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Vision Loss By: Michelle and Trent.  Vision is one of our most important avenues for the acquisition and assimilation of knowledge.

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Presentation on theme: "Vision Loss By: Michelle and Trent.  Vision is one of our most important avenues for the acquisition and assimilation of knowledge."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vision Loss By: Michelle and Trent

2  Vision is one of our most important avenues for the acquisition and assimilation of knowledge.

3  We rely on our eyes to guide us around our surroundings, inform us through the written word, and give us pleasure and relaxation.

4  Never had sight  Normal Vision – turning to partially or totally blind  Gradual or sudden loss  Restricted field of vision

5  Blindness (legal) – includes both acuity and field of vision  Partial sight – able to use vision as a primary source of learning (low vision)

6  Refractive Hyperopia Myopia Astigmatism Cataracts

7  Muscle Disorders Nystagmus Strabismus -Esotropia -Extropia Amblyopia

8  Receptive Eye Problems Optic atrophy Retinitis pigmentosa Retinal detachment Retinopathy of prematurity

9  Albinism (photophobia)  Retinoblastoma  Microphthalmia  Hydrocephalus  Anophthalmia  Glaucoma

10  Xeropthalmia  Cortical Visual Impairment  Trachoma

11  Vision Loss - At birth -Before age 5 -After age 5

12  Difficulty in understanding spacial concepts  Lack a general knowledge of the world and their surroundings

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14  Difficulty organizing thoughts  Decoding  Comprehension  Excessive Absences

15  Social/Emotional  Body language  Exclusion

16  People with vision loss can hear or smell things that people with normal vision cannot perceive  Never been validated

17  IEP team must focus on how the student uses remaining vision  Promote use of remaining vision

18  Mobility Training and daily living skills  Instructional Content  Communication Media


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