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Rob McMonagle, SolarCity Program Manager, Toronto Atmospheric Fund March 31, 2010 Inspecting Residential Solar Water Heating Systems.

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Presentation on theme: "Rob McMonagle, SolarCity Program Manager, Toronto Atmospheric Fund March 31, 2010 Inspecting Residential Solar Water Heating Systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rob McMonagle, SolarCity Program Manager, Toronto Atmospheric Fund March 31, 2010 Inspecting Residential Solar Water Heating Systems

2 Future Events All webinars run from 1-2:00 p.m. EST Webinar 1 – Developing a Building Permit Process for Solar Water Heating - Wednesday, March 24 Webinar 2 - Structural Requirements for Installing a Residential Solar Water Heater on a Roof - Friday, March 26 Webinar 3 - Inspecting Residential Solar Water Heating Systems - Wednesday, March 31 Webinar 4 - Permitting of Residential Solar Water Heating Systems - Wednesday, April 14 NOTE: All presentation will be posted on a few days after the

3 Solar Permits Overview Developed by the Toronto Atmospheric Fund (TAF) to share knowledge gained through the largest single-city solar hot water project in Canada (Solar Neighbourhoods). TAF is the City of Toronto’s climate agency. TAF supports the development and implementation of leading-edge ideas with the potential for large emission reductions. TAF is working to support greater deployment of renewable energy in Toronto as a way of helping the City reach its emission reduction targets. Solar Permits is made possible by an investment by the Government of Ontario and the Government of Canada.

4 Workshop Agenda 1. Introduction to Solar Water Heating 2. Solar Technologies 3. Toronto’s Interest in Solar 4. Toronto Building’s Requirements for SDHW 6. Inspection Requirements 7. Installation Issues and Best Practices 8. Open Discussion

5 Thank you Thanks to the Ontario Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure and Natural Resources Canada for their support of this project

6 1. An introduction to solar water heating

7 Solar Technologies There are four distinct technologies that collect energy from sunlight –Passive Solar – collects heat and light through natural (passive) processes –Photovoltaic or PV – produces electricity directly as a result of the material’s properties –Solar Air – produces hot air for space heating –Solar Water – produces hot water for pools, industry and residential applications We’re focusing on solar domestic hot water (SDHW)

8 Overview For an overview of solar hot water in Canada and internationally, please see webinar #1.please see webinar #1.

9 2. Solar Domestic Hot Water Technologies

10 Understanding the Technology Types of systems are broken down in two areas: – 1. The system type – classified by the type of freeze protection used: Seasonal – potable water is heated directly – similar to a conventional water heater Drain Back – water is used as the heat transfer fluid Closed Loop – an anti-freeze heat transfer fluid is use –2. The type of solar collector used: Flat plate Evacuated tube Systems types can use either flat plate or evacuated tube collectors

11 Year-round Systems Drain back and closed loop systems Collectors on the roof – tank in the utility room

12 Solar Hot Water System Schematic (Simplified) Photo Credit: NRCan

13 Seasonal Systems Tank is on the roof Potable water is heated directly (and stored in tank) Drained in winter In some climates a seasonal system is used year around – however there is no “automatic” freeze protection Some systems use heat tape to provide limited freeze protection

14 Solar Collectors Two types of collectors –Flat plate –Evacuated tube There is no consensus of what type of collector is better (flat plate or evacuated tube) –Evacuated tube may work better in marginal light conditions but will not self melt snow cover –Flat plate is less flexible in sizing and if broken will need to replace a larger part of the system


16 Solar on the Roof – Roof Conditions Two roof types –Flat roof –Sloped roof Two roof structure types –Rafter –Truss (prevalent in homes built after 1990s) Two system types –Tank on roof (seasonal) –Tank in the utility room (year round)

17 Solar on Sloped Roofs Solar Neighbourhoods in an older downtown neighbourhood –Older buildings tend to have structurally stronger roofs

18 Solar on Flat Roofs Solar Neighbourhoods in an older downtown neighbourhood – About 30% of installations done on flat roofs Higher concern of water leakage Increased wind loading Variety of roof covering


20 Seasonal Systems (tank) on Roof Limited experience with in Solar Neighbourhoods as no sales of this product were made –However the developed product span table for one seasonal system is comparable to span tables for systems with just the collector on the roof –Seasonal systems are about ½ the size of year around systems

21 3. Toronto’s Interest in Solar

22 Toronto’s Solar Initiative Action item from the Climate Change Plan (2007): “develop a pilot residential solar domestic hot water program” Prior to 2007 30-50 SDHW systems (estimated) were installed in Toronto annually (without building permits) –Austria: 10,000 systems annually for equivalent population base (2.5 million) The Toronto Solar Neighbourhoods Initiative was developed to identify challenges and support barrier resolutions Target of 100 system sales in one neighbourhood Report will be available later this spring

23 Reason for Interest in SDHW: Climate Change Targets To stabilize CO 2 concentration under 400 pap: –Global CO 2 emissions peak by 2015 –Reduction of Canada’s energy related CO 2 emissions from today’s 15.8 Gt/a to approx. 2 Gt/a by 2050 Per capita emissions of approx. 1 t CO 2 /capita Canada needs a reduction of “4 in 5” t CO 2 /(Kopf, Jahr)

24 Residential Hot Water’s Role in CO 2 Reductions SDHW Systems can provide 0.4 – 0.7 t CO 2 /year reduction in Toronto (but more in high carbon energy jurisdictions) –Over system life (20 years) = 8 -15 t CO 2 It is the single largest reducer of CO 2 that a homeowner can make –Plus it is highly visible (unlike caulking or weather-stripping)

25 Canadian Financial Support for Solar Hot Water is Growing Support has grown rapidly over the past two years. –In 2008 total was $500 As of March 2010 total is now $2,500 (31% of cost) –Typical support internationally is 50% Average SDHW system cost $8,000 Solar Neighbourhoods incentive (Toronto only – program now over) -$1,000 Federal ecoENERGY rebate-$1,250 Ontario Home Energy Savings rebate -$1,250 Total support for early market transformation $3,500 Costs after discounts and rebates $4,500 Costs after incentives financed at 0% over 10 years $37.50 per month

26 Where is Solar Neighbourhoods? Solar Neighbourhoods was a pilot program of the City of Toronto to overcome barriers to early deployment of residential SDHW systems Ward 30: “Riverdale” –About 15,000 single family homes –1 of 44 wards in Toronto Expanded to 3 other wards in October 2009 Program is now over – preparing report to Council

27 Accomplished – the Highest Density of SDHW Systems Installed in Canada 100 SDHW systems sold –1 in every 150 homes (100/15,000) –Prior to program there were 10 systems in ward (estimated) If we did this in all of Toronto –4,400 systems sales But remember Austria –1 out of every 7 homes –That level would equal 2,200 installations in the ward!

28 4. Toronto Building’s Requirements for SDHW Systems

29 The Cost of Regulatory Compliance in Toronto ItemCostContractor Time Certified Plan development$700 - $2,000 Done by a P.Eng - Only done once Should be done by manufacturer ? Building Permit Application (Note reduced requirements under the GEA are only for PV) $962-3 hrs Roof Structure Report1 hr Backflow Preventor (DCAP type) Prior to OBC change in requirements this cost about $300 $251 hr Thermal Expansion Device$25 (TER valve – use instead of an expansion tank @ $125) Site inspection (with Toronto Building inspector)2 hrs Total$1506-7 hrs

30 Toronto Process to Regulating SDHW Systems Plan Review –Compliance to CSA F379 –Compliance to Ontario Building Code Structural Backflow Prevention Other system components –Site Review (compliance to zoning bylaws) Inspection –Compliance to CSA F383: Installation of Packaged Solar Domestic Hot Water Systems –Compliance verification to the Ontario Building Code

31 Toronto Solution: Installations to Codes and Standards To insure that SDHW installations are installed according to: –The Ontario Building Code –Manufacturer’s Instructions –CSA F383 Toronto Solution: Toronto Building requires that installations by done by CanSIA certified Solar DHW installers or inspected upon completion by a P.eng Toronto Solution: Development of a commissioning document which complies with CSA F383 –Note – F383 does not provide good guidance to regulators and needs improvement However – CanSIA certification is not provincially recognized –Work needs to be started to develop a provincially sanctioned training certificate

32 CanSIA’s Canadian SHW Installer Certification

33 Toronto Solution: Certified Plans for SDHW Systems Toronto Solution - Certified Plans –Stamped engineer drawings and letter stating that the system is in conformance to F379 –Acceptance that this is a “standard product” rather than a one-off site- specific engineered system –Extensive review by Toronto Building of support documentation Normal charges are waived for the review during the Solar Neighbourhoods Initiative – normally this would cost in range of $2,000 –7 systems have been issued certified plans Step 1: Contractor works with a professional engineer –Reviews both mechanical and structural requirements in the OBC –City of Toronto developed guidelines for this review Step 2: Contractor submits documentation to Toronto for review Step 3: Toronto Building issues a Certified Plan which is kept on file Step 4: When contractor submits for a building permit, no plan review is required

34 Toronto Solution to Backflow Protection Changes to Ontario Building Code in January 2010 clarified requirements: –Where potable water is used (seasonal system) no backflow preventer is required –Where a single walled heat exchanger and heat transfer fluid is relatively harmless, then a DCAP backflow preventer is required –All others – an RP backflow preventer and an inspection by a certified backflow preventer inspector As part of the submission to obtain a certified plan contractor must submit: –A letter confirming that the heat transfer fluid is relatively harmless –The heat transfer fluid’s safety data sheet

35 The Toronto Solution to Roof Structure City of Toronto’s Building Department has developed a simple methodology to determine if the roof conditions can withstand the structural loading of the renewable energy project for rafter roofs Truss roofs require a different solution Step 1: Development of product structural drawings –Stamped structural drawings Span Table –Sample load calculation (for review by Toronto Building) –Letter of conformance by P. eng.

36 Structural Drawing (example) SAMPLE

37 Structural Drawing (example) SAMPLE

38 Toronto Solution for Rafters – Solar Roof Report Roof inspection report is done showing the conditions of the roof at site of proposed solar installation

39 Last Step Verify that the solar span table is inside the actual roof conditions

40 Solar Neighbourhoods Experience Through Solar Neighbourhoods TAF has evaluated 65 Roof Reports There are projects that were approaching the max Only 1 project ran into structural challenges (rafter span greater than required by the solar span table) –Project was able to proceed by moving the collectors onto the flat roof –No contractor reported that a sale was lost due to inadequate roof structural conditions – however it appears that some were “pretty close”

41 5. Inspection Requirements and Process

42 Toronto Building’s Process for Permitting SDHW Systems Toronto Building’s Solar Working Group has developed a number of forms and documented procedures to facilitate inspection: –SDHW System Report –Solar Roof Structure Report –Solar Backflow Prevention Report But it’s still a work in progress!

43 Inspection Bulletin Covers 3 main areas: –Installation on the roof –Backflow prevention –Plumbing safety

44 On Site Inspection - Roof ProcedureComments 1.1The system has been installed 1.2The location of the solar collectors is as shown on the roof structure report To ensure that the rafters have been evaluated at location of collectors 1.3The slope of the roof is as indicated on the roof structure report Racks are for flat roof (<16 o ) or sloped 1.7Where structural alterations (as required by the permit) have been made, an inspection will be conducted to determine compliance. If the area of work is not accessible or accessibility is limited by H&S policy a report may be requested. The report may be provided by an Architect, P. Eng or a person having a BCIN. Installing solar collectors is not a structural alteration – only where the roof needs additional support (i.e. blocking) is there a need to evaluate for compliance. 1.8Fastening and securing of the roof top equipment is not included in the Inspection Service Level, as reliance will be placed on the Certified Installer Certified Installers are qualified to install the solar collectors

45 On Site Inspection – Roof Report Verification that roof conditions meet solar span table requirements is part of plan review Inspection verifies that location of solar collectors is as shown on drawing –Best Practices: contractors should be taking pictures of their roof installations Particularly if not visible from ground

46 On Site Inspection – Plumbing Safety Procedure 1.5A thermal expansion device has been installed downstream of the backflow preventer Only required when a back flow preventer is installed 1.6A mixing valve has been installed to limit the hot water to a maximum of 49 degrees C, in accordance with Subsection 7.6.5 of the Ontario Building Code Normally installed after the back up water tank. Note: some tankless water heaters need a set temperature input and hence the mixing valve is installed between the 2 tanks

47 On Site Inspection – Backflow Prevention ProcedureComments 1.4A backflow prevention device has been installed and the direction of flow is correct There are 3 levels of backflow protection – none, DCPA or RP; will be on certified plans 2Confirm the submission of the completed Backflow Prevention Device Test Report and attach it to the permit folder Only if an RP backflow preventer is required

48 #3: Review of the Completed SDHW Inspection Report The inspection report is to verify conformance to F83 There are some additional elements (i.e. regarding structure) added to the inspection report There is no need to verify items – responsibility rests with the Certified Installer

49 Comparing F383 Tests to Toronto Building’s Inspection Report There needs to be some significant changes to F383 section 13: System Tests to make it a valuable tool for commissioning and regulatory inspection TB Inspection ReportF383-08 Section 13 Comments 1. Flow Verification TestSame 2. Pressure Leakage TestSame 3. Freeze Protection TestSame 4. Controller TestSame 5. All plumbing connections to collectors, pumps, heat exchanger and other components have been connected properly Same as 13.1 a 6. All safety equipment such as temperature and pressure relief valves are present and installed in the correct manner SameThere needs to be testing of the safety equipment

50 TB Inspection ReportF383-08 Section 13Comments 7. All pipes are adequately sloped to ensure complete draining of the system Same 8. The correct amount of insulation is installed and is adequately secured and protected against water damage SameNeed to add animal damage and mechanical damage 9. Structural conditions are as shown in roof report and structural attachments are in accordance with structural drawings and F383 13.1.e Roof penetrations are adequately sealed This is the only measure linking to structure and mounting on roof 10. Local of solar collectors and or tank are as shown in the structural roof report See above 11. All wiring meet the Ontario Electric Code and is properly fastened to protect it against mechanical damage Same 12. All instrumentation and test points are installed properlySame 13.1.h relief valves are plumbed to drains or catch basins Not in this as its in the Ontario Building Code 13. System controller is properly located and in the automatic position What purpose does this serve 14. Monitoring equipment is present and operational Missing 15. Manual is complete and on siteMissing 16. Operation instructions are complete and on siteMissing

51 6. Installation Issues and Best Practices

52 Going Beyond Building Permit Inspection Toronto Building inspection is to verify that the SHDW system is installed according to codes and standards (as related to safety) Solar Neighbourhoods looks at a wider range of items related to performance and durability

53 Solar Neighbourhoods Inspection and Commissioning All systems required to be commissioned by contractor Form is similar to Toronto Building’s inspection form (it was used as the model) Each contractor goes through a minimum of 4 system inspection by a Solar Neighbourhoods inspector

54 Solar Neighbourhoods Inspection Report This was modeled after a similar report developed by SolarBC –A solar initiative in BC This is an extensive 5 page inspection The intent is to identify best practices –and where they are not followed provide for corrective action

55 Solar Neighbourhoods Inspection Repot

56 Solar Neighbourhoods Inspection Report – Outline of Deficiencies Solar Neighbourhoods follows up with a Notice of Deficiencies (if required) outlining needed changes to comply with best practices

57 Some Solar Neighbourhood Learning Outcomes on Best Practices While there are some “solar professionals” there are a lot of “beginners” to the industry

58 Utility Room #1 There are a lot of pipes – not always well laid out Poor labeling of pipes – so hard to trace through (for inspection or trouble shooting)

59 Utility Room #2 Tempering valves may be a problem – not working? Valves not labeled Mounting of various balance of system component (i.e. pumps) not well done

60 Learning Outcomes Temperature expansion relief valves can be used instead of an expansion tank – saves $100 on cost of installation Some tankless water heaters do not work well with solar

61 Overflow Connection to Drain Overflow pipe run to drain is an area that needs improvement –Buckets! –Hidden (in wall or under construction materials)

62 Pipe Run Through Wall Area of challenge for contractors –How to ensure pipes are insulated yet connection maintains weather tightness Lack of wall sleeves for this application Some are using unused chimney flues –Issue of pipe support

63 Pipe Run up Wall #1 Insulation covering – generally good –coverage – downspouts or ABS drain pipe Connection to wall – some installations inadequate –attachments <8 ft apart

64 Pipe Run up Wall #2 Proper pipe brackets not often used Problems running pipes over roof overhang

65 Roof Installation #1 Connection of pipes Connection of rack to roof Mounting of racks appears to be well covered by contractors

66 Roof Installation #2 However installation of piping needs better practices –Poor insulation coverage –Poor roof attachment Animals like to eat the insulation

67 7. Open Discussion

68 Thank you Thanks to the Ontario Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure and Natural Resources Canada for their support of this project

69 City of Toronto Contacts Rob McMonagle SolarCity Program Manager Toronto Atmospheric Fund 416-393-6371 Solar Neighbourhoods Information Line 416-393-6370 Toronto Building

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