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Technology Opportunities : Web publishing at MDC College Training and Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Technology Opportunities : Web publishing at MDC College Training and Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology Opportunities : Web publishing at MDC College Training and Development

2 WebCT Instructor info Course info Schedule Syllabus Course Content PowerPoint (impatica) Links Lesson Material Practice Exercises Textbook resources SharePoint ex Faculty Web Page Calendar Testing Tracking Chat Discussions IM Dropbox Gradebook Calendar Discussions Open Access Password Web Publishing at MDC

3 WebCT Instructor info Course info Schedule Syllabus Course Content PowerPoint (impatica) Links Lesson Material Practice Exercises Textbook resources SharePoint ex Faculty Web Page Calendar Testing Tracking Chat Discussions IM Dropbox Gradebook Calendar Discussions Open Access Password Web Publishing at MDC Samples

4 Sample courses WebCT - See sample course: Login with username:See sample course guestdesigner and password - guestdesigner Then click on Training Course. SharePoint – See sample course: Login with your regular network idSee sample course EME2040 example Faculty Web Page – See training courseSee training course Samples Samples – next page

5 Jennie Olaquibel-Lundahl, North, values her Web page for the ability to ‘publish’ syllabi and policy material. "By establishing how one teaches a course and evaluates student work, a faculty member can demonstrate how competencies are met each term. They are easily changed semester by semester and available for students to peruse even before the course.“ Jennie Olaquibel-Lundahl, North, values her Web page for the ability to ‘publish’ syllabi and policy material. "By establishing how one teaches a course and evaluates student work, a faculty member can demonstrate how competencies are met each term. They are easily changed semester by semester and available for students to peruse even before the course.“ Jennie Olaquibel-Lundahl, Jennie Olaquibel-Lundahl, Ana Corrales, North, thinks that the best thing about her faculty Webpage is that it immediately places the responsibility of retrieving information on the student. "They have to go there to get class material. I no longer have to print 200 copies of handouts. This saves me time (and anxiety because I seem to always make copies at the last minute). And the college saves money!" Ana Corrales, North, thinks that the best thing about her faculty Webpage is that it immediately places the responsibility of retrieving information on the student. "They have to go there to get class material. I no longer have to print 200 copies of handouts. This saves me time (and anxiety because I seem to always make copies at the last minute). And the college saves money!" Ana Corrales Ana Corrales Mercedes Medina, Wolfson, recently completed the Faculty Webpage workshop and is using her Webpage as an information portal for the Legal Assistant Program as well as gateway to her course content on WebCT. Mercedes Medina, Wolfson, recently completed the Faculty Webpage workshop and is using her Webpage as an information portal for the Legal Assistant Program as well as gateway to her course content on WebCT. Mercedes Medina Mercedes Medina

6 Miriam Frances Abety, InterAmerican, uses her faculty webpage to provide resources for her psychology courses as well as for service learning. Helen Roland, Kendall, combined online workshops and live, face-to-face workshops to create this beautiful and functional web site. She not only posts syllabi and office hours, but also uses this site as a showcase for the work of exemplary students. Miriam Frances Abety, InterAmerican, uses her faculty webpage to provide resources for her psychology courses as well as for service learning. Helen Roland, Kendall, combined online workshops and live, face-to-face workshops to create this beautiful and functional web site. She not only posts syllabi and office hours, but also uses this site as a showcase for the work of exemplary students. Miriam Frances Abety, Helen Roland Miriam Frances Abety, Helen Roland Cherie Cannon, North, uses her Web page as an informational and supplemental resource for her students. Informational in that many of the important concepts of the class are there for them to refer to and to use. Supplemental resources include exercises, practice quizzes and links to other course-related material. Cherie Cannon, North, uses her Web page as an informational and supplemental resource for her students. Informational in that many of the important concepts of the class are there for them to refer to and to use. Supplemental resources include exercises, practice quizzes and links to other course-related material. Cherie Cannon Cherie Cannon

7 Training Opportunities


9 Spring Break


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