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How to create and maintain teacher’s personal webpage under Schoolwires Parkmont demo-2.

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Presentation on theme: "How to create and maintain teacher’s personal webpage under Schoolwires Parkmont demo-2."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to create and maintain teacher’s personal webpage under Schoolwires Parkmont demo-2

2 Getting start Open a browser (IE, Firefox, etc), load the Parkmont school website Click on the "Sign In" button on the upper- most-right corner Click on Edit to start edit/modify your welcome page

3 What you type is what you will see on your welcome page. Try use interesting fonts and pictures, click “save” to save the changes

4 Here’s all the current pages you have, and their status (active, inactive) Click here to create a new page Click here for tutorials & helps

5 Here’s all the tutorials and help information

6 When you click on new page, here’s all the new page types you can choose as template

7 Here’s an example of the Homework page. Besides putting the homework policy, you can put the class homework assignments of this week, for example.

8 Create your own special project page. Such as this “Postcard Exchange” project page. Editing and format are free-style.

9 Create a new assignment page here. Each assignment has a Title, Category, date-assigned, Due-date field.

10 Create your own Web Resource pages. You can link the other useful websites to here. Such as “Spelling” & “Math” page

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