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AS YOU ENTER, PLEASE: Collect the three handouts (two packets, one small slip) Find a seat close to others Use the QR code to the left to go to

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Presentation on theme: "AS YOU ENTER, PLEASE: Collect the three handouts (two packets, one small slip) Find a seat close to others Use the QR code to the left to go to"— Presentation transcript:

1 AS YOU ENTER, PLEASE: Collect the three handouts (two packets, one small slip) Find a seat close to others Use the QR code to the left to go to Vote for the type of student whose data you’d like to see presented to the group A QR code for accompanying materials will be provided on the next screen.

2 NECTFL Boston – March 29, 2014 Elliott Goodman Teachers College, Columbia University

3  Your sine quā non  Needs Analysis  National Latin Survey background  National Latin Survey results  Reactions  What do your students want?  Thinking critically about curriculum  Thank yous  Final thoughts




7  What goal do you want for your language class? Be specific. (90 seconds)  Optional prompt: What one knowledge/skill/experience MUST students have?  Share with a group and compare. (90 sec.)  How do your goals differ? What differences will there be in the classroom? (2-3 min.)

8  To describe the goals of a second/foreign language course or program, a recognized procedure in the process of program design was to carry out a needs analysis of the kinds of language needed by the student for their real world purposes. p. 5

9  Who are you?  Why do you teach Latin?  Why does your school administration offer Latin?  Why do your students’ families want them to learn Latin?  Why do you want students to learn Latin?  Why might future employers want employees who have studied Latin?  What do students need in order to say they have been successful in their study of Latin?  What is a student’s favorite part of studying Latin?  What is the most beneficial part of studying Latin?  Abstract reasons  Concrete reasons  Language-specific reasons

10 Needs Analysis Scope & Sequence (Curriculum) Course Syllabi Formative Assessments Summative Assessment

11 Needs Analysis Scope & Sequence (Curriculum) Course Syllabi Formative Assessments Summative Assessment What do the stakeholders want? Establishing the goal ab ovō usque ad mala Establishing how to get to the goal (big picture) What are the stages? Establishing how to get to the goal (details) How effective is the planned curriculum? Make adjustments How effective was the entire experience? Make adjustments

12  These results are based on responses from 8,990 students.  There are approximately 200,000 Latin students in the U.S, based on data from the Center for Applied Linguistics and the National Latin Exam.  Teacher and program data is not presented here.  All reported results are preliminary.




16 1. Learn vocab for the SATs 2. Learn how to translate well 3. Improve my English skills 4. Learn about ancient history 5. I like ancient mythology 6. Learn how to speak Latin 7. I like the teacher 8. Learn life skills 9. Read Latin without translation 10. Study Latin grammar 11. Read Latin with translation 12. Latin is just awesome! 13. Read ancient literature 14. Prepare me for a job 15. Learn a new way of looking at world 16. Learn about ancient warfare 17. Connect to an ancient civilization 18. Be different from other kids 19. I am required to 20. b/c of a book/TV/movie 21. b/c my friends take Latin 22. b/c a family member took Ltn. 23. I don’t want to speak in lang. class 24. Connect with my religion


18 1. Increase English vocab 2. Improve English skills 3. Stand out on college apps 4. Learn to think critically 5. Learn translation strategies 6. Learn to recognize patterns 7. Understand lit more deeply 8. Learn world history 9. Prep to learn another language 10. Read a text in its original lang. 11. Understand modern culture 12. See connections between the U.S. and ancient Rome 13. Learn vocab of a Romance lang. 14. Connect with people who lived 2,000 years ago 15. Be part of an unbroken 3,000 year tradition 16. Understand Christianity more deeply

19 1. Mythology 2. English vocabulary 3. Latin vocabulary 4. Roman games & spectacles (e.g. chariot races, gladiators) 5. Translation skills 6. Ancient daily life (e.g. Roman clothing, houses, religious practices) 7. Construction & architecture (e.g. roads, aqueducts, temples) 8. Vocab/skills to prepare me for a specific job 9. History: Roman Empire (e.g. Augustus, Marcus Aurelius) 10. History: Medieval 11. History: Republic (e.g. kings, Punic Wars, Caesar) 12. History: military 13. Latin grammar 14. Archaeology (e.g. coins, stratigraphy, carbon dating) 15. Literary devices (e.g. meter, alliteration, chiasmus) 16. Art history 17. History: Early Christian (e.g. Augustine, Perpetua) 18. Specific passage of anc. lit. 19. Christian Bible and/or Mass

20 52.8%I will take all the Latin courses my school currently offers. 37.8%I will take Latin at the next level. (e.g. high school or college) 34.2%I will use Latin in my job in some way. 31.6%I will study another language. 28.1% I will complete my foreign language requirements and then stop studying Latin. 18.5% I plan on reading my favorite Latin poems/texts outside of class in English or another language. 16.3%I will stop taking Latin as soon as I am able. 15.3% I plan on reading my favorite Latin poems/texts outside of class in Latin. 10.8%I will use Latin for religious purposes. 9.9%I will major or minor in Classics in college. 3.8% I want to study Latin more but cannot because my high school does not offer it.

21  Your thoughts

22  How can you implement a needs analysis?  When?  What questions will you put on it?  How will use the data?

23  Get to the core, break the mold.  What does it mean to teach mythology? Does the Aeneid count?  Teaching vocab does not require vocab lists or flash cards.  Etiology of reasons – where do students get their ideas of what they want from Latin class?  Why “SAT vocab?,” why translate, why speak?  Think about tasks, skills, and content knowledge as discrete items that can be recombined in an infinite number of ways.  Technology that does the same thing as paper resources (e.g. Quizlet) is not really innovation, it’s just new packaging.

24  Dr. Kirby Grabowski  Mail room folks at TC  Survey construction team:  Sally Davis (NLE)  DM & KS (CA), RP (GA), LF (MA), BW (NY), JR (WA)  CANE, ACL, CAAS, LBP, RogueClassicist  1,000+ teachers  10,000+ students

25  Suggested resources:  Task-Based Language Teaching: “A task-based approach attempts to take learners’ language learning needs as its starting point by interpreting them in the first place as an answer to the question ‘why?’” (p. 165)  Contact me with questions   Website resources  Presentation  Preliminary data infographic  Interactive data (Tableau)  Questions and Discussion

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