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Be an Elmvale buddy not a bully. Say NO to bullying!

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Presentation on theme: "Be an Elmvale buddy not a bully. Say NO to bullying!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Be an Elmvale buddy not a bully


3 Say NO to bullying!

4 What is bullying?








12 How to get bullying to stop Report the bullying to a teacher Tell a parent or a family member Be assertive not aggressive Ignore it and walk away © Copyright Family Lives 2014

13 Say no to bullying If someone is trying to make you feel bad so that most of the time you are frightened or sad

14 Just remember to tell When someone is hurting you Day after day And whatever you do They just won't go away

15 Just remember to tell Telling is brave And telling is cool Telling is one of The rules of this school

16 So remember to tell T.E.L.L TELL!

17 Who can you tell?


19 True or false 1. You can spot a bully from the way they look and act? 1. Cyberbullying can only affect someone if they are online and have an account too 1. Bullying is a normal part of childhood and you should just ignore it 1. Bullying only happens in schools 1. Reporting a bully will make things worse 1. It is easy to spot the signs of bullying 1. It is not bullying if someone deletes the comment or post © Copyright Family Lives 2014

20 Bullying Quiz

21 Bullying Task

22 Be Cool Not Cruel!

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