school?

15 Factor 6: Application Process  Most schools just require that you rank them 1 st on your school registration form (comes out in January, and must be filled out and returned during that month).  Some schools have applications, essays, teacher recommendations, and interviews. Are you willing to support your child in filling out applications in order to attend the high school of their choice?

16 Factor 7: Extra-curriculars  Extra-curriculars are the activities available to students after school, and over the summer. These include sports, clubs, internships, travel experiences, etc. How important are extra-curriculars to you and your child? Which extra- curriculars do you want to have at your child’s high school?

17 Other Factors to Consider  Start and end time for the school day  Percentage of students passing MCAS in 10 th grade  Average student score on the SAT  Percentage of students going to college  Percentage of students STAYING in college after the 1 st year When you visit schools, ask these questions if they are things you want to know about!

18 Important Dates to Know  Citywide Showcase of Schools: Saturday, October 24 th, 1-4 p.m., Reggie Lewis Center in Roxbury  School Preview Time: November 2-January 22. Schools will hold open houses and shadow days for students. Student absences for school visits are EXCUSED.  First Registration Period: January 4- February 5, 2010. Students MUST turn in a registration form during this time if they want a high school of their choosing!

19  Size: 226 students  4-year graduation rate: 58%  Location: Brighton, MA  Theme: Rigorous college preparatory curriculum with a focus on reading and writing  Services: L4, R2, R3; No ELL  Application Process: School Registration Form  Extra-curriculars: ACC plays for Brighton High School; Running; Chess; Knitting; Step; Boys and Girls Groups; Newspaper Club  Hours: 8-3:30 for 9 th and 10 th graders (8-2:30 for 11 th and 12 th graders)

20  Size: 404 students  4-Year Graduation Rate: 84%  Location: Fenway  Theme: Arts, Theatre, Dance, Visual Art, Vocal and Instrumental Music  Services: L4, L3, P4, Q4, R2, R3; ELL (Spanish)  Application Process: 3 step process— Application to Audition, Audition, and final application  Extra-curriculars: No sports. Tutoring; Gay Straight Alliance; Culture-Based Clubs  Hours: 9:30-3:55 on M, 7:55-3:40 on T & Th, 7:55-1:00 on F

21  Size: 380 students  4-year Graduation Rate: 71%  Location: Brighton, MA  Theme: College Prep, Leadership  Services: A4, L4, R2; ELL (Spanish)  Application Process: Application and Interview with Parent/Guardian  Extra-curriculars: Step team; sports with Brighton High; Debate; Yearbook  Hours: 8:00-3:15 (11:30 dismissal on Fridays)

22 Boston Day and Evening Academy  Size: 134 students  4-year Graduation Rate: 19%  Location: Roxbury  Theme: Alternative school for students 16-21  Services:  Application Process: Application, Interview, Diagnostic Assessment, 4 day Orientation  Extra-curriculars: Internships, Shadowships  Hours: Hours vary. Evening options exist.

23 Boston International High School  Size: 177 students  4-year Graduation Rate: 31%  Location: Dorchester  Theme: SEI students who have been in the country for 2 years or less  Application Process: Must meet the criteria for ELL beginner or early intermediate  Extra-curriculars: Soccer, baseball, and volleyball  Hours: 7:50am – 2:10 pm

24  Size: 1223 students  4-year Graduation Rate: 63%  Location: Brighton  Theme: Business and Technology, Media Arts, Law and Government, Health Professions, Teach Boston  Services: A4, L4, U4; ELL (Spanish)  Application Process: Rank as a top choice on your school registration form  Extra-curriculars: Latinos in Action, Asian Club, Haitian Club, Football, Soccer, Basketball, Hockey, Track, Baseball, Cheerleading, Softball, Tennis  Hours: 7:40am – 2:03pm

25 Brook Farm Academy  Size: 350 students  4-year Graduation Rate: 75.3%  Location: West Roxbury  Theme: College Prep with Business Focus  Services: Multi-handicap Program (P4); No ELL  Application Process: School registration form  Extra-curriculars: Internships, Debate, Social Awareness, JV and Varsity sports  Hours: 7:20am – 1:40pm

26 Boston Latin Academy  Size: 1647 students  4-year Graduation Rate: 94.5%  Location: Dorchester  Theme: College Prep  Application Process: ISEE Exam  Extra-curriculars: Baseball, softball, basketball, track, swimming, football, soccer, music, peer tutoring,  Hours: 7:20am-1:40pm

27 Boston Latin School  Size: 2406 students  4-year Graduation Rate: 95%  Location: Fenway  Theme: College Prep  Application Process: ISEE Exam  Extra-curriculars: Baseball, softball, basketball, track, swimming, soccer, chorus, band, debate, theatre  Hours: 7:45am-2:15pm

28 Jeremiah E. Burke High School  Size: 650 students  4-year Graduation Rate: 43.5%  Location: Dorchester  Theme: Arts and Humanities; Health and Human Services; Information Technology  Services: L4, P4, Q4, R2, R3; No Spanish ELL  Application Process: School registration form  Extra-curriculars: All sports, School Newspaper, Literary Magazine, Science and Math clubs  Hours: 7:50am – 2:10pm

29 Charlestown High School  Size: 1148 students  4-year Graduation Rate: 45%  Location: Charlestown  Theme: College Prep, Character, Humanitarianism, Service  Services: Multi-handicap Program (P4), L4, A4, R2, R3; No Spanish ELL  Application Process: School registration form  Extra-curriculars: football, soccer, cross- country, baseball, softball, basketball, volleyball, gospel choir  Hours: 7:20am – 1:40pm

30 Community Academy for Science and Health  Size: 366 students  4-year Graduation Rate: 61%  Location: Hyde Park  Themes: Science and Health  Services: A4, L4, U4, Resource Room (R2, R3); No ELL  Application Process: School registration form  Extra-curriculars: football, basketball, soccer, cheerleading, track and field  Hours: 7:45am-2:05pm

31 East Boston High School  Size: 1373 students  4-year Graduation Rate: 50%  Location: East Boston  Theme: Management; Health and Human Services; Media; Art.  Services: A4, L4, U4, B4, Resource Room (R2, R3); ELL (Spanish)  Application Process: School registration form  Extra-curriculars: Volleyball, Swimming, Football, Soccer, Baseball, Softball, Track, Hockey, Basketball, Cheerleading, Dance Club, JROTC, Multicultural Show  Hours: 7:45am – 2:05pm

32 The Engineering School  Size: 316 students  4-year Graduation Rate: 39%  Location: Hyde Park  Theme: Engineering  Services: Multi-handicap Program (P4), Resource Room (R2, R3); No ELL  Application Process: School registration form  Extra-curriculars: Robotics, Science Fair, Football, Soccer, Track, Cheerleading, Softball, Baseball, Basketball, Partnerships with MIT  Hours: 7:45am – 2:05pm

33 The English High School  Size: 800 students  4-year Graduation Rate: 57%  Location: Jamaica Plain  Theme: College for All  Services: A4, L4, B4, P4, R2, R3; Bilingual for A4, R2, R3; ELL (Spanish)  Application Process: School Registration form  Extra-curriculars: Football, Soccer, Cheerleading, Basketball, Volleyball, Track, Baseball, Softball, Tutoring, Upward Bound, Service trip to Mexico  Hours: 7:45am – 3:25pm

34  Size: 340 students  4-year Graduation Rate: 59%  Location: South Boston  Theme: College Prep program with technology component  Services: U4, L4, R2, R3, A4  Application Process: School registration form  Extra-curriculars: Robotics, Film, Theatre, Martial Arts, Football, Soccer, Volleyball, Baseball, Basketball, Track, Softball, Cheerleading  Hours: 7:20am – 1:40pm

35  4-year Graduation Rate: 83%  Location: Fenway  Theme: College Prep  Services: L4, No ELL  Application Process: Application & essay  Extra-curriculars: Baseball, softball, basketball, track, Photography, Fitness room, Engineering club, Internships, College classes at Emmanuel  Hours: 8:40am - 3:30 (M,W,Th), 2:20 (T) & 12:45 (F)

36 Health Careers Academy  Size: 207 students  4-year Graduation Rate: 100%  Location: Fenway/Northeastern  Theme: Health professions  Services: A4 with all students fully included; No ELL Program, but ELL students attend  Application Process: Application with essay, and must attend an info session  Extra-curriculars: Basketball, step team, dance team, Tae Kwon Do, cooking, art, sewing, internships  Hours: 7:25am – 2:30pm

37 John D. O’Bryant High School  Size: 1261 students  4-year Graduation Rate: 95%  Location: Roxbury  Theme: College Prep, Math and Science  Application Process: ISEE Exam  Extra-curriculars: Cheerleading, Football, Basketball, volleyball, softball, track, chess, drama, step, Gateway College Prep, Internships  Hours: 7:20am-1:40pm

38  Size: 1419 students  4-year Graduation Rate: 46%  Location: Roxbury  Theme: Technical Vocational—computers, graphics, cooking, medical assisting, cosmetology, carpentry, electricity, plumbing, sheet metal, auto mechanics, etc.  Services: A4, L4, B4, Q4  Application Process: School registration form  Extra-curriculars: Sports, JROTC, Internships  Hours: 7:40am – 2:00pm

39 Media Communications Technology High School  Size: 360 students  4-year Graduation Rate: 81%  Location: West Roxbury  Theme: Media Communications  Services: A4, B4, L4, P4; Yes ELL  Application Process: School registration form  Extra-curriculars: Soccer, Volleyball, Football, Basketball, Swimming, Track, Baseball, Softball, TV studio, Photography studio  Hours: 7:20am – 1:40pm

40  Size: 327 students  4-year Graduation Rate: 57%  Location: South Boston  Theme: Public Safety and Criminal Justice  Services: L4, A4, Q4, Resource Room (R2, R3)  Application Process: School registration form  Extra-curriculars: Soccer, Volleyball, Football, Basketball, Track, South Africa Exchange Club, Internships with Boston Police and Fire, JROTC  Hours: 7:20am – 1:40pm

41 New Mission High School  Size: 270 students  4-year Graduation Rate: 58%  Location: Roxbury  Theme: Social Justice, College Prep  Services: No ELL  Application Process: Application with essay, interview  Extra-curriculars: Debate, Basketball, Track, Football, Softball, Cheerleading, Step, Community Service, Student Government  Hours: 7:55am – 2:30pm (W dismissal at 12:30)

42 Noonan Academy of Business and Public Service  Size: 500 students  4-year Graduation Rate: 39%  Location: Dorchester  Theme: Business, Public Service, Law and Criminal Justice, Community Service, Economics, Leadership  Services: Q4, L4, Resource Room (R2, R3); No ELL  Application Process: School registration form  Extra-curriculars: Soccer, Volleyball, Football, Basketball, Track, Baseball, Softball, Debate, Internships, Shadowships  Hours: 7:50am – 2:10pm

43 Odyssey High School  Size: 326 students  4-year Graduation Rate: 39%  Location: South Boston  Theme: Environmental Science  Services: L4, Resource Room (R2, R3) Application Process: School registration form  Extra-curriculars: Volleyball, Football, Basketball, Track, Baseball, Hockey, Cheerleading, Internships  Hours: 7:20am – 1:40pm

44 Parkway Academy of Technology and Health (PATH)  Size: 300 students  4-year Graduation Rate: 83%  Location: West Roxbury  Theme: Health and Technology  Services: A4, L4, B4, R2, R3, R1; No ELL  Application Process: School registration form  Extra-curriculars: All sports, French Club, Multi-Cultural Club, Mock Trial Club, dance, theater, drumming, SAT Prep  Hours: 7:20am – 1:40pm

45  Size: 392 students  4-year Graduation Rate: 60%  Location: Copley  Theme: International Studies and World Languages  Services: L4, R2, R3  Application Process: School registration form  Extra-curriculars: Soccer, Volleyball, Football, Basketball, Track, Baseball, Softball, Hockey, Wrestling, International Travel, Dance Team, Theatre, School Magazine  Hours: 8:00am – 2:20pm

46 Social Justice Academy  Size: 305 students  4-year Graduation Rate: 40%  Location: Hyde Park  Theme: Social Activism, Civic Engagement, Academic Rigor, Community Service, Law, Respect for all people  Services: A4, B4, L4, U4, Resource Room (R2, R3)  Application Process: School registration form  Extra-curriculars: Soccer, Volleyball, Football, Basketball, Track, Dance, Theatre, Student Government  Hours: 7:45am – 2:05pm

47  Size: 330 students  4-year Graduation Rate: 83%  Location: Dorchester  Theme: Project-based learning using technology  Services: Q4, R2, R3, L4, U4  Application Process: School registration form  Extra-curriculars: Poetry Club, Full Sports Program, Photography  Hours: 8:15am – 3:55 (M,T,Th), 3:30 (W), & 2:30 (F)

48 Urban Science Academy  Size: 289 students  4-year Graduation Rate: 44%  Location: West Roxbury  Theme: Science, Technology, Math, Arts  Services: L4, B4, R2, R3; No ELL program, but ELL students attend  Application Process: School registration form  Extra-curriculars: Debate, Robotics, Drama, Music, Full sports program, Photography, Computers, Step Team  Hours: 7:20am – 1:40pm

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