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No Tolerance for Bullying Unit Anti-Bullying. Shinedown “Bully”

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Presentation on theme: "No Tolerance for Bullying Unit Anti-Bullying. Shinedown “Bully”"— Presentation transcript:

1 No Tolerance for Bullying Unit Anti-Bullying

2 Shinedown “Bully”

3 Shinedown questions Answer the questions on the back of the lyrics page Go over the answers

4 Zero Tolerance for Bullying Part One in NB 5-7 sentences for each question Be honest and open in your responses Part Two (homework) answer on the worksheet itself

5 It’s the Law Review cyberbullying laws Case study (as class) Scenarios (w/ partners)

6 5FDP “Coming Down”

7 Physical bullying Hitting, kicking, punching, scratching, spitting or any other form of physical attack. Damage to or taking someone else’s belongings may constitute as physical bullying

8 Verbal bullying Name calling, insulting, making racist, sexist, or homophobic jokes, remarks or teasing Usually suggestive, abusive, or offensive remarks

9 Indirect bullying Spreading nasty stories about someone, exclusion from social groups

10 Cyber bullying Any kind of bullying that is carried out through an electronic medium

11 Practice Work in groups You will create an example of your “type” of bullying You must find a solution or way to deal with the issue in a healthy and appropriate way (or you will be breaking the contract…)


13 Steps…

14 Tips to avoid cyber bullying

15 Tips… Will they stop? Google alert Parent access to accounts Privacy settings Delete accounts Mymobilewatchdogs Save/screenshot and gather evidence

16 Message from Mrs. J Not your fault Not about you You are FABULOUS and smart, and pretty, and strong, and handsome…you ARE…seriously They will probably not stop- will get their comeuppance Let them carry their own baggage…don’t let them weigh YOU down Just wait until HS and College….this doesn’t exist past HS- and for most of you- not after middle school

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