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National Household Travel Survey Data User Tools Adella Santos FHWA-OFFICE OF HIGHWAY POLICY INFORMATION APDU 2008 ANNUAL CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 25, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "National Household Travel Survey Data User Tools Adella Santos FHWA-OFFICE OF HIGHWAY POLICY INFORMATION APDU 2008 ANNUAL CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 25, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Household Travel Survey Data User Tools Adella Santos FHWA-OFFICE OF HIGHWAY POLICY INFORMATION APDU 2008 ANNUAL CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 25, 2008

2 Today’s Presentation Public data: Purpose for Planning and Policy About the NHTS Data Travel Trends Data Content and data sets Uses and Users Data Products and User data Tools

3 About the NHTS Data… National Study on travel of the American Public Add-On Program for States and metropolitan areas. 40 Years of Travel Data –1969, 1977, 1983, 1990, 1995, 2001, 2008 Link between demographics, travel and vehicles. Widely used inside and outside the transportation research, planning and policy communities.

4 Planning and Policy: How do we get from here to there? v Use of a travel diary

5 What do we ask? Core Travel Data Content Household demographics (composition and income) Person (Age, race, sex, ethnicity, worker & students status, citizenship, education) Geography (urban, rural, suburban, state and national analyses) Vehicles (Make, model, year, mileage alternative fuels) Trips/Commute information (mode, occupancy, time of departure, purpose, work location and occupation, distance trip length)

6 For Each Household: Number of people Number of drivers Number of workers Number of vehicles Income Race and Ethnicity For Each Vehicle: Make (Hybrid/Alternative fuel) Model Age (year) How long owned* For Each Person: Age Gender Driver status Worker Status Annual Miles Daily Travel Data: Purpose Mode Start/End time Distance Vehicle Occupancy Interstate use Travel Data Depends on :

7 Trends in Travel Content: 2008 New and Improved Data Shopping by Internet and deliveries to the household Frequency of self-employed and work at home instead of traveling to workplace Flexibility of arrival time at work Vehicle Make and model, whether hybrid or alternate fuel used Travel to school detail to support Safe Routes to School program Whether trip included travel on freeway/interstate and whether a toll was paid

8 Internet shopping and the impact of purchases being delivered

9 In 2001 we started to see a relationship on internet use and travel… Source: Contrino and McGuckin paper to be submitted TRB 2008

10 Other sources show increased household purchases on-line… Source: USPS HDS data Average Number of On-Line Purchases per Month

11 What are the effects on system use? More Truck in Residential areas: Congestion impacts Safety Issues Economic impacts

12 Trend Issue: Fleet Penetration and use of Hybrid/Alternative fuel Vehicles  Since 1969 we have collected fleet characteristics (make/model/age of vehicle)  Since 2001, added value of vehicle efficiency (mpg) and gas cost  2008, added Hybrid and alternate fuel use

13 Fleet Characteristic and fuel cost are changing

14 The Average Vehicle is 9 Years Old. Source: NHTS Data Series, 1977 - 2001

15 NHTS 2001 and 2008 Data Sets 2001 NHTS - Household data set: 69,817 records, 188 variables - Person data set: 160,758 records, 142 variables - Daytrip data set: 642, records, 150 variables - Vehicle data set: 139, 382 records, 92 variables - 3 replicate weight files: each has 398 variables - Contains 239 derived variables. 2008 NHTS - 150,000 Households (25,000 national Sample and 125,000 Add-On sample).

16 Major Users and Uses Users Federal (DOT) Federal (Non DOT) State DOT MPOs Universities Research Entities Uses System Use Measures (congestion, Urban/rural) Travel Characteristics (Trends & Forecasting) Mode Use for Transit Planning, Bike/Pedestrian, Safety (Exposure rates)

17 Other Measures Provides data for forecasting and air quality analysis. Tracks changes in fleet characteristics and use (e.g. Hybrids vehicles and effects of rising gas prices on travel) Marks the effect of new technology/uses on travel behaviors (e.g. internet shopping and deliveries to homes.) Policy effects in Travel (e.g. work at home workers with flexible arrival time.) Rich in Demographics (e.g. travel demands specific population groups such as immigrants, elderly, school children, low income)

18 NHTS Products PUBLICATIONS: Policy Briefs State Profiles Summary of Travel Trends Our Nation’s Travel: Current Issues Data Trends Data Set: 1990, 1995, 2001 Data Tools NHTS Website: (Community of exchange) On Line Analysis Tool Transferability Tool

19 NHTS Policy Briefs

20 State Profiles

21 NHTS Website:

22 Please visit our website:



25 Transferability Data Tool

26 Accessing NHTS Products State Profiles Summary of Travel Trends and Our Nation’s Travel: Current Trends Trends Database: CD Policy Briefs: Transferability – On-line Analysis Tool: http://nhts.ornl.gov –SAS Data Set:

27 Thank You! National Household Travel Survey

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