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STOP BULLYING NOW! KayeDee Smith and Kassidy Osbourne.

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Presentation on theme: "STOP BULLYING NOW! KayeDee Smith and Kassidy Osbourne."— Presentation transcript:

1 STOP BULLYING NOW! KayeDee Smith and Kassidy Osbourne

2 What is bullying? What is bullying?  A lot of young people have a good idea of what bullying is because they see it every day! because they see it every day!  Bullying happens when someone hurts or scares another person on purpose and the person being bullied has a hard time defending himself or herself.  Usually, bullying happens over and over.

3 What is bullying?  Punching, shoving and other acts that hurt people physically  Spreading bad rumors about people  Keeping certain people out of a "group"  Teasing people in a mean way  Getting certain people to "gang up" on others

4 What is bullying?  Bullying also can happen on-line or electronically.  Cyber bullying is when children or teens bully each other using the Internet, mobile phones or other cyber technology. This can include:  Sending mean text, e-mail, or instant messages;  Posting nasty pictures or messages about others in blogs or on Web sites;  Using someone else's user name to spread rumors or lies about someone.

5 Are you a bully?  Do you think name calling, pushing, shoving, and hitting is funny?  You're wrong.  It’s not!

6 STOP It!  Everyone who bullies should stop!  It hurts people and their feelings.

7 Bullying Answers If you’re being bullied: If you’re being bullied: Tell an adult or tell a teacher. Tell an adult or tell a teacher.

8 Bullying Answers Bullying Answers  Don’t let bullies ruin your life or someone else’s. someone else’s. You can make a difference. Tell an adult if you see someone being bullied!

9 What to do? Are you a person who is being bullied? Here is what you should do:  If a teacher or grown up is near, tell them. is near, tell them.

10 Milton’s Dream x.asp?Area=webisodes&webisode=2Milton ’s Dream Milton ’s DreamMilton ’s Dream

11 Question 1  When Milton was bullied, how did that make you feel?  Sad?  Angry?  Helpless?

12 Question 2  Do you think the music teacher was right? right? Does anyone deserve to be bullied?

13 Questions 3  Do you think Milton likes being bullied?

14 Question 4  Have you been bullied?  Do you remember a time when you were bullied in school or in the neighborhood?  Adults can be bullies too.

15 I Remember ….  I have been bullied.  It hurt when people called me names.

16 People Who Have Been Bullied:  There are a lot of people who have been bullied.  Some never tell anyone  Some stand up for themselves  Most ask adults for help

17 How can you help? First: Stop and listen to the child. Take complaints of bullying seriously. Second: Be responsive. Take the appropriate steps to intervene. To learn more: Visit: First: Stop and listen to the child. Take complaints of bullying seriously. Second: Be responsive. Take the appropriate steps to intervene. To learn more: Visit:

18 Stop!  Try to stop bulling at your school and in your community.

19 STOP!

20 We hoped you learned a lot!  That is why we told you about bullying. bullying.  People need to be informed about hurtful behavior. hurtful behavior.  Thank you for reading.  We were happy to make this for you.

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