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Government of Canada Workplace 2.0 Fit-up Standards

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1 Government of Canada Workplace 2.0 Fit-up Standards
Real Property Branch Public Works and Government Services Canada August 2012

2 Outline Objective Workplace 2.0 Pillars of Renewal
Space Standards Modernization Tools Tips Accreditation Process Key Contacts 2

3 Objective To provide you with an overview of Workplace 2.0 and the Government of Canada Workplace 2.0 Fit-up Standards, and present the tools you need to create a Workplace 2.0 environment. 3

4 Workplace 2.0 Workplace 2.0 was launched to modernize federal workplaces across Canada by creating flexible, open workplaces to enable public servants to work smarter, greener and healthier. Comprised of three pillars (the Workplace, the Back Office, and the Way We Work), Workplace 2.0 will allow public servants to work anywhere, anytime, break down barriers and avail of technologies that will allow them to connect across government more efficiently. Workplace 2.0 respects policy and legislative requirements pertaining to the provision of federal workspace, including relevant policies of the Treasury Board Secretariat. 4

5 Workplace 2.0 Pillars of Renewal
5 5

6 Workplace 2.0 is moving the public service
from this… …to this. 6

7 Demonstration sites include:
191 Promenade du Portage, Gatineau, QC 7

8 and L’Esplanade Laurier, Ottawa, ON

9 Space Standards Modernization
In response to the federal budget’s Economic Action Plan, PWGSC will contribute to a more affordable public service by reducing accommodation costs through: Re-capture of surplus office space and The implementation of new space standards The revised Government of Canada Workplace 2.0 Fit-up Standards continue to provide for a consistent quantity and quality of workspace across the federal government. The Standards provide for maximum space allocations based on different functions (general office space, quasi-judicial space, call centres.) Space standards are revised and updated in response to current trends and feedback - they are "evergreen“. The Fit-up Standards were introduced in 2005 to provide for a consistent quantity and quality of workspace across the Government of Canada; They outline space allocations based on different requirements…the newest addition being standards for call centres; The Standards change from time to time to reflect trends and implementation suggestions from you, the users of the Standards; The Standards released earlier this month are called the Government of Canada Workplace 2.0 Fit-up Standards, reflecting the Workplace 2.0 principles now included throughout the Standards. In response to the federal budget’s Economic Action Plan 2012, PWGSC has committed to increased efficiencies. For our part, PWGSC will be contributing to a more affordable public service by reducing accommodation costs through: the recapture of surplus office space, and the implementation of new space standards 9

10 Government of Canada Workplace 2.0
Fit-up Standards: Space Allocation Breakdown 35% Circulation Area 14 m² usable / FTE Average space allocation limit Workstation Area Support Area Workstations and Enclosed Offices: Open workstations based on worker profiles Enclosed offices for executives and equivalents Support Space: Meeting rooms Quiet rooms Kitchenettes Shared equipment areas Printer stations Reception/waiting areas Other undesignated support space (hard-walled)- reduced approx. 50% Open collaborative space (minimum 5-10%) Circulation Area: Corridors Aisles Access to workstations This slides demonstrates how space is broken down between workspace, support areas and circulation. Overall, we expect the useable square metres to be an average of 14 useable square metres per person. The changes are highlighted in red: Workstation allocations are now based on worker profiles; Undesignated support space has been reduced; however open collaborative space is now mandatory; The average circulation factor may increase due to higher occupancies. 10

11 Revised Workstation and Office Allocations
Fit-up Standards Workstations / Enclosed Offices Up to a Max. (um²) 2009 Allocation General-purpose Office Space Leadership EX-5 and EX-4 and equivalents (e.g. ADM’s) 18.5 28 EX-3 and EX-2 positions and equivalents (e.g. Director Generals), EX-1 positions and equivalents no more than three levels below the DM or Associate DM (e.g. directors) 14.0 Other EX-1 and Equivalents with 10 or more funded reports (where space allows). Senior Departmental representatives (regional offices or remote locations) lawyers, Informal Conflict Management System employees 10.0 Fixed Workers – workstations 4.5 7.4 Flex Workers – workstations 3.0 - Free-workers – touchdown stations 1.5 11

12 Worker profiles Space is now based on Worker Profiles as below: * 12
10m² – 18.5m² 4.5m² 3.0m² 1.5m² Leaders require privacy In the office more than 60% of time In the office less than 40% of time Generally works off site Director / Director General or higher Administrative Assistant / Analyst Account Executive / Auditor Remote Worker / Consultant * * These are sample positions only as technically, any position can be ‘free’ and/or ‘flex’ with the right technology. 12 12

13 Determining Worker Profiles
Good programming essential to defining worker profiles Interviews and discussions with clients will identify: flexible work arrangements part-time employees consultants, students, visitors With alternative work arrangements, many employees can be flex workers Worker profile questionnaire is just one tool to assist; information from the questionnaire is combined with programming interviews 13 13

14 Government of Canada Workplace 2.0
Fit-up Standards: Other Changes Collaborative space now mandatory Sound masking provided as part of the fit-up standard “bundle of goods”. Revised meeting room allocation which now includes large meeting room with retractable partition for more flexibility. Reduced height of furniture panels to 54”. A variety of flexible storage solutions including personal storage towers are envisioned Glazed, perforated metal and veneer panels are now allowed. New sample floor plans and workstation layouts are provided. New section D – Call Centre Standards. All changes are summarized under “What’s New in 2012”, Section A1 of the Government of Canada Workplace 2.0 Fit-up Standards.

15 What do these Standards mean to new projects?
New occupancies will conform to both the Space Allocation Standards and the Government of Canada Workplace 2.0 Fit-up Standards. All accommodation and tenant service projects will conform to the Government of Canada Workplace 2.0 Fit-up Standards to provide for modern, flexible workspaces. 15

16 What do these Standards mean to existing projects?
Project strategies are being re-evaluated for: Projects that are currently underway; Projects that have already received approval; and All occupancies where a preliminary decision has been made to renew in the current location. A cost-benefit analysis will compare potential increased short-term costs (to achieve long term savings) against the original project strategy. Where proven economically beneficial to the Crown, project plans will be revised to incorporate the new standards. 16

17 Tools Government of Canada Workplace 2.0 Fit-up Standards
New space calculator to assist in determining space requirements, in line with the new Standards Worker Profile Questionnaire Questions and Answers Document Coming Soon….. Workplace 2.0 Toolkit Change Management Guide and templates New Procurement Instruments Website

18 Tips Plan spaces using Worker Profiles space allocations
Maximize light penetration through a mix of panel heights (maximum 54”) and finishes (glazed or mesh toppers) Create collaborative spaces with a variety of furniture to support client needs Use smaller collaborative areas to break up large runs of workstations Use a mix of layouts and furniture types to provide flexibility; avoid one-size- fits-all Carefully consider the quantity of general filing and storage required – make storage multi-task by topping with work surfaces or seating Develop furniture specifications as early as possible for procurement

19 Accreditation Process
A Workplace 2.0 Accreditation Process is being designed to help everyone understand what makes a work environment ‘Workplace 2.0 and it also: Sets a standard of excellence Provides credibility, consistency, clarity, and Sets a benchmark Will be used to entrench Workplace 2.0 across government as clients, space designers, building architects, engineers, information technology specialists, policy experts and need to know what specific elements make an environment Workplace 2.0. This will be a self-assessment process. To be announced Fall 2012. 19

20 Key Contacts For more information, please contact or visit:
Workplace 2.0: Government of Canada Workplace 2.0:Fit-up Standards and Space Calculator :

21 Space Calculator Sample Worksheets
21 21

22 Government of Canada Workplace 2.0
Fit-up Standards: Space Allocation Breakdown 35% Circulation Area 14 m² usable / FTE Average space allocation limit Workstation Area Support Area This slides demonstrates how space is broken down between workspace, support areas and circulation. Overall, we expect the useable square metres to be an average of 14 useable square metres per person. The changes are highlighted in red: Workstation allocations are now based on worker profiles; Undesignated support space has been reduced; however open collaborative space is now mandatory; The average circulation factor may increase due to higher occupancies. 22


24 Step 1 – Space Allocation Standard

25 Step 2 – Fit-up Standard

26 Step 2 – Fit-up Standard

27 Step 2 – Fit-up Standard

28 Step 2 – FUS Summary

29 Summary Page

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