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Early Adult Cognitive Domain. Cognitive Development n Life long process.

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Presentation on theme: "Early Adult Cognitive Domain. Cognitive Development n Life long process."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early Adult Cognitive Domain

2 Cognitive Development n Life long process

3 Post Formal Thought n Less abstract n Relativism: less absolute n Accepts contradictions n Integration - synthesizes conflicting views n Toleration for ambiguity

4 Other characteristics n Adaptive to real life –relates abstract to actual n Problem finding –forms new questions –catalyst for inquiry n Dialectical thought –every idea has within itself its opposite –nondialectical - either / or

5 Factors Prompting Changes in Thinking n College n Life events

6 Schaie’s Stages of Thinking Late AdultMiddle AdultChild/Teen AcquisitiveAchieving Executive Responsible Reintegrative Early Adult

7 Schaie’s Views on Stages (1) n Acquisition –gathering information/knowledge n Achieving –goal directed, focused, specialized –What should I know? n Responsible –goals tempered by family and personal issues

8 Schaie’s views on Stages (2) n Executive –complex concerns for larger systems –social consciousness –How should I use what I know? n Reintegrative –making sense of life as a whole –purpose –Why should I know?

9 Perry - Adaptive Cognition n Based on research on college students n Dualistic thinking (younger students) –sort information into “right” and “wrong” n Relativistic thinking –truth relative to context n Developmental trend - one becomes less constrained by a search for the right answer and more accepting of the reality of multiple truths

10 Labouvie-Vief’s View n Adolescents focus on myriad possibilities n Adults more grounded in practical n Focus changes to solving real world problems

11 Expertise and Creativity n Expertise - specialization; in depth n Impact - efficient problem solving –apply underlying principles –some facets of problem solving automatic –effective analysis and planning n Essential component of creativity –movement toward problem finding –not all experts are creative

12 Controversy: Cross-Sectional Research n Cross-sectional studies of mental abilities –peak at about 35 –sharp decline n Influence of the cohort effects –educational differences –health status n Bottom line: Sharp decline is an illusion Back to Unit 4

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