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Study Travel Smart Cities – (Open) Data – ITS – Mobility Management Marcel Meeuwissen – City of Enschede UITP - Brussels 01-10-1014 / 30-04-2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Study Travel Smart Cities – (Open) Data – ITS – Mobility Management Marcel Meeuwissen – City of Enschede UITP - Brussels 01-10-1014 / 30-04-2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Study Travel Smart Cities – (Open) Data – ITS – Mobility Management Marcel Meeuwissen – City of Enschede UITP - Brussels 01-10-1014 / 30-04-2015

2 Agenda What have I been doing for the last 6 months? Building blocks for the challenge Challenge: >how do YOU organize a mobility service based on mobility data >What service >Who are your stake-holders/partners ECOMM 2015Marcel Meeuwissen2


4 Cities visited First period (November 2014 - December 2014) >London >Gothenburg >Karlstad Second period (January 2015 - February 2015) >Nantes >Ghent >Oslo >Budapest Third period (March 2015 - April2015) >Enschede >Amsterdam >Helsinki >Copenhagen >Barcelona ECOMM 2015Marcel Meeuwissen4

5 Study Building Blocks Development of ITS services Smart Cities Concept Business Eco- System Phases in ITS develop ments Partners (Open) Data ECOMM 2015Marcel Meeuwissen5

6 First results Who did I talk to In some cities I got information and talked to people involved in Smart Cities, Open Data and Mobility, in some cities mainly on Data and Mobility. In some cities I spoke to mainly city government people and PT-authorities, in other cities I also spoke to NGO’s, businesses and National institutes/organisations. In some cities I spoke to 3 people, in other cities I got to speak to 10 people.  This means that the level of information I got is not always the same and can’t be compared in a objective way. But still some trends and approaches can be described and lead to certain conclusions. ECOMM 2015Marcel Meeuwissen6

7 Context of Smart Cities ECOMM 2015 Marcel Meeuwissen 7 City policy... Smart City Policy Smart Living Smart Government Smart Economy Smart Mobility Mixed Modal Access Prioritized clean and non motorised options Integrated ICT... Smart People Smart Environment...

8 First results Smart Cities concept One of the aspects I look at is the relation with the Smart Cities concept >For me, Smart Cities is about cooperation and about using ICT for better cooperation and better city solutions. Some cities focus (for now) mainly on cooperation, where other cities focus more on technology. Sometimes there is a citizens initiative/NGO who focuses on cooperation and citizens involvement, where at the same time the city is focussing on technology. In some cities it started with the industry, where in other cities it mainly started as a government issue ECOMM 2015Marcel Meeuwissen8

9 Context of (Open) Data ECOMM 2015 Marcel Meeuwissen 9

10 First results (Open) (Data) Some organisations are more open then others: it seems the more open an organisation/city is: >the more likely the city/organisation is to develop overall information services >the more likely the city/organisation is to cooperate with others and not develop everything itself >the more likely the city/organisation is to use all types of technology; because the perspective of what is all possible and with who leads to a broader playing field. Also it means that you are more likely to accept others to gain from what you are doing, which stimulates others to act as well. Sometimes not all type of data is available. >When it comes to road data it is because: >Cities don’t have a system in place yet to gather data >When it comes to PT data it is because: >PT organisations and/or cities don’t want. >Some are working on it, some just prefer not to do so; most of the time it relates to real time data.  In combination with my perspective on what Smart Cities is about: If you want to be a Smart City, you have to be open, you have to share and you have to cooperate ECOMM 2015Marcel Meeuwissen10

11 Theoretical background: Phases in App development Creating and investing First phase Ordering and adding Second phase Asking and building Third phase ECOMM 2015Marcel Meeuwissen11

12 Theoretical background: Business eco system Service Partner 1 Partner 4 Partner 5 Partner 6 Partner 2 Partner 3 ECOMM 2015Marcel Meeuwissen12

13 First results New (information) services In all of the visited cities I’ve seen the development/existence of information services. Travel information, multi modal, car sharing, bike sharing, etc. The more open a city/organization is and the more willing to cooperate, the more change there is to have an integrated information service or to develop new services (MAAS) This openness is the driver to facilitate new initiatives (equal to Uber, Airbnb, etc) in the field of mobility. The more data is available, the better the possibilities are there for integrated new services. Even if this may lead to less traditional PT as we know it. ECOMM 2015Marcel Meeuwissen13

14 First results Organize new services Different approaches towards who should take care of (new) services. >Sometimes it is more done by the government/PT authority >Sometimes the focus is more on the cooperation between public and private partners as well as on public and private services When all type of data is open it is also more likely that private partners can develop new (information) services.  One of the main remaining issues is ticketing. From an open data, open community, smart city point of view, a way to deal with pricing and ticketing will be a major driver for the real integrated development of new services. Initiatives like MAAS (mobility as a service), which serves the consumer to his needs and his questions, would really benefit from this. ECOMM 2015Marcel Meeuwissen14

15 Challenge how do YOU organize a mobility service based on mobility data >What service >Who are your stake-holders/partners ECOMM 2015Marcel Meeuwissen15

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