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Sherie Saltveit Minot State University.  The National Standards for Business Education defines Business Education as follows: “education for and about.

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Presentation on theme: "Sherie Saltveit Minot State University.  The National Standards for Business Education defines Business Education as follows: “education for and about."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sherie Saltveit Minot State University

2  The National Standards for Business Education defines Business Education as follows: “education for and about business offers students the opportunity to master the fundamental knowledge and skills needed to succeed in business – wherever in the world it is conducted – and more importantly, an equal opportunity to succeed in life.”

3  1600s ◦ Apprenticeship system ◦ Puritans arrive – led to Boston Latin Grammar School which led creation of more private school ◦ Vocational education versus profession  1700s ◦ Thomas Jefferson – public school should be free of religion and private control ◦ Growth of English Grammar Schools ◦ Commercial Textbooks appear

4  1800s ◦ Growth of Private Business Schools or Commercial Colleges ◦ Emphasis on bookkeeping and penmanship; ◦ Structured education more effective than apprenticeship system ◦ Training was too narrow ◦ High Schools created ◦ Shorthand and typewriting were introduced in the 1870s

5  1900s ◦ The Big Three: typewriting, shorthand, and bookkeeping ◦ High schools start offering business curriculum ◦ Marketing Education and Business Teacher Education created ◦ Congressional Acts ◦ Technology makes it debut

6  Computers are an essential part of education  Students will need computer skills for successful college experience  Minot State University ◦ Online Courses and Degrees Online Courses and Degrees ◦ Hybrid Courses – uses a combination of online and f-2-f ◦ Synchronous and asynchronous ◦ Specialized Software

7  Blackboard CE 8 – learning management system  Adobe Connect  Wimba  SafeAssign  Respondus LockDown Browser  Audio  Video  Simulations  SmarThinking

8  MSU Online is global reaching  Diverse student body  Diverse faculty  Enrollment has increased since the first online offerings in 1996  What next?? Questions?

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