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Presentation on theme: "CS 150 PERSONAL PRODUCTIVITY USING TECHNOLOGY Instructor: Xenia Mountrouidou."— Presentation transcript:


2 Course Objectives  At the end of this course, you will be able to:  Create and format Word documents, Excel Spreadsheets and PowerPoint Presentations.  Enhance your productivity using Word mail merge and table features, Excel charts, formulas, functions, datasets and tables.  Present your portfolio using PowerPoint presentations and rich media tools.  Create, edit and improve a professional webpage. affect you. CS150

3 Course Objectives (cont.)  At the end of this class you will be able to:  Collaborate using cloud computing documents.  Solve professional and everyday life problems fast and effectively using Microsoft Office 2010.  Secure your documents, understand safety issues and how these CS150

4 My goals  Demonstrate how fun computer science can be  Give you proficiency in tools that will be useful for a variety of your college classes  Explore the basics of the digital world with you  Teach you coding and modern technologies as a game CS150

5 What are your goals? CS150

6 Why do you need CS 150?  Word skills used for:  Research papers, Essays  Curriculum Vitae  Automate repeatable jobs CS150

7 Why do you need CS 150?  Excel skills for:  Performance reports  Graphs (science and math!!)  Automation of repeatable computations  Simulation?  Games? CS150

8 Why do you need CS 150? CS150

9 Why do you need CS 150?  PowerPoint used for:  Presentation of your portfolio  A webpage?  Games?  Everyday use: photo album, notes, outlines CS150

10 Why do you need CS 150? CS150

11 Why do you need CS 150?  Cloud computing  Virtualization  Alice in Wonderland  Security and cybercrime CS150

12 Lectures  We meet at 10-10:50, every Mon/Wed/Fri, at Merritt Penticoff Science Bld, Room 130  Attendance will have a part in your grade.  This means: active participation!  Check our class webpage frequently:   Read the syllabus and collaboration policies (HW0)  Reading and examples will be posted online on the course webpage. CS150

13 Lectures  MyITlab will be used for:  Practice exercises  Homework  Discussions  You need to buy the code (bookstore, online) to be able to participate in myITlab.  You can also buy the book (bookstore, online)  Online version  Hard copy version CS150

14 Class structure  Some theory  A lot of practice!  Class labs with hands on exercises  Questions/Quizzes in class  Homework  Practice and apply what we have learned  Understand  Exams  Evaluate your learning CS150

15 Grading  Grades will be determined by:  Word Exam: 20%  Excel Exam: 20%  Final Exam: 25%  Homework: 25%  Class Participation: 10% CS150

16 How to get help  Join my office hours!  Join the conversation on myITlab.  Check our class website frequently.  The links section has a lot of info  You may add to this! CS150

17 How to study?  Practice: actively participate in class, prepare for class  Understand: design principles behind what we use  Question: everything CS150

18 How to study?  Practice again: homework, submit on time  Ask for feedback  Study from course webpage links. Find other resources  Apply: in other classes use word, excel, powerpoint. Apply what we have learned CS150

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