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Tools of the Trade Resources Every Counselor Should Know About.

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Presentation on theme: "Tools of the Trade Resources Every Counselor Should Know About."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tools of the Trade Resources Every Counselor Should Know About

2 What are you searching for? Answers to questions! Different areas of study Descriptions of colleges Deadlines and policies Information you never knew you needed!

3 Where do you find info? Web search engines / Websites Books College Websites

4 Search Engines: Building a List Naviance – Hobson’s database Many, many others – but buyer beware Students’ names may be sold

5 Counseling Resource Books Rugg’s Recommendations on the Colleges (The counselor cheat sheet!) Generally recognized strong programs in a range of academic areas: BusinessCreative Writing EngineeringE-Commerce International RelationsHealth Services Administration Pre-MedMusical Theater PsychologySports Medicine


7 Rugg’s is delivered as a searchable PDF

8 Counseling Resource Books: The College Board Book of Majors List of every college that offers a particular major Explanations of what students will encounter in different areas of study Listings of combined bachelor’s/graduate degree programs

9 Counseling Resource Books: The College Finder by Steven Antonoff Colleges supportive of learning or physical disabilities Colleges with large/active Greek systems Colleges for the shy student Colleges where students with Asperger’s succeed Gay-friendly colleges Honors programs that make large universities feel small Community colleges with on-campus housing Strong academic programs Strong sports teams And More!


11 Fiske Guide to Colleges 2-3 page portrait of a college Overlap schools – follow the bread crumbs! Tells whether or not the college meets full need Tells if interviews are available, required, or recommended Students like academic/ social/ quality of life ranks Indexes in front: colleges with support for LD students, colleges by cost, test optional colleges


13 The Best 377 Colleges From The Princeton Review Descriptions of campus life Stats on numbers admitted early or from waitlist “The Inside Word” – tidbits about the reading process Lists of colleges based on student survey results: Most/Least accessible professors Happy students Great food/dorms

14 Colleges That Change Lives by Loren Pope “ 40 schools you should know about even if you’re not a straight-A student” Small, supportive college communities They offer college fairs around the country



17 YouTube!

18 Wikipedia

19 What your students read! College Prowler: Reviews written by college students College Confidential: Online discussion forum Remember: No one source tells the whole story!

20 Counseling Resource Books: The College Board College Handbook Snapshot information of all 4- and 2-year US colleges Lists of colleges by admit rate ED/EA Table lists deadlines by college and some application/admit numbers Colleges that require or recommend subject tests Lists of Historically Black Colleges, Hispanic-Serving Colleges, Tribal Colleges


22 The K&W Guide to Colleges for Students with Learning Disabilities or ADHD Sorts colleges by different levels of support, complexity of services offered


24 Common Application Requirements

25 Where in the World is….? The College Atlas & Planner from Wintergreen Orchard House Atlas maps of colleges by state Helpful tool for planning college visit trips Professor Pathfinder’s Colleges and Universities of the United States Wall map of 1200+ major colleges

26 Inside College Admissions Admissions Confidential: An Insider’s Account of the Elite College Selection Process by Rachel Toor The Gate-Keepers: Inside the Admissions Process of a Premier College by Jacques Steinberg

27 Ongoing Learning Chronicle of Higher Education Professional E-lists/online communities NACAC TACAC ACCIS

28 Words of Wisdom!

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