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Delivering The Less Paper Office How to reduce wastage, cost and inefficiency in the office David Newman Canotec Ltd.

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Presentation on theme: "Delivering The Less Paper Office How to reduce wastage, cost and inefficiency in the office David Newman Canotec Ltd."— Presentation transcript:

1 Delivering The Less Paper Office How to reduce wastage, cost and inefficiency in the office David Newman Canotec Ltd

2 The Less Paper Office... A waste of your time, money and effort? A waste of paper..., how much are you throwing away? A waste of money...but just how much is it costing you? A waste of energy & resources... Can you measure it? A waste of everyone’s time... Your staff, your customers A waste of space... How much valuable space is filing, archiving and office equipment taking up ? The case for change & the proof to deliver it The tools you need to drive waste out, costs down and efficiency up Top Tips to make a start & free audit software to get you started Less Paper Technology examples Contacts

3 A few drivers for change ? Any of the following could be drivers in your business or organisation right now to do something about the shear cost, volume or challenge in creating, managing, sharing and distributing documents and important information... The need to make savings...cost reduction! Greater accountability at a project, client, departments or user level. A fitter,leaner and more agile business Overall staff efficiency & productivity Better customer services..quicker access to key documents Space optimisation & reduction Mobility of services/resources & information for field based or home based knowledge workers Compliance & legislation pressure Business continuity/DR strategy CSR & Green initiatives

4 The Chicken and the lightbulb.... Office equipment (printers and copiers) use 80% of their overall energy on standby. Older models are so energy hungry they can cook your dinner... Older office equipment used as much as 700w in standby... That is enough to roast 2 Chickens/ hr in a Microwave! Thankfully, things have moved on... With Canon’s new technology, this is down to just 1w. That is less than an energy saving light bulb !

5 The Paper Airplane According to Envirowise, the average UK office worker generates 1584 pages of paper per month ! That is 2 trees per person, per annum!! IDC says 30% of it is then wasted. A new, no frills airline launches to take on Ryanair...? No, just a representation of how many sheets of paper the average office worker uses each month!

6 The Paper Iceberg Total Cost of Ownership Hardware Waste Energy consumption Duplication of devices & processes Most companies only see the initial cost of hardware… 80% cant see what lies beneath... Analysts claim that the true cost of dealing with a document... creating, storing, managing, retrieving and distributing it is 300 times the original output cost!!

7 Pulp Fiction or Paper Facts? 42% - amount of global wood harvest dedicated to paper production alone! 1 Ream of paper is 6% of a tree ! 1 Ream (2kg) virgin paper generates 6.5kg of CO2 over its life time. (Source Eco Paper) 10% reduction in US office paper volumes..“would prevent the emission of 1.6 million tons of greenhouse gases—the equivalent of taking 280,000 cars off the road.” (* Americans alone, throw away enough paper to build a 12-foot high wall from New York to San Francisco ! 50% of jobs are left unclaimed at the printer (*IDC) 30% of documents are printed, read and then binned! 38 pages per day -printed by average UK office worker 11 Pages – waste produced in the doing 38 pages £400 - £500 – annual expense per-employee of printing/copying/imaging

8 Proof and payback. Some Less Paper examples ! LA Story £45k saved and 19 trees per month Winterthur £350k saved and 1 million pages (120 trees) per annum! Portman £500k and one entire floor saved ! Lester Aldridge- The Less Paper Law Firm ! Winterthur Life & The Portman- getting a return on their investment! The RYA- cutting waste, improving member services Animal- cutting waste, time & costs Peverel- supporting significant growth & reducing paper reliance by 15% for savings and business process efficiency Quintiles- Nationwide Pharma co. standardised, secure printing solution for their entire UK & Ireland workforce New Look- a new look for their entire approach to printing, scanning and document distribution

9 Tools and tips approaching your less paper office... “You cant manage what you cant measure” You need proof of your costs and volumes and a strategy for how you can control and reduce thereafter. Ensure you have fast if not instant ROI Gain sponsorship to do something about addressing the wastage and saving the money Raise awareness of wastage and true costs to users Set rules around printing. Educate and drive change Incentivise best practice and “green savers” Recognise and reward against the company “Save-o- meter” for money

10 Rationalise devices,reduce power consumption… Canon & HPs multifunctional office devices achieve extremely low standby energy consumption, as low as 1W That’s up to 15 times less than an energy saving light bulb ! As part of Canon’s ongoing energy efficiency drive overall product energy consumption during regular use has been reduced by a massive 78% !! Less devices, means less energy use. Less devices means less consumable waste, services and supplier headaches and less costly space

11 Less Paper printing ! Standardise and your fleet as much as possible, it helps with ease of use, common print drivers and flexibility of where you can print Look at printer to user ratios. You may be printer dependent! Ratios of 1:4 are not healthy for the bottom line! Get rid of older, expensive or local printers and reduce the overall amount of devices to a less energy and consumable hungry, faster, more capable/versatile fleet. Help your IT team and users with a standardised look and feel, a standardised driver & print server environment. Set a rules engine (default rules for applications such as email, duplex, colour or mono and purge the unclaimed print jobs after a sensible time etc) Monitor printer and user level data regularly and reward those who are changing habits, name and shame the others!! Budget for TRUE document costs properly and get accountability systems to drive and facilitate sharing across departments (departmental codes, cost awareness and even client recharging) Address confidential printing, security & compliance concerns with secure document release technologies Expect 15% reduction in volumes instantly Expect 30% savings for fast ROI and significant net savings Security, confidentiality, 24/7 reliability and total flexibility are all deliverable using Follow Me or Secure Print Solutions. Users simply press print and when convenient walk up and blip their card or enter their PIN to securely release their jobs. No stress, no hassle and NO WASTE !

12 Less Paper document capture & distribution “The average company spends £11 to file a document and £67 to find a misfiled document. 7.5% of all documents get lost, a further 3% misfiled with the average professional spending 50% of their time looking for information !” Gartner Group Stop spending on postage, duplicated copies and prints etc and distribute securely, electronically Facilitate secure, collaborative, document sharing across the net and get your work flowing through work flows Stop wasting costly time hunting for important information and files.. Stop archiving in acres of vulnerable and expensive, off-site paper mountains or corridors of filing cabinets Get your documents digitised, your filing, structured & managed, your document capture streamlined and automated and above all improve the access to your key asset...information

13 Less Paper Distribution...Making paperwork, work! eCopy takes paper based information and gets it into your core business systems such as email, document management, accounts systems, ERP and customer management databases

14 Our green intentions We aim to help you with the following... Accountability, proof and powerful reporting with 3D Printview. FOC for 90 days to SWWMG members.... Case studies, proof, free advice and Top Tips to help deliver your LessPaperOffice. Secure Print/Follow Me printing Pilots eCopy/Scanning & electronic archiving/document management Pilot facilities Help you cut 15% wastage and help you achieve net savings of 30%-40%. Reduced customers carbon footprint on document creation & distribution Reduced power consumption Reduce Paper use & waste Support user initiatives and awareness groups

15 Now lets help get you on the right track... It all starts with cant manage what you cant measure! Canotec have a unique tool in 3D Printview that can show you true costs, true volumes and trends and identify ways to reduce waste, reduce tree consumption and CO2 emissions. Canotec will give you those tools to get you the proof, free of charge for 90 days of assessment with a free report at the end!

16 When do you want to start saving money and reducing waste

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