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Biblical. What is your World View? – Where did the world come from? – Origin – What went/is wrong with the world? – Problem – What is the solution for.

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Presentation on theme: "Biblical. What is your World View? – Where did the world come from? – Origin – What went/is wrong with the world? – Problem – What is the solution for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biblical

2 What is your World View? – Where did the world come from? – Origin – What went/is wrong with the world? – Problem – What is the solution for the world? - Solution Need a Biblical World View to shape our Parenting Approach. Ps 127 – The Lord is building our homes. Deut 6:6-9; Prov 22:6 – We are building as well. Basic Foundational Truths

3 Biblical How are you building? – Mat 7:24-29 – Emphasis – Parenting according to God’s word and ways. Jesus taught with Authority – vs. 28-29 – Word & Deed – Angus Buckham – Quote – We have authority as parents when our lifestyles back our message, this is key to successful parenting. – Do as I say and Do as I do! Mat 6:33 – Seek 1 st the Kingdom of God. Basic Foundational Truths

4 Biblical Family Career Church Sports/ Hobbies What makes up the kingdom of God? Time Money Relationships Nation Mathew 6:33 Seek 1 st the Kingdom of God.

5 Biblical Family Career Church Sports/ Hobbies Time Money Relationships Nation The Spirit of God reveals the Word of God so we can walk in His ways. Through time in prayer & worship the Spirit’s presence empowers us to make godly decisions and so God’s kingdom comes! How does the kingdom of God come?

6 Biblical Place the King on the throne of your life! Family Career Church Sports/ Hobbies Time Money Relationships Nation Place the Son of God in the centre of your life!

7 Biblical The Spirit of God – John 16:13 The Word of God – Ps 119:105 Time – Praying for and with them... – Worshipping by yourself and with them... – Reading the word for yourself and with them... Application of the above into your lives' as parents and theirs as your children - James 1:5 This is how we are to build our families. Helps for the kingdom of God to come in our kids lives?

8 Biblical Yeast – Pharisees, Herod - Mark 8:15 Mark 6:20&26 – Herod – Don’t be a worldly parent. Mark 12:12 – Pharisees – Don’t be a religious parent. Mark 12:14 – Jesus - Be like Jesus Mat 13:33 – Kingdom Yeast Parent according to the kingdom by accessing the grace of God on you and for you as a parent! Grace to be a Great Parent!

9 Biblical Living in and parenting under the True Grace of God – Titus 2:11-14 Forgiving Grace – for when we mess up as parents. 2 Cor 5:17-21 Isaiah 44:22 Grace to be a Great Parent!

10 Biblical Empowering Grace – to empower and helps us to be the parents we need to be. Rom 12:6a Eph 4:7 1 Pet 4:10 2 Cor 8:1,6-7,9 – giving grace Acts 14:26 – grace to fulfill the work of the Lord Gal 2:9 Eph 3:7-8 Grace to be a Great Parent!

11 Biblical Permissive Parent Parent Types

12 Biblical Overprotective Parent Parent Types

13 Biblical Bribing Parent Parent Types

14 Biblical Threatening/Repeating Parent Parent Types

15 Biblical Silent/Delayed Parent Parent Types

16 Biblical Absent/Substitute Parent Parent Types

17 Biblical Manipulating Parent Parent Types

18 Biblical Unapproachable/Discouraging Parent Parent Types

19 Biblical Child-Centred Parent Parent Types

20 Biblical Biblically Balanced Parents Parent Types 4 Truths of Training and Instruction: Love – Id, Value & Security – Mat 3:17 Discipline – Prov 23:13-14, 22:15, 29:15&17 Training – Prov 22:6 – word & spirit. Example – John 13:15, 1 Cor 11:1, 1 Tim 4:12 Love without Discipline = Spoilt Brat Discipline without Love = Broken Spirit Teaching without Example = Bitter/Resentful Example without Teaching = Insecure/Exasperated

21 Biblical Biblically Balanced Parents Parent Types Are parents who know: when to allow their children freedom. when to pull in the reins. how to train a child to obey without gimmicks. understands the importance of their children learning immediate obedience. don’t play with the child’s dependent emotions by: conditional love or instilling a false sense of guilt inside of them.

22 Biblical Biblically Balanced Parents Parent Types Are parents who know: give direction and warning to the child by teaching it about consequences to choices made. help the child to develop a sensitive spirit. recognise importance of a career but never sacrifice the child’s present needs for their future benefits. that they don’t need to be available every time the child wants attention.

23 Biblical Biblically Balanced Parents Parent Types Are parents who know: that they must not always be so busy with their own worlds that they never have time for their child. that there are times to listen and there are times for talking. to put the Husband-Wife relationship 1 st. that children are a welcome addition to the family unit and not the center of it. that the a strong marriage = a strong family.

24 Biblical

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