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A division of Information Technology Jeopardy.

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2 A division of Information Technology Jeopardy







9 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500

10 $100 When is an application required for employment? Work Schedule

11 1-100A 1 - 100 Each Semester Preferably prior to the completion of the last semester Prior to schedule creation $100

12 Can you apply for work during special holiday schedules prior to the notification date posted? $200 Work Schedule

13 1-200A 1 - 100 No! Early requests for work will be disregarded. Early requests are interruptions to normal office work requirements. $200

14 Name at least 2 things that make it difficult to create your work schedule or to assign the amount of hours requested. $300 Work Schedule

15 1-300A 1 - 100 $300 Incomplete applications Limiting # of hours available for work Making yourself unavailable for work on weekends Listing only specific hours you are available to work Work Schedule

16 A.If you need to miss one of your scheduled shifts, what 2 steps must you take for replacement—be specific. B. If the shift will occur within 24 hours, what method of contact for Martha must be used? $400 Work Schedule

17 1-400A 1 - 100 1.A. Send an e-mail to all workers and Martha requesting replacement. 2.A. Verify the shift has been filled. 1.B. Pager $400 Work Schedule

18 You are expected to work your normally scheduled work hours (including finals week) this semester except: Work Schedule $500

19 1-500A 1 - 100 Spring Break Easter Recess If you want off any other times, it is your responsibility to find a replacement. If you can’t find a replacement, you will be expected to work. $500 Work Schedule

20 2-100 1 - 100 Which open computer lab is open 24 hours and for how many days is it actually open “around the clock”? Lab Schedules $100

21 2-100A 1 - 100 Towers Lab, room 107 4 days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday4 days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday $100 Lab Schedules

22 2-200 What web page address displays the holiday/breaks lab schedules? Lab Schedules $200

23 2-200A 1 - 100 $200 Lab Schedules

24 2-300 Who is scheduled to work until 6 p.m. on Fridays in Dempster Lab, room 113? Lab Schedules $300

25 2-300A 1 - 100 Charlie & Dawn $300 Lab Schedules

26 2-400 Part 1: Which open lab is sometimes reserved for classroom instruction? Part 2: Name 2 of 8 steps that must be taken regarding the reservation. Lab Schedules $400

27 2-400A 1 - 100 Crisp Lab, room 215 1.Poster created by Martha’s office.Poster created by Martha’s office. 2.Lab assistant prints and posts 2 poster from H:\ drive.Lab assistant prints and posts 2 poster from H:\ drive. 3.Reservations should be checked for daily.Reservations should be checked for daily. 4.Announce reservation 10 minutes prior to scheduled reservation.Announce reservation 10 minutes prior to scheduled reservation. 5.Turn off lab lights after announcement to reinforce lab closing.Turn off lab lights after announcement to reinforce lab closing. 6.Remind student to save and exit programs 5 minutes prior to reservation.Remind student to save and exit programs 5 minutes prior to reservation. 7.May need to assist instructor with equipment or software.May need to assist instructor with equipment or software. 8.Remove poster after completed reservation.Remove poster after completed reservation. $400 Lab Schedule

28 2-500 Part 1: Which lab schedules time reserved for students with children? Part 2: What color is the instruction sheet and what section is it located in the binder? Lab Schedules $500

29 2-500A 1 - 100 Part 1: Kent Lab reserves the Family Room Part 2: Green, and is located in the Misc. section of the binder $500 Lab Schedules

30 3-100 1 - 100 What software program will repair disks and where is it located? Repairs, W/O $100

31 3-100A 1 - 100 Norton Disk Doctor H:\ drive, NU folder $100 Repairs, W/O

32 3-200 What file types will Office Recovery repair? Repairs, W/O $200

33 3-200A 1 - 100 Microsoft Word, Excel, & PowerPoint $200 Repairs, W/O

34 3-300 What steps are taken when a floppy drive has been determined to not work properly? Repairs, W/O $300

35 3-300A 1 - 100 Place green sheet on computer Place “A:\ drive Bad” label over floppy drive $300 Repairs, W/O

36 3-400 Part 1: Who should be contacted when computers or equipment fails in the lab? Part 2: How? Repairs, W/O $400

37 3-400A 1 - 100 Help Desk or dial HELP (4357) $400 Repairs, W/O

38 3-500 If a floppy drive or printer fails to work properly, what should be the 1 st step to test for actual problems? Repairs, W/O $500

39 3-500A 1 - 100 Try a different floppy diskette on the drive Try swapping the printer cartridge from the other printer $500 Repairs, W/O

40 1 - 100 What can be used to assist you to identify the # of the unit you cleaned? Cleaning $100

41 4-100A 1 - 100 Computer lab diagram located in the black binder. $100 Cleaning

42 4-200 All equipment & furniture in the computer labs must be cleaned at least how frequently? Cleaning $200

43 4-200A 1 - 100 Once per week all equipment and furniture must be cleaned! $200 Cleaning

44 4-300 The cleaning file used to record cleaning tasks (only when completed) for each lab can be found in what folder? Cleaning $300

45 4-300A 1 - 100 H:\labasst\cleaning worksheet $300 Cleaning

46 4-400 If you work a 4 hour shift, how many computer areas are you required to clean? Cleaning $400

47 4-400A 1 - 100 2 (two) Formula: For every 2 hours worked, one computer area must be cleaned. $400 Cleaning

48 4-500 List 8 areas to be cleaned in the computer labs. Cleaning $500

49 4-500A 1 - 100 1.Monitor Screen 2.Monitor Case 3.CPU Case 4.Table or desk top 5.Printer equipment 6.Printer table 7.Scanner equipment & Table 8.Partition Rails (Kent & Crisp labs) $500 Cleaning

50 5-100 1 - 100 Where can the supply limits be found for each lab that let you know when to notify my office? Who should be notified? Supplies $100

51 5-100A 1 - 100 In the binder, under the supplies section Emily or myself must be notified when supplies reach the minimum limits posted. $100 Supplies

52 5-200 List at least 2 ways to keep printer tables neat and tidy. Supplies $200

53 5-200A 1 - 100 Choose 2 from the following: Keep items that do not belong off the printer table (i.e. backpacks, books) Stack print jobs in 2 piles (i.e. old pile, new pile) Rotate piles of print jobs- throw away old pile, move new pile to old, start new pile. Throw away paper bundle wrap Store opened paper bundles in drawers or cases Keep feet off table $200 Supplies

54 What information is included on the printer label. What can you do if labels can’t be found. Supplies $300

55 5-300A 1 - 100 Initials of person placing or removing toner (in/out)Initials of person placing or removing toner (in/out) Date toner was placed or removed (in/out) Page count at time of placement or removal (in/out)Page count at time of placement or removal (in/out) A label can be created by taping a piece of paper on the toner using the above information. $300 Supplies

56 5-400 When supplies are delivered to the lab, what 3 steps must be taken? Supplies $400

57 5-400A 1 - 100 1.Count amount of items delivered. 2.Sign delivery form is all items listed are correct—make note on delivery bill if incorrect and notify Martha 3.Put away items delivered. $400 Supplies

58 5-500 Supplies Used: 1.Are recorded under what file folder? 2.Paper used is recorded by: 3.How is the printer identified as to which printer had the toner replaced? Supplies $500

59 5-500A 1 - 100 1.H:\labasst\supplies 2.Each 500 page bundle opened 3.Right-side facing, Left- side facing $500 Supplies

60 1 - 100 Where can the mass e-mail address be found and what is it? Misc. $100

61 6-100A 1 - 100 $100 Misc.

62 6-200 Which lab has the responsibility of 5 printers and where are they located? Misc. $200

63 6-200A 1 - 100 Kent 2 laser printer, 1 mainframe in lab, 4 th floor, Kent 2 laser printers located at the reference desk, 2 nd floor, Kent $200 Misc.

64 6-300 Name 4 specific ways to contact Martha (provide specifics) Misc. $ 300

65 6-300A 1 - 100 1.Office: 986-6169 2.E-mail: 3.Pager: 986-6456 4.Home: 243-5751 $300 Misc.

66 6-400 List 3 work application requirements and where an application can be retrieved. Misc. $400

67 6-400A 1 - 100 1.Must submit by application deadline 2.Must submit class schedule 3.Must be registered for class 4.Apps can be downloaded from the web or retrieved from the Computer Services Office $400 Misc.

68 6-500 Part 1: When & where is the mandatory fall meeting Part 2: Define mandatory Part 3: What occurs if you fail to attend the meeting? Misc. $500

69 6-500A 1 - 100 Part 1: Friday, August 22, Dempster 113 Part 2: Must attend, no excuses accepted! Part 3: All hours scheduled are forfeited $500 Misc.

70 The category is Merged Department Write down how much you want to wager.

71 Computer Services has merged with Telecommunications and is now known as what department? Who is the Associate V.P. of the newly merged department?

72 Information Technology John Weber is the Associate V.P. of Information Technology $

73 How much do you want to wager?

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