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NOT IN OUR SCHOOL. Keep Your Head Up Video head-stand-bullying.

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Presentation on theme: "NOT IN OUR SCHOOL. Keep Your Head Up Video head-stand-bullying."— Presentation transcript:


2 Keep Your Head Up Video head-stand-bullying

3 Bullying happens when someone who is bigger or stronger or has more friends, hurts or frightens another person on purpose over and over again. 3

4 UPSTANDERS stand up when someone is being bullied in three ways: 1.tell the person to stop bullying 2. get help 3. befriend the kid being bullied 4

5 Sticks and stones will break my bones and words hurt! 5

6 We have your back! 6

7 [Insert photo and information about your community guest.] 7

8 Call to Action How can our students be leaders to stop bullying? How can we create safe school?

9 9 Let’s all say “NOT IN OUR SCHOOL!”

10 10 Insert school pledge”

11 11 Thanks to our guests and thanks for coming!

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