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Welcome to DEP’s GIS Workshop Series Workshop 6 Using the ArcMap Pictometry Extension 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to DEP’s GIS Workshop Series Workshop 6 Using the ArcMap Pictometry Extension 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to DEP’s GIS Workshop Series Workshop 6 Using the ArcMap Pictometry Extension 1

2 Pictometry Basics 2 High resolution oblique imagery, NOT orthophotography Can be viewed from all four directions Covers only a portion of the state Has numerous handy tools Is proprietary. DEP owns only the license to view the data, not the data itself. What Is It? Using the ArcMap Pictometry Extension

3 3 Pictometry (Oblique)Orthophoto (Vertical) Using the ArcMap Pictometry Extension

4 4 View from All Directions Using the ArcMap Pictometry Extension

5 5 For those portions of the state without coverage (blue areas), visit If you click in a blue area for a Pictometry image, a topographic map will display instead. Using the ArcMap Pictometry Extension

6 6 Pictometry Tools Using the ArcMap Pictometry Extension

7 Licensing Issues 7 See Handout. DEP is only licensed to USE this product. We do not own the images or the software. We cannot distribute any of these images to anyone outside of DEP. The Pictometry Extension software is also a copyrighted product. It cannot be given to any third party. Using the ArcMap Pictometry Extension

8 8 Opening Pictometry Click on Tools, Extensions in ArcMap. Using the ArcMap Pictometry Extension

9 9 Opening Pictometry Choose Pictometry from the Extension Dialog Box. The Pictometry Extension is now active. Using the ArcMap Pictometry Extension

10 10 Opening Pictometry Next open the Pictometry toolbar by right clicking in the toolbar area and choosing “Pictometry Toolbar”. This places the following toolbar on your view. You can now begin using Pictometry. Using the ArcMap Pictometry Extension

11 Pictometry Settings 11 Buttons and Tools Contains settings for the following: Units, Labels, Map Display Items, Overlays on Image, Image Views, Print Options, Image Extraction, and Watermarks. Using the ArcMap Pictometry Extension

12 Pictometry Settings 12 Buttons and Tools Overlay Settings Determine whether or not to view DEP’s data on the Pictometry images. DEP data layer features may not be accurately positioned. Solid fill polygons do not display, but their outlines do. Using the ArcMap Pictometry Extension

13 13 Image Tool Click on the tool, then on the map to view a specific location. Boundaries of actual image as photographed. Boundaries of image in Pictometry view Using the ArcMap Pictometry Extension

14 14 Viewing Tools Click on the tool to change the view. Using the ArcMap Pictometry Extension

15 15 Viewing Tools The View Ortho Image tool allows you to see your area in an orthophoto-type view. Remember that these photos are also restricted by the Pictometry agreement and cannot be distributed to third parties. To return back to the Pictometry view, you must once again use the image tool and click on the ArcMap display. Using the ArcMap Pictometry Extension

16 16 Pictometry Zoom In Pictometry Zoom Out Pictometry Zoom Home Click on the tool to zoom in to double the present magnification. Click on the tool to zoom out to half the present magnification. Click on the tool to display the entire image in the Image window. Pictometry Zoom Tool Click on the tool to make it active. Then draw a box around the area you want to zoom to. Or, click on the area and it will re-center the image and double the zoom in. Using the ArcMap Pictometry Extension

17 17 Pictometry Identify Tool Pictometry Pan Tool Pictometry Extract Tool Click on the tool, then click on the map to identify features. Click on the tool to pan within the Pictometry view. Click on the tool, then drag your mouse to identify an area that you would like to save as a.jpg picture file. Enter the file name and click OK. Remember that if you print an image, you cannot distribute it to any third party. Using the ArcMap Pictometry Extension

18 18 Pictometry Print Click on the tool to print your image. Pictometry Print Preview Click on the tool to preview your image as it will look when printed. Using the ArcMap Pictometry Extension

19 19 Pictometry Measuring Tools General Information All results are shown in the status bar at the bottom of the Pictometry window. The units of measure can only be set to meters or feet by using the Pictometry Settings Tool. Acres, Square Miles, Yards, etc. cannot be displayed. The use of additional keys on your keyboard are used, depending on your tool. These keys include the “V” key, Ctrl key, and Alt key. Using the ArcMap Pictometry Extension

20 20 Pictometry Location Tool Pictometry Distance Tool Click on the tool, then click on the map to identify the latitude and longitude in decimal degrees. To change to meters, go to the Pictometry Settings tool. Single Line Distance Click on the tool. Click on your beginning point on the map, hold the mouse button down, drag to the end point and release. The distance is shown on the status bar. Using the ArcMap Pictometry Extension

21 21 Multiple Line Distances To add a vertex to change direction of your line, press and release the V key. The resulting distance is the combined distance of all segments. Free Form Distances Hold down the Alt key and drag your mouse to draw a free form line. Pictometry Distance Tool Using the ArcMap Pictometry Extension

22 22 Perimeter of a Parallelogram To measure the perimeter of a parallelogram, draw the first side of your shape, then hold the Ctrl key down while you drag to form a rectangle. Perimeter of a Free-Form Shape Although the help guide states that perimeter can be measured for a free form area, that function does not work. Pictometry Distance Tool Using the ArcMap Pictometry Extension

23 23 Area of a Parallelogram Click the tool, then click and drag your first edge on the map. Now hold the Ctrl key down and drag in the desired direction to create a four sided shape. Area of Any Straight-Sided Shape Click the tool, then click and drag your first edge on the map. Now press the V key to create a corner or “vertex” to change direction. To close your shape, release the mouse as close as you can to the beginning. Pictometry Area Tool Using the ArcMap Pictometry Extension

24 24 Area of a Free-Form Shape Click the tool, then click and hold the mouse button. Next, hold the Alt key down and draw your shape. Note: If you’d like to add a corner or “vertex”, press the V key. Pictometry Area Tool Using the ArcMap Pictometry Extension

25 25 To measure height, click the tool, then press and hold the mouse button on a point at the base of your structure. Next, drag the mouse up to the point you’d like to measure. Release the mouse and your height will appear on the status bar. Pictometry Height Tool Using the ArcMap Pictometry Extension

26 26 To measure elevation at any location, click the tool, then click on the map. The elevation will be shown in the status bar. Pictometry Elevation Tool Using the ArcMap Pictometry Extension

27 27 This tool measures either the bearing of a straight line, or the angle formed by the intersection of two lines. Pictometry Bearing Tool Straight Line Bearing To measure the bearing, click on the tool. Now press and hold the mouse button down while dragging a line to your desired point. The status line will display the bearing in decimal degrees. Using the ArcMap Pictometry Extension

28 28 Pictometry Bearing Tool Measuring an Angle Click the tool. Press and hold the mouse button on the point you want to be the angle’s vertex. Drag a line along one side of the angle. Press and hold the Ctrl key, then drag the mouse away from the first side to draw the second side. Release. Using the ArcMap Pictometry Extension

29 29 Pictometry Navigate Tool Navigating a Route Click the tool. Your cursor changes to a walking person. To begin, double click your starting point. A red crosshair will be shown. Next, click on the map for the next destination point. Keep clicking until your route is finished. Then double click to end the route. A total distance is shown in the status bar. Using the ArcMap Pictometry Extension

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