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Introduction to Semiotics of Cultures, 2010 Claude Lévi-Strauss Critics Vesa Matteo Piludu University of Helsinki.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Semiotics of Cultures, 2010 Claude Lévi-Strauss Critics Vesa Matteo Piludu University of Helsinki."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Semiotics of Cultures, 2010 Claude Lévi-Strauss Critics Vesa Matteo Piludu University of Helsinki

2 Problem: from divinization to absolute criticims From glory (Structuralism age) To denigration (Post-structuralism, Post-modern theories): ‘80, ‘90 Today structuralism is not a dominating theory, so it’s possible to discuss more quietly about its heritage, without any necessity to “destroy the oppressive structures” … as they are out of fashion.

3 Positive critics Lévi-Strauss is the most famous and referred anthropologist of the XX century He is know in several academic fields His books are popular and read also by non-specialist (common people)

4 A revolutionary works Even if the structuralism failed to propose itself as a triumphant general theory … The work of Lévi-Strauss was revolutionary in many fields: - Totemism - Parental systems - Symbolic analysis - South American studies - General Cultural theory - Les structures élémentaires de la parenté (1949) was a fundamental text for anthropology - The work of Lévi-Strauss was strongly connected with French cultural background

5 Style Impressive erudition, good critics to previous cultural theories Capacity to dominate different fields Impressive writing style Strong personality and personal thought, evident idealism, even if there are some deviation to megalomania and evident narcissism Atypical anthropologist

6 Positive critics No one consider the native people inferior or more simple The discourse about the native culture passed from nature (functions) to culture and symbolism Today no one consider marriage or parental systems “natural”

7 Positive critics Problems of central importance: Reciprocity, alliance, gift Positive vision of social life: human sociability is unthinkable without alliances and gifts VS: homo hominis lupus, theories of absloute competitions and survival

8 Other logics Genres that were considered irrational (myths, art) are considered now to have their own narrative and symbolic logic

9 Study of variations The study of variation of several versions of the same myths is now extremely popular folklore studies The binaries oppositions (raw and cooked, naked and clothed) are still useful in many fields

10 Comparition The analysis of Lévi-Strauss give space to comparison of both similar and different cultures: give a solution to the impasse of the total cultural relativism The theories of Lévi-Strauss offer a great help to the fight against racist deviations in science

11 Negative critics: Homans and Shneider Marriage, Authority, and Final Causes Polemic vs. the parental system Marriage is based on emotional factors and individual preferences, not only on abstract symbolic systems

12 New boom of anymal symbolism In recent times, the animal symbolism is again a subject of interest, not only in anthropology, but also in cinema and literature studies (cartoons, Zabor’s The Bear Comes Home)

13 Negative Crititics: Needham. Structure and Sentiment Vs. general theory on reciprocity, incest … Relativist

14 Two poles General critics: Only Complex Parental Systems (more free) and Simple ones (prescriptive): nothing in the middle Lévi-Strauss hasn’t analyzed the Complex Systems

15 Marxist and feminist Anthropology Problems of colonialism forgotten by Lévi-Strauss The authority of the ethnologist seems to forgot the native’s own voice The power relation between genders are also weak in L-S research: not all in the gender relation can be reduced to an exchange

16 Geertz: The interpretation of Cultures 1973 The structures are an ”infernal cultural machine” that destroy history and human feelings and substitutes the individual native minds with a Savage Mind present in every human being The cultural meanings can’t be introduced from another culture (the Western one) It’s necessary to analyze how the social actors interpret their own and other actions in their systems of norms and values (the native voice) Doing ethnography, is necessary to take in consideration the values and interpretations of the so-called informants

17 Narratology The narrator of myths has its importance: it can introduce relevant variations in oral culture The listener (native or anthropologist) also is an active interpreter Theory of actors and of cultural translation

18 Margaret Mead It is absurd consider myths as completely independent from the society or the deformed and opposite representation of social facts

19 Intuitive The methods of Lévi-Strauss changed often, and sometimes seems that is using more his own intuition that a clear method

20 Crystallized societies Lévi-Strauss talk about history all the time but often he is anti- historical His models are a bit too crystallized in an ancestral ideals The societies studied by Lévi-Strauss were subjected to enormous cultural changes in the XX century

21 Unconscious culture The idea of an unconscious collective culture, human spirit … governing individuals and their choices (the myths are thinking us) … seems a nightmare more suitable to fantastic literature (Borges) than science The culture seems to be a very oppressive system, as in Barthes’ Mythologies: there is no space for freedom

22 Structures today Today, if someone is using the word structure in science, it consider it only a scientific theory, not an ontological reality governing human minds The systems are “open”, not universal laws

23 Interesting applications Cinema studies has used the binaries oppositions to criticize Hollywood films Eero Tarasti has used Lévi-Strauss to analyze classical music (Myths and Music)

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