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Racism and Sexism Race, Ethnicity, Gender Unit Racism Definition: a set of beliefs that uses biological factors to explain and justify inequalities between.

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Presentation on theme: "Racism and Sexism Race, Ethnicity, Gender Unit Racism Definition: a set of beliefs that uses biological factors to explain and justify inequalities between."— Presentation transcript:


2 Racism and Sexism Race, Ethnicity, Gender Unit

3 Racism Definition: a set of beliefs that uses biological factors to explain and justify inequalities between racial and ethnic groups Those who hold these beliefs do not question these beliefs

4 Racism Structured on 3 ideas –People can be classified into racial categories according to physical traits such as skin color, hair texture, and eye shape –A close correspondence exists between physical traits and achievements such as intelligence, income, occupation, and athletic ability –Physical attributes are deemed so significant that they are used to explain and determine behavior and inequalities. There is no other possible explanation for these inequalities

5 Origins of Racism Modern racism comes from European exploration of Africa, Asia, and the Americas Derives from colonialism –European ideals forced upon indigenous population

6 Origins of Racism Colonialism needed a large labor force –Started with native-born populations –Moved onto indentured workers for Asia and Africa –Finally used the slave trade (11.7 million enslaved Africans)

7 Origins of Racism “Scientific” Racism: using faulty science to support systems of racial rankings and theories of social and cultural progress –Placed Whites in most advanced ranks and stage of human evolution

8 Flaws in Racial Arguments “African-Americans are better at sports” –What about hockey, gymnastics, swimming, soccer, cycling, sailing, rowing, archery, volleyball, skiing, and other sports that generate less money? –Sports are seen as a way out environmental situation

9 Flaws in Racial Arguments Sociologists look for what channels people into certain fields Which has a higher visibility of a certain group What access does the group to the requirements Environmental factors

10 Sexism Belief that one sex – and by extension, one gender – is innately superior Justifies inequality between the sexes

11 Sexism Based on 3 notions: 1. People can be placed into two categories – male and female 2. A close correspondence exists between a person’s sex characteristics and characteristics such as emotional state, body language, personality, intelligence, the expression of sexual desire, and athletic capability

12 3. Primary sex characteristics are viewed as so significant that they can explain and determine behavior and the inequalities that exist between the sexes. -Sexism underlies any differential treatment of, or thinking about, males and females that ignores the individual

13 Extreme Hate of Sexes Misogyny: extreme hate for females Misandry: extreme hate for males –Leads to hate of homophobia

14 Homophobia and Hypermasculinity Homophobia has 2 definitions –Irrational fear held by some heterosexuals that a same-sex person will make a sexual advance to them –Fear of being in close contact with someone of the same sex

15 Hypermasculinity Involves exaggerating the traits and behaviors believed characteristic of males –Excessive emphasis on strength to the point that a man’s muscles and reproductive organs are presented as impossibly large

16 Hypermasculinity Belief that people who behave in ways that depart from ideals of masculinity or femininity are considered deviant and in need of fixing –Should be subjected to negative sanctions

17 Feminism Perspective that seeks to understand the position of women in society relative to men and that advocates equal opportunity –Real question is what is considered equal

18 Sociologists view on feminism All groups advocate common themes 7 Themes of feminism 1. The right to bodily integrity and autonomy 2. Access to safe contraceptives 3. The right to choose the terms of pregnancy

19 Themes 4. Access to quality prenatal care, protection from violence inside and outside the home, and freedom from sexual harassment 5. Equal pay at work 6. Workplace rights to maternity and other caregiver leaves 7. Freedom for both men and women to make choices in life that defy gender expectations

20 Prejudice An unfavorable judgment about a category of people that is applied to anyone who belongs to that category –Supported by stereotypes and confirmation bias (selective perception)

21 Stereotypes Generalizations about people who belong category that do not change even in the face of contradictory evidence Confirmation Bias/Selective perception –Only noticing behaviors that support your ideas

22 Stereotypes Any person who does not fall into the stereotype is seen as the exception to the rule Stereotypes vs. personal short comings

23 Stereotypes Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: people start behaving in ways to confirm a false definition of a situation

24 Discrimination Intentional or unintentional Unequal treatment of racial or ethnic groups without considering merit, ability, or past performance

25 Discrimination People can be separated into 4 groups All-weather liberals Fair-weather liberals Timid bigots Active Bigots

26 Discrimination All-weather liberals: accepts the creed of equal opportunity and their conduct conforms to that creed Fair-weather liberals: accept the creed of equal opportunity but discriminate because they simply fail to consider discriminatory consequences or because discriminating gives them some advantage

27 Discrimination Timid Bigots: reject the creed of equal opportunity but refrain from discrimination, primarily because they fear the possibility of sanctions or being labeled a bigot Active Bigots: Reject the notion of equal opportunity and profess a moral right, even a duty, to discriminate.

28 Types of discrimination De facto: discrimination that is practiced but not officially a law De jure: discrimination that is inherent in the law

29 Assumptions They are________________, so I figured they would act___________.

30 Stereotyping They are all like that. “Stereotypes are devices for saving a biased person the trouble of learning.”

31 Prejudice Thoughts and Beliefs I think women/ blacks/ teenagers/ Arabs...

32 Discrimination Discrimination Behaviors and Actions I will not hire women. My daughter will not date interracially. I won’t cheer for Latin ballplayers.

33 Racism and Homophobia A societal policy No blacks will be admitted to this school. All people of Japanese ancestry must be relocated. Homosexuals may not legally marry.

34 Scapegoating Blaming society’s problems on innocent groups. The _____________ are ruining this country.

35 and finally Genocide

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