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What you’ll take away: 1.Why the need for Energy management solution becomes necessary for corporate. 2.Energy Control & Monitoring. 3.Solution Functional.

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Presentation on theme: "What you’ll take away: 1.Why the need for Energy management solution becomes necessary for corporate. 2.Energy Control & Monitoring. 3.Solution Functional."— Presentation transcript:


2 What you’ll take away: 1.Why the need for Energy management solution becomes necessary for corporate. 2.Energy Control & Monitoring. 3.Solution Functional Overview. 4.Demo. Brand & Industries or Technology: Wonderware Energy Managment WW 20 - CEM 2014 Technical Overview Mohamed Salah, Ragaei Mahmoud Focus of presentation: In this presentation will show why the need for Energy management solution becomes necessary for corporate. Wonderware provides an energy management system (CEM) and we will focus on its solution architecture.

3 Home: Energy Use, Energy Waste… Gas/Fuel Power Water Buy Energy from Utilities. Pay month to month Cost Drivers Weather Season Occupancy Use Rate plan penalties Energy Waste Over heat or cool Lights left on Leave equipment running (oven, pool pump, pool heater) Awareness & Action Once a month Disbelief Hunt for the guilty Strict rules to prevent Hope for the best

4 Energy Management: Home vs. Work… VS.

5 Why the need for Energy management solution becomes necessary for corporate? Current Situation Monthly utility bill, paid by accounting, fixed cost Not full understanding of what is driving utility cost beyond consumption Energy data scattered, multiple tools, incomplete picture Manual reporting – time consuming Objectives: Better understanding of utility bill (electricity) Reduce penalties Better visibility with standardized tools across all utilities Save time reporting to corporate Baseline current energy usage Satisfy a limited audience: engineering & management

6 Corporate Goal : Reduce energy consumption Identify the main drivers for energy consumption Production volume, production type, weather influences, etc Using historical data, define targets for key areas Targets can be at process level or down to specific metering points Provide visibility of actuals and targets to the right people (actionable) Real-time dashboards Daily reports

7 Energy Control & Monitoring : Reporting and visualization Sometimes unexpected…energy use is often hidden Energy consumption trends – when am I using energy? Energy consumption by hierarchy – where am I using energy? Energy comparisons – by process, equipment, time Custom reports

8 Ok… I need HELP…!! Where do I start…?

9 What is CEM? "CEM" refers to sets of actions that move accountability for energy outcomes to upper levels of the firm. With CEM, energy is no longer the sole responsibility of plant managers and engineers; in fact, CEM programs are designed to involve many areas of business activity, such as accounting, marketing, and others that were not traditionally concerned with energy. Bringing corporate-level attention and management into the picture helps to ensure enterprise-wide opportunities are explored.

10 Energy Management is a Straight-Forward Concept Why do manufacturers and industry have energy management initiatives? Financial Benefits Spend less: Reduce Energy-Spend as an indirect cost Use less: Reduce Energy Cost (materials +labor + energy) Avoid unplanned cost: energy-use penalties (demand charges, surcharges) Resource Availability Corporate Responsibility Triple Bottom Line: Profit, People, Planet Demanded by their customers (standards) Demanded by their governments (Regulations)

11 Solution functional overview Visualization and Analysis Reports Meter Configs. Hierarchies Configuration and Management Energy Database Data Storage Direct Meter Acquisition Real Time Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Production and Energy I/Os HMIDashboard Targets Energy & Power Analytics and Business Logic Define Rates

12 Sample visualizations

13 Solution benefits Key areas of the plant are measured for energy consumption. Easy access to data with automated reporting from a central location. Ability to justify and prioritize specific energy conservation measures. Reduce energy costs by avoiding unnecessary demand peaks and higher ratchet levels. Reduce penalties due to proper identification of power factor issues. Drive accountability of departments by a fact-based allocation of costs.

14 CEM Configurator Define the CEM Database and its authenticated user, you can use “Archestra Account User”. Strings: localize all Strings that you have in the solution. Unit of measure: Refer to Main Unit of Measure: Ex : w/h 1 kw/h 1000 mw/h 100000 FuelGallons1 Fuel Liters0.25 Hierarchies: You must define a hierarchy (Back and Forth),i.e. when creating new meter, you should back to hierarchy and assign it. It is going to be separated form the object and to be on web based solution

15 Data Provider & Engine Service Per Engine. Data Provider: Responsible for pushing hierarchy back to InTouch. Engine Service: Responsible for getting data from live meters and pushing it to CEM DB. Interval : To recalculate D/V meters. Offline Meter Data upload (XML): Note: If there is already a value in the same timestamp record in the CEM DB, it will be ignored and not be updated. To update Values, You should use CEM Editing Web Tool.

16 CEM meter Interval offset & Tolerance Limit: These are mainly used for offline data, there is nothing that guarantee that the timestamp in the file is same as timestamp in the DB, so this is the reason to have these parameters. Offline Behavior: Enable “Auto Offline” feature Enable Interpolation The offline records will be set to ZERO, when the meter back online, it will look at different energies and linear interpolate the value. Meter Value [Consumption]: From where your data comes. Ex. Galaxy. Rollover Value: if the meter value reaches that value, it will back to ZERO. Value Deadband: Need to minimize the values stored in the DB. ROC (Rate of Change) : How much we accept the variation of 10 kw/s, we still record the value but generate Alarm.

17 CEM meter Demand [new feature]: Interval Average Demand Ex: If your car has consumed 5 gallons for last 15 mins, it will say that its demand is 20 gallons per hour. Rate Schedule: what is the cost of electricity on Period of time. Special Period: Particular date. Attributes: Special piece of information want to record. Report values: Associate extra reporting values for Any attributes. Virtual meter consumption for an interval is = sum(interval consumption of child meters) Delta meter consumption for an interval is = parent interval consumption - sum(interval consumption of child meters of parent(excluding delta meter))

18 Example for Virtual Meter Virtual Meters represent the sum of children meters energy, as defined in the Physical Hierarchy of CEM.

19 Example for Delta Meter Delta Meters represent the difference in energy between the parent meter and its other children meters (siblings), as defined in the Physical Hierarchy of CEM.

20 Demo

21 Questions?

22 Please rate this session. Scan the code using the GCS Connect App Thank you!


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