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Don’t be a bully, be a friend A program to teach students strategies and skills to handle and defeat bullying situations No Bullying [Photograph]. (2013).

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Presentation on theme: "Don’t be a bully, be a friend A program to teach students strategies and skills to handle and defeat bullying situations No Bullying [Photograph]. (2013)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Don’t be a bully, be a friend A program to teach students strategies and skills to handle and defeat bullying situations No Bullying [Photograph]. (2013).

2 Part # 1: Understanding bullying Outline Outline What is bullying What is bullying Who are the bullies Who are the bullies Who are the victims Who are the victims Types of bullying Types of bullying Consequences of bullying Consequences of bullying

3 What is Bullying? Bullying is done on purpose in order to hurt someone else A person who bullies thinks they have more power over the person they are bullying Kids Fighting [Photograph]. (2013).

4 Types of bullying Verbal bullying : Hurtful name-calling, teasing, gossiping, making threats, etc. Verbal bullying : Hurtful name-calling, teasing, gossiping, making threats, etc. Physical bullying : Hitting, punching, pushing, kicking, etc. Physical bullying : Hitting, punching, pushing, kicking, etc. Verbal Bullying [Photograph]. (2013). Bullying-1 [Photograph]. (2012).

5 Types of bullying Non-Verbal bullying : Non-Verbal bullying : Giving attitudeGiving attitude Ruining belongingsRuining belongings Threatening gestures or actionsThreatening gestures or actions Social, Relational, and Psychological Bullying: Social, Relational, and Psychological Bullying: Put down others Embarrass others Fool others Take advantage of others Isolate Peer pressure Non Verbal [Photograph]. (2012). Victim-1 [Photograph]. (2010).

6 Who are the bullies? Any child, boy or girl can be a bully Kids who bully may be more violent, not get along well with others talk back to adults Boys who bully try to act like “tough guys” Girls who bully may “gossip” Kids Club [Photograph]. (2013).

7 Who Are the victims? Any child, boy or girl, can be a victim of bullying Bullied children may be victimized because they appear to be different from their peers Victims may have few friends or none at all feel alone respond to bullying by crying or running away Kids-in-Classroom [Photograph]. (2013).

8 What happens because of bullying Children who are bullied suffer from Worry Loneliness Staying home from school Low self-esteem Sadness Anger Stomach aches Headaches Low school performance Bullying Hurts [Photograph]. (2013).

9 Part #2: Bullying scenarios Learn the appropriate way to handle a bullying situation Learn the appropriate way to handle a bullying situation Bullying-2 [Photograph]. (2008).Collins, J. ( 2005). Playground bullying.

10 Scenario # 1 Saatchieric. (2010, November 8). McGruff – Anti-Bullying Film [Video file].

11 Scenario # 2 Taylor, J.P. (2011, October 29). Cabear and the Bullies: Anti-Bullying Video [Video file].

12 What should you do if you are bullied/ see bullying Stand up to the bully— Tell the bully “STOP”Stand up to the bully— Tell the bully “STOP” Walk awayWalk away Stay with a friend or group of friendsStay with a friend or group of friends Tell a teacher/principal/adult immediatelyTell a teacher/principal/adult immediately

13 What not to do! DO NOT FIGHT BACK!!!!!!!!DO NOT FIGHT BACK!!!!!!!! Kids-Fighting-1 [Photograph]. (2013).

14 Part # 3: How to Respond/ Be a leader Different types of bystanders Passive bystander Angry bystander Fearful bystander Relieved bystander Accomplice bystander Star bystander Bystander-1 [Photograph]. (2013).

15 Passive bystanders Passive bystanders: Do not want to get involved in the situationDo not want to get involved in the situation Protect themselves firstProtect themselves first It is not helpful to be this kind of bystanderIt is not helpful to be this kind of bystander Bystander-2 [Photograph]. (2009).

16 Angry Bystanders Angry bystanders: Get upset with the their peer(s) who are being bullied for not defending themselvesGet upset with the their peer(s) who are being bullied for not defending themselves They may also get angry with the bullies for bullyingThey may also get angry with the bullies for bullying It is not helpful to be this kind of bystanderIt is not helpful to be this kind of bystander Angry-Child-Boy [Photograph]. (2013).

17 Fearful Bystanders Fearful bystanders: Are afraid they will be the next kid who gets bulliedAre afraid they will be the next kid who gets bullied It is not helpful to be this kind of bystanderIt is not helpful to be this kind of bystander Child-Curious-1 [Photograph]. (2013).

18 Relieved Bystanders Relieved bystanders: Happy that the bully is picking on someone else and not them.Happy that the bully is picking on someone else and not them. It is not helpful to be this kind of bystanderIt is not helpful to be this kind of bystander Relieved-Bystander [Photograph]. (2011).

19 Accomplice Bystanders Accomplice bystanders: Team up with the bully to bully others in order to avoid being bulliedTeam up with the bully to bully others in order to avoid being bullied It is not helpful to be this kind of bystanderIt is not helpful to be this kind of bystander Bystanders [Photograph]. (2013).

20 It is best to be a Star Bystander Star bystanders: Choose to stop bullying byChoose to stop bullying by Challenging the bullyChallenging the bully Telling an adultTelling an adult Getting a group to challenge the bullyGetting a group to challenge the bully Including a target in their activitiesIncluding a target in their activities Not being an audience for the bullyNot being an audience for the bully Befriending a troubled bullyBefriending a troubled bully Talking to a bullied kid privatelyTalking to a bullied kid privately Friends-Group [Photograph]. (2011). Source: Getting Better at Getting Along, pg. 26 Counselor [Photograph]. (2010).

21 Part # 4: Apathy vs. empathy & sympathy What is Apathy Apathy Empathy Empathy Sympathy Sympathy You-Are-Not-Alone [Photograph]. (2013). Hesselberth, J. (2012) Empathy [Photograph].

22 apathy Apathy is Lack of interestLack of interest Uncaring attitudeUncaring attitude Apathy [Photograph]. (2013).

23 empathy Empathy is Understanding another student’s or adult’s feelings as if they were your own feelingsUnderstanding another student’s or adult’s feelings as if they were your own feelings Empathy Cartoon [Photograph]. (2012).

24 sympathy Sympathy is Being sensitive to another student’s or adult’s feelingsBeing sensitive to another student’s or adult’s feelings Sympathy [Photograph]. (2011).

25 Part # 5: friendship, teamwork & cooperation What is FriendshipFriendship TeamworkTeamwork CooperationCooperation Teamwork Benefits [Photograph]. (2012). Children [Photograph]. (2011).

26 friendship A friend is “someone you know, like and trust. Friends can help us do what is right, or they can influence us to do things we know are wrong.”“someone you know, like and trust. Friends can help us do what is right, or they can influence us to do things we know are wrong.” What do you look for in a friend? Kids [Photograph]. (2007). Source: Getting Better at Getting Along, pg. 66

27 cooperation Working together for the same purpose Cooperation [Photograph]. (2010). teamwork Teamwork [Photograph]. (2013).

28 References Angry-Child-Boy [Photograph]. (2013). Retrieved 02 May, 2013, from children/ Apathy [Photograph]. (2013). Retrieved 02 May, 2013, from Underachievers-The-Truth-about-Unmotivated-Kids.php# Bullying-1 [Photograph]. (2012). Retrieved 02 May, 2013, from 2012/02/09/what-is-physical-bullying/ Bullying-2 [Photograph]. (2008). Retrieved 02 May, 2013, from Volume_16_Number_5/Bullying.aspx Bullying Hurts [Photograph]. (2013). Retrieved 02 May, 2013, from illstandbyyou/BULLY.html Bystanders [Photograph]. (2013). Retrieved 02 May, 2013, from Bystander-1 [Photograph]. (2013). Retrieved 02 May, 2013, from

29 References Bystander-2 [Photograph]. (2009). Retrieved 02 May, 2013, from bullyingbystanders-suffer-more-than.html Children [Photograph]. (2011). Retrieved 02 May, 2013, from Child-Curious-1 [Photograph]. (2013). Retrieved 02 May, 2013, from 2013/02/why-are-there-children-who-are-scared.html#axzz2S6SFkWZl Collins, J. (2005). Playground bullying. Retrieved 02 May, 2013, from 141802/2005/10/03/research/bullying-epidemic-american-schools%E2%80%94-it-can-be-prevented Cooperation [Photograph]. (2010). Retrieved 02 May, 2013, from http:// Counselor [Photograph]. (2010). Retrieved 02 May, 2013, from Empathy Cartoon [Photograph]. (2012). Retrieved 02 May, 2013, from developed-helplessness/

30 References Friends-Group [Photograph]. (2011). Retrieved 02 May, 2013, from kids-master-the-art-191462.aspx Hesselberth, J. (2012). Empathy [Photograph]. Retrieved 02 May, 2013, from 2012/12/10/understanding-how-children-develop-empathy/?src=me Kids [Photograph]. (2007). Retrieved 02 May, 2013, from action=read&id=2 Kids Club [Photograph]. (2013). Retrieved 02 May, 2013, from Children/tabid/40/Default.aspx Kids Fighting [Photograph]. (2012). Retrieved 02 May, 2013, from fundraiser-to-boost-anti-bullying-efforts-for-denver-schools/ Kids-Fighting-1 [Photograph]. (2013). Retrieved 02 May, 2013, from bullying/ Kids-in-Classroom [Photograph]. (2013). Retrieved 02 May, 2013, from why-martial-arts-will-help-raise-healthier-happier-child/kids-in-classroom/

31 References No Bullying [Photograph]. (2013). Retrieved 02 May, 2013, from stander-in-these-days-of-bullying/ Non Verbal [Photograph]. (2012). Retrieved 02 May, 2013, from Relieved-Bystander [Photograph]. (2011). Retrieved 02 May, 2013, from Content.aspx?p=160 Saatchieric. (2010, November 8). McGruff – Anti-Bullying Film [Video file]. Retrieved May 2, 2013, from http:/ Sympathy [Photograph]. (2011). Retrieved 02 May, 2013, from 2011/11/%E2%80%9Cbut-how-could-empathy-be-bad%E2%80%9D-the-frequently-counterintuitive-nature-of- reframing/ Taylor, J.P. (2011, October 29). Cabear and the Bullies: Anti-Bullying Video [Video file]. Retrieved May 2, 2013, from http:/ Teamwork [Photograph]. (2013). Retrieved 02 May, 2013, from Of-A-Circle-Of-Diverse-People-Holding-Hands

32 References Teamwork Benefits [Photograph]. (2012). Retrieved 02 May, 2013, from Verbal Bullying [Photograph]. (2013). Retrieved 02 May, 2013,from https:/ www.facebook.comphoto.phpfbid=538417159531798&set=a. 191723870867797.42721.190063684367149&type=1&theater Victim-1 [Photograph]. (2010). Retrieved 02 May, 2013, from victims/ You-Are-Not-Alone [Photograph]. (2013). Retrieved 02 May, 2013, from not-alone/

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