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Study of Word-Level Accent Classification and Gender Factors

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1 Study of Word-Level Accent Classification and Gender Factors
CSCE 666 Term Project Presentation Study of Word-Level Accent Classification and Gender Factors Xing Wang, Peihong Guo, Tian Lan, Guoyu Fu Dec 11th, 2013

2 Background Motivation: Accent Recognition(AR) helps improve Speech Recognition system and Speaker Identification system Our work Word-level Classifiers are built using different types of features, words and learning methods Speaker variation affect the AR system, gender factor is considered in this work.

3 Outline Feature Processing Classifier Experiments Word Alignment
MFCC, Formants Classifier GMM, HMM Experiments Comparison of features, classifiers and words Gender effect

4 Data preparation Feature Processing
Audios and corresponding phonetic transcriptions Biographical data for speakers Web crawler (Python) All metadata stored in Database Faster to locate and extract audio information

5 Alignment Feature Processing
The Penn Phonetics Lab Forced Aligner is used to segment words apart. We are doing the word-based accent recognition system.

6 Feature Extraction Feature Processing Frame MFCCs Formants
Window size, 25ms Window shift, 10ms MFCCs Formants

7 Classifiers GMM Number of components are determined via cross validation EM Algorithm to train HMM Observation: MFCC or Formants Hidden states: Single Gaussian component EM algorithm for training

8 Comparison of Features
Experiments Comparison of Features Experiments Process 5-fold cross validation Training and test Repeat 5 times on random samples HMM is fixed as the classifier Features for comparison MFCCs (c0~c12) F0F1F2 F1F2


10 Comparison of Classifiers
Experiments Comparison of Classifiers MFCC is fixed as the approach to extract features Classifiers for comparison Non-temporal: GMM Temporal: HMM


12 Comparison of Words Experiments
Factors of classification accuracies of different words Certain vowels and consonants C1-C2 trajectory of word ‘OF’


14 Experiments Gender Effect Gender classification

15 Thanks! Q&A

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