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EEIC Standards Process Draft Feb 2006 Howard Mason / Tom Warner.

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1 EEIC Standards Process Draft Feb 2006 Howard Mason / Tom Warner

2 The Path to AIA eBusiness Interoperability Many eBusiness scenarios can be identified Many standards and initiatives have the potential to satisfy part of the overall industry requirement for interoperability Between companies and business partners Between functions in an organisation Between application systems Challenge: reduce overall cost and complexity by identifying the most appropriate solution components provide concrete guidance on how to satisfy specific business requirements using an appropriate selection of those components

3 Standards strategy Path to AIA eBusiness Standards In order of preference 1.AIA adopts existing standards for use in the aerospace industry 2.AIA influences standards organizations through participation to meet its requirements 3.AIA develops its own standards when none exists from standards organizations AIA may then submit a proposal to the applicable standards organization for international adoption In each case The AIA may supplement existing standards with aerospace-agreed implementation conventions (subset), models/examples, and guidelines The old real estate axiom for accumulating wealth also applies for “accumulating standards”. Use OPM (Other People’s Money) for attaining wealth quickly. Use OPSF (Other People’s Standards Forums) for attaining a standards base quickly. Use Leverage!

4 The role of the EEIC Overall concept of operations of the EEIC is to: Solicit, identify and rationalize specific business requirements for interoperability Specific scenarios Identify and assess key standards and initiatives, as framework components within an overall framework for eBusiness Develop AIA position statements on relevant standards/initiatives Undertake projects to ensure that appropriate standards are available to industry in a timely manner, together with suitable guidance material if required Develop guidelines for deployment of such components to meet specific business scenarios Seek industry endorsement of the resulting standards and solutions

5 CONOPS: The ideal situation Business requirements Business requirements Business Solutions Scenarios Solutions SMC Companies EEIC PSC eBSG EMC In an ideal world, specific ebusiness scenarios can be identified by industry, and interoperable solutions can be derived from a set of existing business solutions

6 CONOPS: Structured solutions Business requirements Business requirements Business Solutions Scenarios Solutions SMC Companies EEIC PSC eBSG EMC AIA eBusiness Implementation Guidebook Framework Components AIA eBusiness Interoperability Framework The Guidebook documents specific business scenarios and describes how each scenario can be addressed using a combination of reusable components, which fit within an overall internationally accepted framework

7 CONOPS: Meeting new needs Business requirements Business requirements Business Solutions Scenarios Solutions SMC Companies EEIC PSC eBSG EMC AIA eBusiness Implementation Guidebook Framework Components AIA eBusiness Interoperability Framework New Interoperability Requirements As new business requirements are defined, the EEIC identifies any need for additional components

8 CONOPS: Tracking possible solutions Business requirements Business requirements Business Solutions Scenarios Solutions SMC Companies EEIC PSC eBSG EMC AIA eBusiness Implementation Guidebook Framework Components AIA eBusiness Interoperability Framework New Interoperability Requirements Track Boost Aero SAML STEP PLCS GECA XBRL RFID The EEIC radar screen tracks possible solutions – each “blip” is documented

9 CONOPS: Preparing candidates Business requirements Business requirements Business Solutions Scenarios Solutions SMC Companies EEIC PSC eBSG EMC AIA eBusiness Implementation Guidebook Framework Components AIA eBusiness Interoperability Framework New Interoperability Requirements Track Boost Aero SAML STEP PLCS GECA XBRL RFID Monitor external development Participate in external development Adopt existing standard AIA development Candidate UDEF Clickable GTPA PM/E V M EEIC The EEIC works to convert potential solutions into candidates for AIA adoption

10 CONOPS: eBSG Approval Business requirements Business requirements Business Solutions Scenarios Solutions SMC Companies EEIC PSC eBSG EMC AIA eBusiness Implementation Guidebook Framework Components AIA eBusiness Interoperability Framework New Interoperability Requirements Track Boost Aero SAML STEP PLCS GECA XBRL RFID Monitor external development Participate in external development Adopt existing standard AIA development Candidate UDEF Clickable GTPA PM/E V M EEIC X12 EDI GTPA Template Adopted Supplier UID eBSG The eBSG approves candidate standards as part of the AIA framework

11 CONOPS: Updating the framework Business requirements Business requirements Business Solutions Scenarios Solutions SMC Companies EEIC PSC eBSG EMC AIA eBusiness Implementation Guidebook Framework Components AIA eBusiness Interoperability Framework New Interoperability Requirements Track Boost Aero SAML STEP PLCS GECA XBRL RFID Monitor external development Participate in external development Adopt existing standard AIA development Candidate UDEF Clickable GTPA PM/E V M EEIC X12 EDI GTPA Template Adopted Supplier UID eBSG Standards and Guidelines Approved standards are made available for use in business solutions

12 The tools

13 Key tools AIA eBusiness Interoperability Framework Assessment criteria for standards and initiatives “Blips” – documenting the standards and initiatives Radar screen to manage, track, and display the blips Implementation Guidebook EEIC Project Framework – summarising the tools and process

14 AIA eBusiness Interoperability Framework Need to show complete landscape for interoperable eBusiness Assessment of initiatives Guidance for deploying solutions Must support cross-sectoral coherence Opportunity for multiple levels of detail Needs to be recognisable from IT viewpoint Based on industry best practice Developed based on NIST eBSC and international MoU/MG work Builds on many other models

15 Model Representing Interoperable eBusiness Landscape of the Solution sets needed Source: NIST EBSC

16 Example Mapping to Framework OAGIS OAGi UDEF Open Group UID/RFID AIA & DoD BoostAero eBSG & ASD X12 ANSI STEP/PLCS ISO TSCP GTPA AIA GECA AIA

17 Assessment criteria for AIA standards What is a standard? A document, established by consensus and approved by a recognized body, that provides, for common and repeated use, rules, guidelines or characteristics for activities or their results, aimed at the achievement of the optimum degree of order in a given context Ensure Compliance with Guiding Principles Qualify Standard against Selection Criteria Evaluate against Architectural Principles Evaluate against AIA project criteria

18 Guiding Principles Standards should be based on the consolidated results of science, technology and experience, and aimed at the promotion of optimum community benefits Only recommend a standard for AIA adoption where it provides clear business value and supports the industry business strategy and requirements Recommended standards must be within context of an overall architecture strategy that is driven by the business Standards must be understood, supported, and planned for use by AIA membership Leverage available standards and technologies, first within aerospace, then in the broader market Partner with aero-related groups to increase adoption and lower workload: ATA, ASD, other AIA Councils etc Avoid a standards war. Better to have a standard in production and replace it in five years than to have no standard. Quick wins.

19 Selection Criteria Indicators that might qualify a standard for AIA consideration: 1.Current or potential basis for one or more Framework Components 2.Web / Internet-based architecture / infrastructure standards 3.Reach of the standards organization - preferably global 4.“Open” host organization committed to collaboration with other groups to ensure interoperability 5.Software / hardware vendor participation in the process and commitment to use the results in their products 6.Critical mass for adoption 7.Interoperability with the standards used by our customers and suppliers 8.Adjacent Industry such as Auto, Ship, Electronics industries are using the same or similar

20 Architecture Principles Architecture Principles govern and represent the criteria against which architectural decisions are made. These principles address the importance of investment and cost effective operations and should be tightly coupled with the criteria for Standards selection. 1.Business Must Drive Information Technology Architecture Decisions: The enterprise architecture and standards will be designed to (1) support and optimize operations, (2) be highly flexible to accommodate future business changes and (3) help ensure the overall success of the business. 2.Use Industry Proven Approaches: Technology decisions must be based on industry proven and supported components, methods, and standards consistent with industry technological and market direction and as defined by the architecture. 3.Open and/or Vendor Neutral Standards: Standards and technology choices will be based on open and/or vendor neutral standards that can be realistically implemented. 4.Security and Access to Information: The Architecture must enable secure communications and appropriate protection of information and technology. 5.Reduce Integration Complexity: Keep it simple. Standards, designs, and methods will be selected to reduce integration and infrastructure complexity.

21 AIA project criteria The project proposal needs to satisfy the criteria established by the AIA for all new projects Within EEIC charter and scope An issue the AIA can effectively address A clearly defined and measurable outcome Clearly defined sunset provisions Senior-level commitment from multiple AIA member companies Contributes to AIA meeting its goals and objectives A clearly defined "customer pull" or "company push"

22 Radar blip Used on radar screen to indicate status and maturity of standard Expands to provide AIA position statement on a standard or initiative Created as basic document to introduce standard or initiative Updated to track progress Records final disposition Provides visibility to members

23 Information behind the “Radar blip” Abstract Full Title of Standard or Initiative (Acronym) Responsible organisation Lead Organization within AIA Other stakeholders – by function/organisation Business justification Description of activity/deliverables Business benefits Location in EEIC Framework EEIC Action Plan – Monitor/Participate/Develop/Adopt – Guidelines? EEIC Status (updated) Adoption plan eBSG adoption statement (final disposition) AIA recommendation (final disposition) Link to a standards host site Link to supporting material Used for new tasks and updates Word template – stored in PDF form

24 The “Radar Screen” Simple view of AIA eBusiness work programme Illustrates Items that may be of relevance to AIA Candidate standards for adoption Adopted standards that form part of the Interoperability Framework Shows strategy for delivery of the candidate standards Click on blip to get more information

25 The “Radar Screen ” - Available blips today As at 2006-02-27 Monitor external development Participate in external development Adopt existing standard AIA development Active AIA Project AIA Guidelines Supplier UID X12 EDI Candidate Track GTPA Template Adopted UDEF Supplier UID Clickable GTPA PM/EVM Boost Aero STEP PLCS FIPS 201 RFID IADFA Certipath PKI SAML TSCP ebXML Position of unadopted blips is provisional GECA Template EIA-927

26 The “Radar Screen” – Planned blips As at 2006-02-27 Monitor external development Participate in external development Adopt existing standard AIA development Active AIA Project AIA Guidelines Supplier UID X12 EDI Candidate Track GTPA Template Adopted UDEF Supplier UID Clickable GTPA PM/EVM Boost Aero STEP EIA-836 PLCS EIA-927 FIPS 201 RFID IADFA Certipath PKI XBRL SAML TSCP ebXML Position of unadopted blips is provisional GECA Template

27 AIA eBusiness Implementation Guidebook Concept of operations EEIC standards selection process eBusiness Interoperability Framework Extensible taxonomy of framework components Extensible set of scenarios and corresponding solutions Scenarios Components required Architectural guidance – design time Implementation guidance – build time Operational guidance – run time Core still under development, based on available material

28 The Process

29 EEIC process: Identify the need Business needOpportunity Need for new Framework Component

30 EEIC process: Evaluate standards ASSES S Existing standards FLAG REJECTS NONE SUITABLE CANDIDATE FOUND Business needOpportunity Need for new Framework Component

31 EEIC process: Define project Adoption plan BLIP Guidelines if needed Strategy for component ASSES S Existing standards FLAG REJECTS NONE SUITABLE CANDIDATE FOUND Business needOpportunity Need for new Framework Component

32 EEIC process: Evaluate initiatives Adoption plan BLIP Guidelines if needed Strategy for component ASSES S Yes -PARTICIPATE No - MONITOR FLAG REJECTS NEED INPUT ? NONE SUITABLE CANDIDATE FOUND ASSES S Existing standards FLAG REJECTS NONE SUITABLE CANDIDATE FOUND Business needOpportunity Need for new Framework Component Existing initiatives

33 EEIC process: The last resort AIA Development BUSINESS CASE FOR DEVELOPMENT eBSG APPROV E? Yes -DEVELOP Adoption plan BLIP Guidelines if needed Strategy for component ASSES S Yes -PARTICIPATE No - MONITOR FLAG REJECTS NEED INPUT ? NONE SUITABLE CANDIDATE FOUND ASSES S Existing standards FLAG REJECTS NONE SUITABLE CANDIDATE FOUND Business needOpportunity Need for new Framework Component Existing initiatives

34 EEIC process: Check the result AIA Development BUSINESS CASE FOR DEVELOPMENT eBSG APPROV E? Yes -DEVELOP Adoption plan BLIP Guidelines if needed Strategy for component No DOES RESULT MEET AIA NEED? ASSES S Yes -PARTICIPATE No - MONITOR FLAG REJECTS NEED INPUT ? NONE SUITABLE CANDIDATE FOUND ASSES S Existing standards FLAG REJECTS NONE SUITABLE CANDIDATE FOUND Business needOpportunity Need for new Framework Component Existing initiatives

35 EEIC process: Complete the change AIA Development BUSINESS CASE FOR DEVELOPMENT eBSG APPROV E? Yes -DEVELOP COORDINATE WITH STAKEHOLDERS eBSG ADOPTION New Framework Component added Adoption plan BLIP Guidelines if needed Strategy for component No DOES RESULT MEET AIA NEED? ASSES S Yes -PARTICIPATE No - MONITOR FLAG REJECTS NEED INPUT ? NONE SUITABLE CANDIDATE FOUND ASSES S Existing standards FLAG REJECTS NONE SUITABLE CANDIDATE FOUND Business needOpportunity Need for new Framework Component Existing initiatives

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