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ALWAYS LEARNING1 Effective Teaching for ALL Students: The SIOP ® Model NAME TITLE Pearson School Achievement Services.

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2 ALWAYS LEARNING1 Effective Teaching for ALL Students: The SIOP ® Model NAME TITLE Pearson School Achievement Services

3 ALWAYS LEARNING2 What is SIOP®? Simple! Framework for organizing instruction

4 ALWAYS LEARNING3 What does SIOP® Stand for? Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol

5 ALWAYS LEARNING4 What Is Sheltered Instruction? “Sheltered instruction is an approach for teaching content to English learners (ELs) in strategic ways that make the subject matter concepts comprehensible while promoting the students’ English language development.”

6 ALWAYS LEARNING5 What is the Basic Premise of SIOP®? What characterizes a sheltered SIOP® classroom is the systematic, consistent, and concurrent focus on teaching both: academic content AND academic language to English learners and to all students.

7 ALWAYS LEARNING6 What Does It Mean that SIOP® is a Model? Lesson Planning AND Delivery System for teachers to promote academic language development along with comprehensible content

8 ALWAYS LEARNING7 What Does It Mean that SIOP® is a Protocol? SIOP® is an observation tool It provides school administrators, teachers, teacher candidates, and field experience supervisors with a tool for observing and quantifying a teacher's implementation of quality sheltered instruction.

9 ALWAYS LEARNING8 Why Is SIOP® Different from Other Models? It is the ONLY EMPIRICALLY VALIDATED model of sheltered instruction

10 ALWAYS LEARNING9 SIOP® Research Reference The SIOP Model was developed during a seven- year research project (1996-2003) for the Center for Research on Education, Diversity & Excellence, funded by the Institute for Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. A study was conducted to establish the validity and reliability of the model. Researchers compared ELs in classes whose teachers had been trained in implementing the model to those who had not been. The results showed that those students whose teachers did implement the model had higher narrative and expository writing scores.

11 ALWAYS LEARNING10 SIOP® Results Snapshot: Brockton High School Between 2003 and 2009, Brockton High School increased the percentage of English language learners (ELLs) passing the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System by 255% for language arts and 158% for mathematics. Brockton school leaders cite the adoption and training of all teachers in the SIOP® Model as one of the key factors in its success. “Why does SIOP work for Brockton? It gives ALL of our teachers, our ESL teachers and our general education teachers, a structured and reliable format that can be implemented in their classrooms, and it increases the achievement of all of our students, particularly our ELLs.” -- Sue Szachowicz, Principal Brockton High School

12 ALWAYS LEARNING11 The Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) SIOP is a framework for organizing instruction Scientifically validated model of sheltered instruction that makes content comprehensible for ELs while developing their English language proficiency 7 year research project (1996- 2003) to develop and test the SIOP model Teacher Effectiveness RTI-Reading First Interventions ESL Techniques Cooperative Learning Writing Processes Standards CCSS Differentiated Instruction SIOP *For additional information on SIOP see Echevarria, J., Vogt, M., Short, D.J. (2008). Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners: The SIOP Model (3rd ed.). Boston: Pearson Education.


14 ALWAYS LEARNING13 Components of The SIOP Model (Echevarria, Vogt, & Short, 2004, 2008) 1. Lesson Preparation – language and content objectives drive instruction 2. Building Background – vocabulary development, student connections 3. Comprehensible Input – ESL techniques 4. Strategies – metacognitive and cognitive strategies 5. Interaction – oral language 6. Practice & Application – practice all 4 language skills 7. Lesson Delivery – meet objectives 8. Review & Assessment – review vocabulary and concepts

15 ALWAYS LEARNING14 SIOP Terminology SIOP Model = the lesson planning and delivery system SIOP Protocol = the instrument used to observe, rate, and provide feedback on lessons

16 ALWAYS LEARNING15 Why SIOP from Pearson? Only author-approved training on the SIOP Model Authors review and contribute to our trainings and materials Exclusive publisher of the SIOP book series Highly trained staff to deliver staff development On-going staff development for all of our consultants Offer full suite of PD services including face-to-face training, online options, coaching and modeling, and Inter-Rater Reliability SIOP® author team: Dr. Jana Echevarría, Dr. MaryEllen Vogt, Dr. Deborah Short

17 ALWAYS LEARNING16 SIOP District Professional Development

18 ALWAYS LEARNING17 Progression of PD Components

19 ALWAYS LEARNING18 SIOP Training for Teachers (K-12) (3 days) Baseline SIOP training for classroom educators Elementary and Secondary versions available Virtual Institute option SIOP Training for Administrators (1 day) Option for districts considering a SIOP implementation or exploring ways to improve the academic achievement of ELs SIOP District PD: Foundations

20 ALWAYS LEARNING19 SIOP Training for Teachers Virtual Institute Cost-effective and schedule-friendly 11 Sessions, 4 live, 7 self-paced Q&A with an Author Volume Discounts for Districts Evidence-Based Teaching Strategies Built-in Accountability Peer Collaboration Delivery Options For more information:

21 ALWAYS LEARNING20 SIOP Component Enrichment (1 day) One day to focus on a specific Component of the SIOP Model (8 days available) Version for Math (3 days available) SIOP Observation & Feedback of Teachers (2 days) Teachers gain feedback on their teaching with the SIOP Model SIOP Lesson Coaching & Modeling (5 days) Teachers work with a Pearson SIOP Facilitator to revise and refine a SIOP lesson to improve teaching techniques SIOP District PD: Building Teacher Capacity

22 ALWAYS LEARNING21 SIOP Coaching & Implementation (2 days) Foundational program for building coaching capacity SIOP Coaching & Observation (2 days) Advanced training for coaches in the process of observing, conferencing and coaching SIOP Inter-Rater Reliability (2 days) Participants calibrate their ratings of a lesson with the SIOP protocol to establish accurate levels of inter-rater reliability Also great for Administrators! SIOP District PD: For Coaches

23 ALWAYS LEARNING22 RTI for English Learners RTI for English Learners (2 days) Ideal for district administrators, school leaders, coaches and specialists who need to implement an RTI system Created by SIOP Model authors and experts RTI for ELs Virtual Institute Facilitated online course, includes self-paced sessions and 4 collaborative “live” sessions 8 sessions over the course of 4 weeks Q&A with an Author

24 ALWAYS LEARNING23 Why Implement SIOP Districtwide? Districts will: Build capacity in sheltered instruction across all content areas for all students Improve AYP by focusing on lesson delivery, student comprehension, and English proficiency Use the SIOP model to ensure transfer of knowledge from programs to classroom implementation

25 ALWAYS LEARNING24 “Finally a system that provides a concrete structure to plan and implement sheltered English for content areas.” - ESL Bilingual Teacher/Specialist “Extremely well organized, fabulous teaching strategies, excellent presenters, kept on schedule, varied activities for participants.” - K–6 Administrator “I loved the fact that this was interactive. I'm excited to go back and implement what I've learned.” - ESL Bilingual Teacher/Specialist Customer Testimonials

26 ALWAYS LEARNING25 SIOP Books Available

27 ALWAYS LEARNING26 A+RISE: within the Sheltered Instruction Framework Background building Practice/Application Comprehensible InputInteraction/Grouping Review/Assessment Instructiona l strategies

28 ALWAYS LEARNING27 Research-based Instructional Strategies for ELLs and SELs Aligned + Appropriate

29 ALWAYS LEARNING28 A+RISE helps teachers: differentiate instruction reinforce best practices provide alternative learning strategies support the implementation of instructional frameworks such as the SIOP® Model improve the academic achievement of all students, including ELLs

30 ALWAYS LEARNING29 A+RISE Products A+RISE Standards2Strategy A+RISE Strategy Cards

31 ALWAYS LEARNING30 A+RISE District Professional Development A+RISE Training for Teachers K-12 Strategies 1 day basic training in A+RISE product Includes training in Standards2Strategy online A+RISE Content Training for Secondary Teachers ½ sessions for each content area (combine for full PD day) Content areas available: Math Science English/Language Arts History/Social Studies

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