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Ideas > Personas. Know Thy User For He Is Not Thee Questions and Quote, Source: Why Software Sucks [2006], David Platt.

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Presentation on theme: "Ideas > Personas. Know Thy User For He Is Not Thee Questions and Quote, Source: Why Software Sucks [2006], David Platt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ideas > Personas

2 Know Thy User For He Is Not Thee Questions and Quote, Source: Why Software Sucks [2006], David Platt

3 Ideas > Personas Definition of a “user”

4 Ideas > Personas “This would be quicker to develop as a Web Application. Users will understand how to use this.”

5 Ideas > Personas “Yeah, most users will have access to a printer from their desk…”

6 Ideas > Personas “Of course this button should be red. Users will know that this means danger.”

7 Ideas > Personas Think instead using Personas

8 Ideas > Personas Sally (Sales Professional) 38, Married 2 Children 5 years of computer experience Windows, Office, PowerPoint Has between 10 and 20 SME clients Uses Sony Vaio and Samsung Blackjack “Keep me connected to the top issues that customers are calling in with”

9 Ideas > Personas Derek (Call Center Operator) 25, Single 9 years of computer experience 3 years of which in a call center PDA/gadget junkie – “lifehacker” Relies on call center application Gets bonus if exceeds monthly quota “I want the application to decrease my time spent per call”

10 Ideas > Personas Jim (Call Center Executive) 57, Married 4 Children, all left home Very limited computer experience Brenda (his admin) used to print all his Email until very recently Shows off his PDA on the golf course “I want the high level, abstract view of my customers”

11 Ideas > Personas “For Sally, a Web Interface may make sense. But Derek has a lot of keyboard shortcuts we need to implement.”

12 Ideas > Personas “Jim will have access to a printer via his admin, but Sally works on the road, so may need another option”

13 Ideas > Personas “For Jim, a red button may mean danger, but we should check for Derek in our offshore call center”

14 Ideas > Personas Takeaways Do you use personas today? If so, how many? (3 – 7 personas per application is recommended) How do you use the word “user”? (Think about personas to help define who you are writing the application for) Do you know how UCD uses personas? (as a User Profile) Source: Persona Lifecycle [Pruitt, Adlin] Morgan Kaufmann

15 PerformanceProductivity PurposePrototype Proactive Platform ProvenPeople Interface Ideas Internals Personas

16 Ideas > Purpose

17 Create new document Create new document Type text Format the text Email to editor

18 Ideas > Purpose Create new document Create new document Type text Format the text Email to editor Task Goal

19 Ideas > Purpose

20 Create new document Type text Format the text Email to editor Task Filter

21 Ideas > Purpose Create new document Type text Format the text Email to editor Task Guess the Goal

22 Ideas > Purpose

23 Create new document Type text Format the text Email to editor Task Apply Context Apply Context Apply Context

24 Ideas > Purpose



27 Source:

28 Ideas > Purpose Takeaways In use cases, how do you deal with tasks and goals? (Focus on the difference between the two) How do you use context in your applications? (Use context to help guide the experience) Could the Office UI be suitable for your application? (Refer to the list of ISVs supporting controls)

29 PerformanceProductivity PurposePrototype Proactive Platform ProvenPeople Interface Ideas Internals Personas

30 Ideas > Prototype

31 You want to build a house… You hire a building architect… You discuss requirements…

32 Ideas > Prototype A prototype is created

33 Ideas > Prototype 12 months later…

34 Ideas > Prototype You want to build a house… You hire a software architect… You discuss requirements…

35 Ideas > Prototype Yeah, sorry, I don’t have much to show you right now…

36 Ideas > Prototype I can show you some diagrams, but you won’t understand them.

37 Ideas > Prototype But trust me – it’s going to be great!

38 Ideas > Prototype 12 months later…

39 Ideas > Prototype In Software Architecture we don’t do enough prototyping

40 Ideas > Prototype Static, one-way presentations (shown only to management) Few re-usable design assets Often different to what gets delivered

41 Ideas > Prototype Great for Management! Looks almost done But… Users won’t give you much feedback… High Fidelity “Just sign here…”

42 Ideas > Prototype Great for Users! Great for user feedback But… You wouldn’t take it into the board room… Low fidelity “Sure, we can move it…” Image: Paper Prototyping / Nielsen Norman Group

43 Ideas > Prototype The same set of controls Inherit High Fidelity Style Inherit Low Fidelity Style

44 Ideas > Prototype How about if we could switch styles?

45 Ideas > Prototype Takeaways Are you able to re-use any assets? (A prototype in XAML allows many design assets to be reused) What prototyping do you do? (Software Architects don’t do enough) What fidelity do you use? (A mix of high and low fidelity prototypes can be used for different feedback loops)

46 PerformanceProductivity PurposePrototype Proactive Platform ProvenPeople Interface Ideas Internals Personas

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