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By: Sergey, Alexis, TJ and Konnor. STATISTICS A staggering 9% of students aged 12-18 have experienced Cyber Bullying. Of this 9%, 71.9% said that they.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Sergey, Alexis, TJ and Konnor. STATISTICS A staggering 9% of students aged 12-18 have experienced Cyber Bullying. Of this 9%, 71.9% said that they."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Sergey, Alexis, TJ and Konnor


3 STATISTICS A staggering 9% of students aged 12-18 have experienced Cyber Bullying. Of this 9%, 71.9% said that they were bullied once or twice in the whole school year. That means that they were bullied at least every four and a half months. Of those people 3.1% of them were Cyber Bullied everyday. 19.6% of students reported to be Cyber bullied once or twice a month. 5.3% reported to be Cyber bullied once or twice a week. 3.1% reported being Cyber bullied almost everyday.

4 Usernames & passwords

5 Tips to help handle Cyber Bullying 1)Stand up to them: This doesn’t mean to bully them back, just don’t put up with what is happening. Tell them that you will tell on them and will get them in serious trouble if they keep Bullying you (this goes for Bullying and Cyber Bullying). 2)Comfort them: Ask them why they are picking on you and try to comfort them in their own times of need instead of Bullying them for being in a tough situation. 3)Get a trusted adult: They will be able to help you to find a solution and stop the Bullying.

6 So please if you see Cyber Bullying stop it! Contact stop at web link

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