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Citibank Procurement Cards 2015-2016 Fiscal Year.

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Presentation on theme: "Citibank Procurement Cards 2015-2016 Fiscal Year."— Presentation transcript:

1 Citibank Procurement Cards 2015-2016 Fiscal Year

2  1 st Time log in instructions  Copy of this presentation  Procedure Manual  Cardholder Allocation Guide  Supplemental information  Overview of the procurement card program  General Information  User Procedures

3  Provides University employees with a more efficient way to purchase day-to-day supplies  The use of the procurement card is not intended to bypass appropriate purchasing procedures set forth by the State of Texas  The program is administered through the Purchasing department

4 Mickie Scantling Procurement Card Administrator 651-2099 Bryan Glenn Director of Purchasing 651-2105

5  The procurement card is only issued to the cardholder. No one else is allowed to use the card.  The cardholder is responsible for all transactions made with his or her procurement card.  Cardholders are responsible for allocating charges on a monthly basis for the previous months transactions.  Submitting supporting documentation to the Purchasing office by the fourth working business day after the close of the billing cycle.  The billing cycle is from the 4 th of month to the 3 rd of the following month (Except August & September)

6  Attend Training  Card Security  Making Appropriate Purchases  Submit Allocations & Log on time  Corrections

7  Approving Transactions  Corrections

8  Provide Training  Audit Logs  Assist Cardholders  Billing Transactions

9  Office, lab, or classroom supplies  Books  Janitorial Supplies  Gift Cards – Random Drawings & Contests only~  Flowers*  Meals/Food for business-related meetings* *Only on local accounts ~never as a gift  Medical Supplies  Postage & Shipping  Promotional Items  Registration Fees  Subscriptions  Tools/Hardware  Videos  Copier Rental

10  Memberships*  Cash Refunds  Cash Advances  Alcoholic Beverages  Gasoline  Insurance  Travel expenses * only when included with registration  Computer hardware or software  Capitalized or controlled equipment (televisions, computers, etc.)  Services  Personal Purchase s

11  Computer/Printer/Scanner/Computer Software ◦ Including – ALL Tablet Computers, Laptops & Desktops ◦ These items should NEVER be purchased on the procard. Only specific IT Services Personnel have approval to do so  Equipment/Furniture with life more than one year ◦ 7334 from $0.00 to $4999.99 expensed ◦ Exception to this is Controlled & Capital equipment  Do not buy on the procard: ◦ Controlled Assets – Cameras, Projectors, Camcorders, Televisions, VCR’s, Stereo Systems and the afore mentioned Computers, Printers, Scanners &Computer Software ◦ Capital Assets – any equipment or furniture over $5,000.00

12  All chemical orders must be placed with Academic Research Environmental Health and Safety. To place a chemical order please visit  All research equipment must be vetted through visual compliance for export control issues. Contact Academic Research Environmental Health and Safety for additional information 806.651.2270 or visit

13  All purchases made with the procurement card are exempt from sales tax  Cardholders will be held responsible for refunding or reimbursing any sales taxes paid on the procurement card  The only exception to this rule is for business meals  A business meal is defined as: “a meal consisting of both University and non-University employees with a specific University business function”

14  An instance where a cardholder makes a purchase larger than the delegated limit, and the vendor runs the credit card multiple times in order to bypass the cardholder’s single purchase limit.  This is a violation of the state’s purchasing guidelines and should not be practiced.

15  The cardholder will use Citibank’s website on a monthly basis to allocate each transaction to an account within their department  Accounts are sorted by Division and Department  There are restrictions on what items may be paid using a state-funded account (begins with 10) ◦ Items such as food, decorations, gifts, and flowers may not be purchased using state funds


17 10 – State Appropriations 11 – Designated Funds 12 – Auxiliary Funds 15 – M&O Accounts 19 – Restricted Funds (Grants) 40 – Renewals & Replacements 50 /51 – Foundation 52 - Alumni

18  Department ◦ Unique 7-digit number for the department  Object ◦ Will either be 62 or 92 ◦ 62 – Budgeted funds for fiscal year ◦ 92 – Term of grant or until money is expended

19  Four digit code  An object code is a basic description of the purchase that was made  The cardholder will select an object code that is an appropriate description of the item(s) purchased  Any purchases made with state funding (10 account) cannot have an object code in the 6000 level, such as 6012 or 6280

20  When allocating, the cardholder must indicate if the goods and services purchased have been received  There is a drop-down menu beside each transaction for the cardholder to verify if the goods were or were not received  If the goods were not received, the cardholder should select “no” and complete an exception form as backup documentation  The cardholder must also notify Purchasing once the goods have been received

21  Detailed expense description – no one word descriptions please  Include a receipt or missing receipt form  Meal purchases must include a list of who ate the meal/food purchased, as well as the business purpose of the meal  Gift card purchases must include a gift card purchase form  Receipts should be taped down neatly to computer paper one per page - only on one side of paper  Please do not tape over the totals on the receipts because the tape causes the numbers to fade

22  Please use HUB Vendors when possible on making purchases with your procard  HUB vendors are at least 51% owned by an Asian Pacific American, Black American, Hispanic American, Native American, American woman and/or Service Disabled Veteran  WT is graded by the number of HUB Vendors we use  index index

23  Envelope is filled out completely and signed off  Reporting period is correct  All backup documentation is included  Transactions were appropriate for University business  The vendor was appropriate  Cardholder used account numbers from his/her department  Object codes were suitable for purchase  No split transaction purchases were made  No sales taxes charged

24  The auditor will contact the cardholder via email with any corrections that need to be made  The cardholder will have one week to make necessary corrections  If issues have not been corrected after a week, the auditor will contact the cardholder and department head with instructions to make corrections

25  The Purchasing Office reserves the right to suspend credit card privileges to cardholders due to non-compliance with the procurement card procedures and guidelines  To reinstate privileges, cardholders will be required to write a memo to Purchasing stating they will operate within proper guidelines and procedures in the future  The employee will also be required to attend procurement card training before privileges are restored  Cards can be permanently suspended

26  5 W’s – Who What When Where Why  Put all monthly procard transaction receipts in procard log envelope after each purchase  Allocate weekly, if time allows  Do not make procard purchases with companies that are on “hold” with the State of Texas  Call Mickie in purchasing if you have questions regarding a purchase x2099

27  Did you make sure your reporting period was correct?  Did you have your supervisor sign off on all documents? ◦ Missing Receipt Form, Gift Card Form, Envelope, etc….  Did you sign & date your Envelope?  If you paid tax did you get it refunded? – include credited receipt  Did you include the list or flyer of who ate the food you purchased?  Did you include all of your itemized receipts? ◦ No packing lists or order confirmations please!  Do the receipts match the totals on your report?  Do the receipt totals match the amount you were charged?  Did you use the correct object code?  Did you tape down all of your receipts?  Did you give a detailed description of your purchase?  Do you need to split the purchase to reflect the correct object code or account number?  Are your receipts in order of your report print out?

28  Training Materials, Forms, and Allocation due dates are located on the purchasing website: -and-inventories-procurement-card.aspx  You can also access the link to Citibank Allocation website from the procurement card webpage.

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